Chapter 154 - Unexpected Madness

 However, the Green Dwarfs were much more anxious than Zhu Xin Yi. Seeing Zhu Xin Yi crouch down, they immediately stopped moving their legs. Some of them even directly knocked against the comrade in front of them, sending them rolling forward.

 Seeing this scene, Zhu Xin Yi was slightly dumbstruck, but after observing that a few of them rolled forward, she gritted her teeth and stood up. She ran a few steps forward and chopped down.

 Seeing the human woman swing the machete downward, the Green Dwarfs that were dizzy from rolling became terrified. Some of them immediately jumped up and retreated while others were not able to move at all. Some of them continued to roll forward trying to escape from the woman's side.

 In short, when creatures like these Green Dwarfs became anxious, their thoughts were in chaos. Even Wei Xiao Bei may not necessarily be able to guess what their next action would be.