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Chapter: As of 14:55 March 15

After a while.

"Krrrh!!!" The boss attacks is getting faster and faster, but it only have one Hp bar now and its on red zone.

Shen Tian dodged the scythe that stabbed on the ground, He jumped on the scythe, running on it towards The boss head with his glowing claymore.

"Earthquake strike!!! " He slashed it on the boss Eyes.

"Krrrrh!!!" The boss howled in pain, and its body dropped to the ground.

"Everyone Attack!!! " Heathcliff shouted.

"Hah !!!" Everyone rushed towards the boss using their sword skills.

*Ding* *Swish* *Ding* *Swish*

Differents lights from swords skill flashed everywhere. until the boss Hp become emty.

"Krrrrh!!!" The boss raised its body before exploding in bluish particles.


Except for Heathcliff everyone are sitted on the ground exausted, even Shen Tian crossed his legs while sitting on the ground.

"How many did we lose?" Klein asked

Kirito opened his game window

"3 died...." Kirito


"Are you ok?"Shen Tian asked Asuna who is sitting beside him.

Asuna smiled nodding her head.

Shen Tian observed the surrounding, but a scene that he didn't expect happened there.


He widen his eyes, and he wanted to stop it but its already too late.

Kirito suddenly attacked Heathcliff on the back with sword skill, Heathcliff couldn't react and was about to be stabbed on the back, but it was stopped by a violet barrier.

"Kirito what are you doing!?!" Klein shouted

[Immortal Object]

The other players looked at Heathcliff, with a confused expression on their face.

"Immortal Object..."

"You... Heathcliff.." Nanami

"Whats the meaning of this Captain!?!" Asuna

Then Kirito started explaining how did he found out why Heathcliff Hp never fall in Yellow zone.


"Isn't it right Kayaba Akihiko?" Kirito said while looking at Heathcliff.

The other players took a deep breath, while Shen Tian is still sitting on the ground panicking.

"Would you be so kind to tell me, how did you figured it out?" Heathcliff asked.

"At first its about our Duel, when my last attack was about to hit you. You suddenly moved so fast" Kirito

"If where talking about the speed, then why aren't you suspecting Madgod here?" Heathcliff said while pointing at Shen Tian, who is in deep thought on the ground.

The players attention goes to Shen Tian thinking about his performance they thought ' yes is this guy really a player?!'

"I suspect it at first as well, that Turtle is the GM, but there's many loop hole there, first he have a sibling here, and second when i was traveling with him i have seen his Hp drop to red zone before, unlike you" Kirito.

"Oh" Heathcliff smiled then stepping forward.

"Not bad, thats right Im Kayaba Akihiko" Heathcliff.

The players was shocked.

"And if i may add.. im the last boss in the 100th floor" Heathcliff

Now the players gazed at Heathcliff with their widened eyes. There's someone wants to attack Heathcliff, but he started paralysing every player here, except for Kirito. Even Shen Tian was paralysed on the ground, while sitting there cross legged.

"This is shame.. looks like i need to leave here, and wait for you guys to reach 100th floor, but first... i need to reward you Kirito for deducting my identity" Heathcliff.

"I shall give you a chance" Heathcliff.

"Chance?" Kirito

"The chance to fight me one-on-one right now, if you beat me, then the game is cleared, and all players will be able to logout in this world. " Heathcliff said

Kirito widen his eyes, even the other players who heard it.

"Kirito don't!!" Klein

"Yeh! Lets pull back here first" Agil

Heathcliff didn't look at Kirito, but glanced at Shen Tian who is paralysed on the ground, as if Heathcliff is waiting for something.

Shen Tian is hesitating if he should say something, if the game is cleared now then he will never be able to leave this game, because of his Quest penalty, but if he didn't step up, then his friend Kirito might be killed by Heathcliff in a fight...

After thinking for a while he made up his mind.

"Heathcliff!!! Ill be the one who will fight you!!!" Shen Tian shouted making the players look at him.

"Shen..." Nanami

Heathcliff smirked when he heard Shen Tian, as if he was expecting this to happened.

Kirito couldn't react.

"And why will i fight you?" Heathcliff asked.

"You think i don't know!?! i know that the one that you wanted to fight is me!!" Shen Tian said while looking at Heathcliff.

"Hoh.. how did you, come to that conclusion?" Heathcliff said in surprised expression.

"You have been glancing at me from time to time when you speak to Kirito so i just guess" Shen Tian

Heathcliff smile widened this time, then he suddenly laughed.


After a while, Heathcliff recovered his calm appearance, once again kirito and the other players looked at Heathcliff.

"Thats right, the one that i wanted to fight is you Madgod!! I wanted to kill your friend kirito first, so you will come at me with anger in your heart, like a hero that wanted to fight a demon king." Heathcliff said while lifting the paralysis effect on Shen Tian.

"your insane...." Nanami said while looking at Heathcliff with terrified expression. even other players was terrified.

Kirito widen his eyes and step back while looking at Heathcliff He wanted to back away more, but someone patted his shoulder.

"Kirito sorry for taking your prey haha" Shen Tian said, while patting Kirito shoulder.

Kirito calmed down when he see Shen Tian is the one patting him.

