Chapter 184 - Bai Ta Hill

 However, at this moment, Old Wang's loud voice came from the van!

 "Who is it! Show yourself!"

 "Bang bang!" Two gunshots were fired.

 "Ah! Help! ....." Old Wang's call for help came, but in the next moment, the call for help completely disappeared.

 Xiao Li was startled and quickly moved his position. He dropped his phone on the ground and pulled out his gun while hiding close to the police car.

 When the team quickly came over, Old Wang had already become a corpse.

 All traces of the attacker had completely disappeared.

 These were the only things Wei Xiao Bei found out from his classmate's mouth.

 After all, he was only a traffic police and not the chief of the criminal police. Knowing this was already good enough. Naturally, some parts of the plot came from his imagination.

 However, 80% of the information should be correct.