Chapter 290 - Greater Heights

 Whether it was on his own side or the Carthaginian army on the opposite side, it was an army that was formed by human wisdom to have the most efficient means of killing!

 Becuase of the fortunate battles that he fought within the city of Barcelona, Wei Xiao Bei's evolution points had now reached 5380 points.

 In fact, Wei Xiao Bei was a little surprised. He didn't pay much attention to the growth of evolution points before, but after thinking about it, the number of evolution points did not seem wrong.

 Of course, Wei Xiao Bei had not seen an error on the status panel ever since he had obtained it.

 5380 evolution points. This number was quite a lot.

 Any sub-attribute that was increased to 40 points might have a tremendous change, causing the body to become stiff for a certain period of time.