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Chapter: Im confused

"No, She is more competent than you!" Shen Tian spoke loudly attracting all of the people's inside the classroom.

Shen Tian classmates looked at him with a weird expression on their face because in thier 4 months experience with Shen Tian, they noticed how aloof guy he is, he is always silent in class sometimes he is even sleeping, when they wanted to talk to him, they will be ignored like a stone in the road side, this attitude of his with ikemen look made many girl fall for him and become enemy of the boys, but of course Natsume is an exception but now it seems Natsume and Shen Tian friendship will end here, that is what they thought.


Natsume looked at Shen Tian with dumbfounded expression on her face 'Did he just said Kyouko is more competent than me...? does it mean he doesn't want to stay by my side anymore being a bodyguard and he will prefer to be on Kyouko side to be her bodyguard...?' the more she thought about it the more she become depressed.

Natsume sitted on her sit silently lowering her head but Shen Tian didn't noticed it because he is still talking with his familiar.


-Kyoko Kurahashi-

My name is Kyoko Kurahashi im the next hier of the Ancient Kurahashi family, currently im living my normal highschool life while persuing my Natsume but until that guy came. the guy name is Shen Tian he really made me jealous when he first transfered to our class, because he is Natsume friend! yes yes that genius and handsome Natsume!! (Author note: the one's who knows that Natsume is a girl is her father Aunt and Shen Tian)

How can he become Natsume friend?!?! but after 1 month of interaction with Shen Tian i already know the reason why they are friends, he is like Natsume ignoring everyone in the class and what irritates me is he always perfect the theory class exams. even thought he always sleeping!.

What made me felt weird is why is he still not kicked out from onmyo prep highschool, why? because he isn't attending practical class at all!, but my view change because of this day and that one sentence.

hehe he said im more competent than Natsume so i think ill change my look on him he is not bad.


-inside the classroom-

"No, She is more competetent than you!" Shen Tian

Kyoko was shocked at first but after a while she sitted on her sit with a victory smile on her face.

'i don't know whats happening but i think ill thank Shen Tian later' Kyoko thought.

Harutora face palm while Touji smiled with Ohtomo sensei as they watched the classroom turn into chaos.


-Lunch time-

Shen Tian who didn't know what trouble he had just done stand up from his sit and goes out to the classroom silently while ignoring the gaze's of his classmate.

"Shen..." Natsume whispered as she looked at his leaving back but she felt someone tapped her shoulder she looked behind her and see Harutora and Touji smiling at her.

"Natsume thanks for defending me just now haha" Harutora

"its nothing because your my familiar now so i have to defend you sometimes"Natsume said in low voice.

"Natsume did you know the guy that left just now?" Touji

"yes his name is Shen Tian and he is my friend" Natsume

'where have i met that guy before...' Touji thought while holding his chin

"you have a friend ?" Harutora said with a surprised tone.

"and what do you mean by that!?" Natsume said while glaring at Harutora. making him sweat on his forhead.

"nothing..." Harutora


After Shen Tian left the Classroom he goes to the rooftop laying there on the floor while looking at the sky.

"Master are you a human? because after you summoned me here i haven't seen you eat food" a feminine voice echoed beside's him.

"im 100% human but right now im currently only a soul without a vessel why are you asking this anyway? i thought Op system made you watch all my memories" Shen Tian

"Not all your memory i just caught some glimps of it and Op system just explained me some information and some common knowledge this days" a feminine voice

"i see" Shen Tian said while he reach his right hand to the beautiful vast sky. but a blonde haired girl blocked his view.

"hello" Kyoko said with a smile on her face.

Shen Tian rolled a little to the side ignoring her, she didn't give up and blocked his view again.

"hello" Kyoko

Shen Tian rolled to the left side this time closing his eyes. making Kyoko mouth twitch, a tick mark appeared on her forhead standing up while gripping her hand.

"so your ignoring me again... i just want to say thanks! im leaving!" Kyoko said before leaving there with an irritated expression on her face but when she was near the door, she heard something that made her calmdown.

"your welcome..."

Kyoko smiled a little leaving there.

"Master why are you so cold towards them?" A feminine voice rang again.

Shen Tian looked at the emty space at his side.

"you really talk too much, i thought your a quiet type" Shen Tian said.

"its because of your memories your the one that made me like this!" The feminine voice answer coldly.

"don't worry ill take responsibilty-"

"w-w-who wanted you to take responsibilty!?!? master if you talk again ill" a scratch mark of a sword appeared on the floor, the meaning is clear its a threat.

Shen Tian smiled ignoring her threat, seeing his smile, his familiar become irritated she really wanted to slash her master face this time but she couldn't win against him because when she was first summoned to this world her and his master have a fight because of some reason and she lost. Then she started to recall what happened that day.

