Chapter 340 - Big Monster Tree

As he saw his master appear, Huang Kun couldn't help but rejoice, "Master, avenge us!"

As Wei Xiao Bei didn't see many injuries on the two of them, he was relieved and asked what happened.

Apparently, after Wei Xiao Bei left, both Zhu Xin Yi and Huang Kun stayed near the forest of Monster Trees. They used Dang Kangs to lure out the Monster Trees and kill them.

As these Monster Trees did not possess intelligence, they were easily baited. Both Zhu Xin Yi and Huang Kun killed them happily. They felt as though they were in heaven.

After killing for a while, Zhu Xin Yi's spirit gradually recovered a little. As such, while she was killing them, she also began charming several Monster Trees.

However, these charmed Monster Trees caused more trouble than they were worth.