"are you really gonna fight Kayaba akihiko?" Kirito asked him in low tone.

"yep" Shen Tian said with a smile.

Kirito stared at Shen Tian for a while.

"thanks you" Kirito said 'if Turtle didn't step up for me i should be dead now, Ill remember this. in my heart' He thought

Heathcliff look around the bodies that is laying on the ground.

"Lets not Fight here" Heathcliff said then he and Shen Tian disappeared from blue lights.

The players in the 75th floor boss room, can move after the two of them disappeared there.

"Shen..." Nanami said while looking at where Shen Tian disappeared.

"Big brother Turtle...." Yuna

"Turtle... win.. plss win and come back here..." Asuna


Shen Tian and Heathcliff appeared in a huge room, there's a throne in the middle of it the walls and the ceiling are colored in red.

[Quest Complete: Reach 100 floor

Time limit: 1 years

Complete Reward:Random Bloodline×1 Lottery ticket ×3]

Shen Tian widen his eyes 'im in 100th floor now!!?? fvck to think my plot armor *cough* i mean my lucky stats is this high' He thought happily.

Heathcliff see his surprised expression, he thought Shen Tian is amazed by this 100th floor design. He smiled looking at Shen Tian.

"Madgod i have really been intrested in you, and i have been observing you from the start, when you Solo killed the 1st Floor boss, that feat should be impossible but you did it!" Heathcliff.

Shen Tian stared at Heathcliff

"Heathcliff you think you can beat me?" Shen Tian

"Not in this state but.." Heathcliff body suddenly released a red aura covering him. The wind scattered through the surrounding.

"Im 100th floor boss you know?" Heathcliff said then His Hp bar become longer.

Shen Tian felt the pressure coming from Heathcliff body, he used his Demon instinc skill to counter it.

"Hmp!! Enough with the chit-chat lets fight!!" Shen Tian said unsheathing his claymore and raising it above his head.

Heathcliff smiled unsheathing his sword and readying his shield.

They stared at each other for a while with a serious expression on their face.

"Hah!!" Shen Tian used his Phantom steps rushing to Heathcliff front chopping his claymore.

Heathcliff was surprised by his speed but he blocked Shen Tian claymore using his shield.

*BOOM!!!* dust scattered through the air.

"Your really strong..."Heathcliff stepped back 2 steps from the force.

"Hehe you too" Shen Tian pushed Heathcliff shield open, then his claymore glowed with a blue light.

"Earthquake strike!!!" Shen Tian slashed his claymore on Heathcliff body, but His claymore was blocked by the shield again


"Hah!!!" Heathcliff slashed his sword towards Shen Tian Body while blocking his claymore. His sword connected on Shen Tian body, but to Heathcliff surprised his sword just passed through Shen Tian as if he was not there.

Then Shen Tian disappeared there like a smoke, because its just after image created by his phantom steps, he appeared on Heathcliff back.

"Meteor Showering Stream!!!" Shen Tian slashed five times on Heathcliff back creating a star mark on it.

Heathcliff was blown to the ground. He stand up there his Hp is already in yellow zone.

"How can you be so fast!? That speed already surpassed the limit!!! of this game!!!" Heathcliff shouted.

"I dunno as well... but lets end this now" Shen Tian said while looking at Heathcliff.

Heathcliff didn't gave up he raised his sword and shield again.

Shen Tian rushed towards Heathcliff while using his Phantom steps to the limit.

[Op system: (Phantom Step Rank S) ---> (Phanton Step Rank SS)]

In Heathcliff eyes Shen Tian Multiplied to 3 this 3 Shen Tian rushed towards him in different direction. He didn't know where to block.

*Swish!!* Then all of the three Shen Tian passed through Heathcliff body then Heathcliff Hp become emty but Heathcliff isn't dead yet.

"Tree of life!!!" Heathcliff shouted then a huge tree appeared behind his back and the tree dropped a water on his head, then His HP become full again.

Shen Tian widen His eyes when he see that.

"fvck what a cheater!!!" Shen Tian shouted.

"Haha im 100th floor boss i won't be defeated easily and who is the one cheating between us here?" Heathcliff 'Did he just hacked the cardinal just now? he splitted into three..." He thought.

"that isn't a cheat or something its my footwork technique" Shen Tian said as if answering Heathcliff thoughts.

"footwork technique..?" Heathcliff

"Yes want me to teach you?" Shen Tian said to lower Heathcliff guard.

Heathcliff smiled and was about to say something but he felt a huge force on his stomach, hitting him to fly, he even lose the grip on his sword and shield as it dropped on the ground.


"Ah!!!" Heathcliff was pinned on the throne in the middle of the room by a Claymore.

"Sorry Heathcliff" Shen Tian said while inserting some force on the claymore on his hands.

"Ah!" Heathcliff struggled for a while on the throne. then stopped when he realized that its useless.

"what a careless of me... "Heathcliff said with difficulty then closing his eyes... before exploding in bluish particles.

Shen Tian watched the particles silently, as it floated through the sky then a blue light swept everwhere.


The players inside the Sword Art Online heard a world announcement.

"As of 14:55 March 15 " robotic feminine voice.

The game has been cleared.

The game has been cleared.

The game has been cleared.
