Chapter 50 - This is the Dark Knight?

 However, Zhang Zhi Long simply ignored Wei Xiao Bei's complexion, and praised him.

 "Can I go on stage again?"

 Wei Xiao Bei was unwilling to just return with 1,400 yuan, so he asked the man.

 "You can, let me quickly arrange it for you."

 Towards Wei Xiao Bei's request, the man became extremely happy. For every match that Wei Xiao Bei would fight in, he would gain quite the profit.

 Soon, Wei Xiao Bei once again got up on stage.

 This time, his opponent was called the Dark Knight. Wei Xiao Bei immediately became annoyed when he saw him.

 Isn't your skin only a bit darker? Why did you have to choose such a flashy name?

 Compared to the previous Homicidal Demon King, this Dark Knight was a lot shorter and thinner. However, his martial skills were a lot better than the Homicidal Demon King, to the point that he was able to exchange a few moves with Wei Xiao Bei.