Chapter 99 - Treasure

 Wei Xiao Bei couldn't help becoming tongue-tied speechless. This was an oxyacetylene flame with a temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius. He was slightly worried that the leg hair might just ignite and burn to nothing.

 However, the next thing that occurred had made him notice how magical the leg hair truly was.

 The pure white 3000 degree Celsius oxyacetylene flame licked the leg hair.

 However, the leg hair did not burn up at all. It only reddened quickly as if it was a metal rod placed on a stove. The only thing was that if it was a real metal rod it would have already softened at this point.

 "Yao Wu, come to the cutting table," Cheng Bi Wu instructed.

 Then Cheng Bi Wu used the oxyacetylene flame to heat up the leg hair, while Yao Wu operated the cutting machine and pressed down on the grinding wheel.

 The result of this had been a lot better than solely just using the cutting machine.