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Chapter: I want to apply!!

December 25, 2023 Real world Japan-

After Mei,Silvia,Hakua,Nurse Aki and the other maids was kicked out from the room.

Mei stood there in daze, she couldn't forget her onii-chan perfect body.

"Hays.. to think mister Shen have a body like that, i have seen many patients in my life, but its my first time seeing a monster, and with his handsome face, its perfect.." Aki said while biting her lips.


"Ehem!!" Silvia blushed a little, remembering it. She glared at Aki signaling her to shut up.

"That Nurse..? said she will clean onii-chan body? that means she will....!" Mei imagination become wild, She wanted to rush inside the room, to stop the nurse but, Hakua and the other maids pinned her to the ground.

"Young miss stop struggiling!!" Hakua

"You!! What are you doing!?! I want to save onii-chan from those evil hands!!" Mei little body struggle from the ground.

"Hahaha little girl that nurse a while ago, is just cleaning your onii-chan body, so no need to worry that your brother body will be taken advantage of" Aki

" Then I want to clean onii-chan body too!! " Mei shouted

"Hehe little girl your not a Nurse, so you can't do that~ Only Nurse can clean the patients body" Aki said playfully

When Mei heard that, she stopped struggling, and her eyes shine, Hakua and the other Maids who see this facepalmed, because they know this little imp is up to no good again.

"Is this hospital still accepting Nurse's?" Mei said slowly.

"yes..?" Aki said with a confused expression on her face.

"I want to apply!!" Mei shouted. 'If i become nurse here, my onii-chan body... i can touch it everyday until it become mine, Hihihi Mei your really a genius' she thought.

"Enough with this nonsense !!!! " Siliva shouted at them in angry tone, She already become irritated a while ago but she just keep it inside her. Now her emotion exploded.

The hallway suddenly become silent, they all looked at Silivia feeling afraid. Silvia noticed it she become embarresed.


"Where are my manners? lets just be quiet and wait, for the nurse to finish her job, so we can visit young master" Silvia said in gentle manner, while smiling at them calmly.

The others see her smile, they become meek nodding their head.

They waited for half hour, until The blushing nurse, came out from the door with refreshed face.

"um.. mister Shen is cleaned now, you guys can go inside" After saying that, the blushing nurse leaved there hurriedly.

"Thank you.." Silvia said to the nurse before going inside the room with her group silently.


This morning, Nanami infomed Shen Tian that 75th floor boss room have been discovered, she even explained that many players died inside trying to kill the boss. Shen Tian who is listening to the side isn't surprised by that, because he know in the original SAO 75th floor boss is strong. So he thought his weapon need some upgrade first.

Shen Tian goes to the plaza, after upgrading his weapon. Then right now he was being glared at by Nanami,Yuna and Asuna because of Klein bullsh*t mouth. He can only curse his life for having a friend like this.

"Miss Ruri plss open the portal" Heathcliff said.

Nanami nodded and she took out a big teleport Crystal from her inventory, lifting it above her head.

"Corridor Open!!! " Nanami shouted

The space infront Nanami rippled like a water, signaling that the Gate portal is opened.

"Lets go!! " Nanami said, while going inside with the Guild leaders. Shen Tian followed them inside with his friends. The other players in the plaza goes inside as well.


They appeared infront of the 75th floor boss room door. The other players checked their equipments, if something is amiss.

"This feeling..." Shen Tian whispered he felt his Demon instinc is warning him. He didn't know about what thought.

"Whats the matter Big brother Turtle?" Yuna

"No.. Nothing " Shen Tian said absentmindedly.

"Turtle are you really ok? " Asuna asked worriedly

Shen Tian took a deep breath.

"Im alright do not worry" Shen Tian

"Are you ready???" Nanami said while standing near the Big door. The players who heard her, they all turned their eyes on her.

"I know this will be a hard fight, but i know we can win this! for our day of Liberation!" Heathcliff said standing beside's Nanami.

"Oh!!!!" Everyone

Nanami and Heathcliff pushed the Big door Open. The players Unsheated their weapons, waiting for the signal to rush inside

"Be careful guys.." Shen Tian said while unsheathing his claymore behind his back.

Kirito,Klein,Yuna,Asuna and Agil nodded their head

"Attack !!!" Nanami shouted then rushing inside the boss room

"Hah!!!" all of the players followed her inside.

When all the players are inside the door closed. They observe the surrounding to find the boss but its a little dark.

"Above!! Us!!" Shen Tian shouted to warn everyone.

They all looked up and see the boss attached on the ceiling. They widen their eyes in fear.

"The skull..." Klein

"Reaper.." Kirito

The Skull Reaper was a very large boss that resembled a skeletal centipede, with an elongated skull for a head and red shining eyes. The majority of the creature's bones, including its arms, legs, and rib cage functioned like scythes.

"Krrrrhh!!!" The boss started to fall from the ceiling

"Everyone don't stay together!!, stay away from it !!" Heathcliff shouted

"This way!!, Run!!" Kirito shouted at the two players where the Boss will fall, but they can't move there because of their fear.

"Taste my claymore first!!" Shen Tian leaped through the air, above 30 meters before smashing his claymore on The boss head

*Ding!!!* "Krrrh!!!" The boss blocked his claymore with its two scythe arms, but because of the impact it was pushed to the side falling on the floor with its back.

"Unbelievable...." Random player.

"Kirito can you jump like that...?" Klein asked absentmindedly.

"No.." Kirito

"Krrrh!!" The boss rolled to the ground to stand, while Slashing its scythe arms on Shen Tian.

"Ill dealt with the front scythe, everyone attack on both sides!!!" Shen Tian shouted while blocking the boss attacks

"Everyone!! don't be afraid Madgod is fighting with us!!!" Nanami shouted rushing to the side of the boss started hacking it with her sword

"yasashii... kotoba... o anata... ga kureta... ... "Yuna started her song buffs.

"Oh!!!" The players moral hightened feeling the buffs their eyes are brimming with fighting spirit now they rushed to the boss side started attacking it.

"Krrrh!!!" The Boss swing its bone tail killing one player. Then it slashed its scythe towards Shen Tian in both side.

Shen Tian jumped through the air dodging the scythe, he rised his glowing Calymore above his head.

"Meteor showering stream!!" He slashed his claymore 5 times on the Boss forhead, making a Star mark on it.

"Krrrh!!!" The boss rised its head because of pain. Then it swing its tail again, but when its tail is about to hit a player, it was blocked by Heathcliff and Kirito this time.

"Hah!!!" Asuna and Nanami attacked together on the boss side using their sword skill beside them Sachi is using her spear to stab it on the boss.

"Hah!" Agil attacked it below its body with his AXE

Shen Tian landed on the ground while blocking the two scythe of the boss.