Chapter 306 - Villains Must Die!

Albert would not make this mistake. When the flintlock was pointing at Wei Xiao Bei chest, he pulled the trigger without hesitation!

Bang! A loud sound echoed. But what was surprising was that the flintlock exploded. The bakclash of the explosion spread to the surrounding together with the heat and the fragments of the gun. Albert screamed painfully as he covered his eyes and squatted.

The gun barrel was pointing at Wei Xiao Bei's chest. If the bullet could pierce Wei Xiao Bei's body, the high air pressure in the gun chamber would have been able to quickly disperse. However, Wei Xiao Bei contracted his muscle as the gun was fired, so the muscles turned into a condensed wall that blocked the bullet. The gun barrel that was blocked, exploded because the air pressure in the gun barrel could not be released.

As a result, Albert's eyes were injured because he was too close to the gun.

As for Wei Xiao Bei, only the clothes on his chest were torn by the blast.