Chapter 220 - Massacre!

 If the great spear in Wei Xiao Bei's hand was made of metal, he could have relied on his [Release Electricity] to fry the Lickers' brains.

 However, the great spear was made of leg hair and did not conduct electricity.

 During this crisis, Wei Xiao Bei was still thinking about placing a layer of metal on his great spear's handle.

 If he did so, the limits of his [Release Electricity] skill would decrease.

 Wei Xiao Bei currently had 1750 evolution points.

 While the Lickers were not attacking, he pondered.

 It would be bad if he placed his evolution points in any of his attributes.

 Side effects would happen once he did so. These side effects would be enough to send him to the Lickers' chopping board.

 After checking out all his skills, Wei Xiao Bei decided to focus on his [Concealed Weapon] skill!

 His evolution points quickly decreased as the color on his [Concealed Weapon] skill darkened.