Chapter 93 - Terror of the Mist Draconic Horse

 While enduring the burning feeling, Wei Xiao Bei licked up the remaining blood, but some of it was still soaked up by the soil.

 Seeing that the blood had been licked as clean as it could, Wei Xiao Bei swallowed all of it down.


 This sound was not something that came from afar, but it was Wei Xiao Bei's stomach after swallowing the blood. He felt as if his body had turned into an erupting volcano, as if his mind blew up.

 However, the bad feeling did not last long. After a few seconds, he finally came back to his sense.

 Seeing his muscle slightly swell, he was skeptical.

 The effects of the blood ended?

 He shook his head and did not waste time thinking about it. He directly looked at his status panel.

 None of his attributes had increased. The only attribute that increased was his sturdiness, which increased from 12.47 to 13.07.

 It increased by 0.6 points!

 What a strong effect!