WebNovelOp System59.34%

Chapter: Familiar


My name is Arturia Pendragon im a king of my people. If its for my country good i will give it!.

I gave them my freedom

my emotion

my femininity

my humanity

I gave all that i have but in the end my people betrayed me our country fell, the surrounding kingdom marched their armies towards our homeland destroying everything in their way.

When i was in my eternal slumber i heard a sound that waked me up.

[What is your wish?] This question echoed through her soul.

"I wish *****************************************************************"

After saying her wish a memories started to appear inside her mind.

"So i just need to follow your host then my wish can be granted...?" Arturia said in low voice.

[Human do you accept it?]

"I accept your offer" Arturia didn't hesitate at all.

After she replied a bright light swept everywhere


Arturia opened her eyes and see a black haired young man, Arturia felt she have a strong bond with him, he had a cool and bright face, strong and well built body, his hair is tied behind his back making him look elegant, his pupil is currently looking et her from head to toe.

"Master" Arturia greet him while bowing a little.

The handsome young man just stared at her silently with burning intense gaze. Even Arturia who is always being looked upon by many people couldn't take his gaze and was about to lash out.


The young man suddenly hugged her tightly.

"Nanami i miss you so much!" The handsome young man

"Master im n-" Arturia tried to explain but The young man grabbed her chin.

"Nanami how many time's do i have to tell you don't call me master, you can just call me Shen Tian" Shen Tian said while gazing at Arturia eyes.

"Im no-" Arturia panicked this time because she really doesn't have any experience with male. Even her heart is starting to bit faster, it seems being Shen Tian familiar made them connected to each other like some kind of special bond.

Shen Tian who find flastered Arturia cute, he kissed her on the lips while hugging her slender waist then he released it after a minute.

"Hah... hah..." Arturia have a red hue on her cheek as she breathed heavily , she glared at Shen Tian.

"Die" Arturia punched Shen Tian on the stomach, not caring if he is her master or not

"Ah!" Shen Tian who wasn't expecting this was blown 5 meters away from her.

Arturia gripped something in mid air with her two hand as if she is holding a sword and readying her stance like a knight.

"Wait!" Shen Tian said still lying on the ground.

"Die!" Arturia shouted while she jumped to Shen Tian position slashing her invisible sword down.


Shen Tian Dodge to the side by rolling on the ground, at that time he know that the blonde girl that is staring at him like a demon is not Nanami, then some rebotic voice kindly explained to him making him irritated.

[Op system: Host this is Arturia Pendragon your Familiar]

Shen Tian lips twiched 'what the heck you should have told me from the start!!&#%#'

"Humiliating me like this ill kill you pervert!!!" Arturia shouted the new words that she have learned from the Op system it seems she have been curropted by it.


-Shen Tian 4 days ago-

After leaving Suzuka on the mayumi mountain Shen Tian goes to the other mountain to summon his familiar.

"Familiar hah..." Shen Tian said with some expectation, he clicked the [Random Familiar Card] in his inventory.

Then a bright light covered his vision a blonde haired girl knight appeared there, the familiar word disappeared inside his mind because the blonde girl infront of him looked like Nanami, he couldnt help but hug her tightly.

Then the shit happened


-10 minutes later-

"Humiliating me like this ill kill you pervert!!!" Arturia shouted the new words that she have learned from the Op system it seems she have been curropted by it.

Shen Tian smiled at Arturia bitterly.

'Looks like i can't avoide this fight' he thought as he draw his wooden sword from his inventory.