Chapter 213 -Unfair Xuan Hua Broad Axes

 What made Wei Xiao Bei baffled was that the Wooden Training Dummies did not chase after him from beginning to end.

 When Wei Xiao Bei's gaze landed on the door to the inner practice grounds, he finally came to an understanding.

 A pair of broad axes with flowers engraved on them, around one meter long, had appeared upright in front of the door leaning on each other.

 Just like other Monster Tools, the pair of broad axes had two short legs growing from their handle and two long arms growing from under the axe.

 Seeing Wei Xiao Bei's gaze move towards its direction, the two axes striked at each other and let out a voice, "Ding, what kind of monster are you? You dare invade this place!"

 In truth, the axes appeared very strange, and the voice that Wei Xiao Bei heard gave him the impression of a strong man with sideburns.