Chapter 498 - The Troublesome Pan An's Beauty

 The sinister aura was quickly fading from the laboratory building. The name of the building had changed from Brush Spirit Laboratory Building to Abandoned Laboratory Building. Its quality had also fallen from Rare to Ordinary.

 Thus, it could be seen that the Brush Spirit who had cast his clone into the real world had made a massive loss. It had not only lost many of its clones but the outpost it had so painstakingly obtained as well.

 Of course, now that the threat here was neutralized, Wei Xiao Bei had no intention of staying any longer. He looked at the mummified corpse and sighed in his heart.

 If possible, Wei Xiao Bei didn't want to kill the student. However, things didn't always go his way and he ended up having to kill the student himself.

 As the sinister aura faded, the effect hiding the skeletons vanished as well. Wei Xiao Bei waved his right hand and the corpses were all put in his storage bracelet.