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Chapter: Shura wrathful strike!!!!!

Shen Tian readied his wooden sword waiting for Arturia to attack him

Arturia Pendragon smiled when she see him holding a wooden sword because she wanted to test this master of her if he is worthy to be her master. 'Yes to test him!!' and its definitely not because she wanted to teach him a lesson from taking advantage of her a while ago.

Arturia started attacking Shen Tian with her invisible sword but just a simple chop while using her 10% power, to her surprise He is blocking her sword chops easily. 'It seems that wooden sword is really not normal to think it can block my sword attacks and he is strong i can feel it.... i won't hold back now' She thought.

"Hah!!!" Arturia suddenly shouted she slanted her sword stepping for forward slashing it on his body.

Shen Tian was surprised by her sudden burst of speed, he know that Arturia is going serious mode now. He started to channel more spiritual energy on his wooden sword making it more heavy and bigger like his broad sword, he started to meet her sword again.



*BOOOM!!!* Dust scattered through the air as their sword collide making a strong impact from it.

After exchanging many blows with him, Arturia frowned feeling the heaviness of his sword becoming more heavy. 'Shen Tian is stronger than i thought and he can even see my sword...?'

Shen Tian sweated a little this Arturia is really a monster he is using his full strenght in sword now but he couldn't take small advantage on him so he jumped back, making his sword smaller and lighter.

"What are you doing?" Arturia seems confused when she see Shen Tian making his sword smaller but she suddenly understand seeing Shen Tian suddenly splitted in to three person rushing towards her 'he wanted to compete with speed now?! His fast!'



*Ding!!* sound of sword clashes together.

"Give up now you can't win..." Shen Tian attacked Arturia in all direction making her only defend and can't attack.

"I...." Arturia breathed heavily as she blocked all his attacks.

"I... can't lose!!!" Arturia invisible sword started to a appear little by little as it glowed brighter.

Shen Tian felt his body weakened bit by bit as her sword glows it seems excalibur have some weakened effect on him because he is in his spirit form right now but he didn't stop attacking her.

"Hah!!!" Arturia shouted her sword suddenly released some force making Shen Tian blown away from it, as her sword glowed bighly like a sun, revealing the appearance of beautiful sword, with some ancient marking on it.

"Shen Tian!!! If you really can recieve this sword, i will recognize you as my master!!!"

Then she made a stance, Shen Tian know this stance when watching fate/staynight he have seen it.

"I don't want to use this move in this world but you forced me" Shen Tian rised his sword above his head on his forhead a violet magic circle appeared spinning fasted and faster. His sword glowed in violet light as well.

Arturia thought she needed to hold back herself to not kill Shen Tian but seeing his move she purred all her prana in her sword making it brighter.

"EX!!!!-" Arturia

Shen Tian chanted something in his mind, the wooden sword in his hands started to vibrate strongly while the violet energy on it become more brighter.


"EXCALIBUR!!!!!!!" Arturia shouted with all her might while thrusting her sword a beam like sun shooted towards Shen Tian as if wanted to destroy all that blocked its path.

"Shura wrathful strike!!!!" Shen Tian suddenly slashed his sword, a thin violet light came out from it as if wanting to split everything in its path.

*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* The violet energy and the golden energy collide but when the golden energy and violet energy met, the golden energy was splited in to half as it shoot in two direction in the night sky.

*BOOOOOM!!!!!* everything in 30 meter radius around them are destroyed as dust covered the top mountain.

*wooooosh* when the dust settles Arturia stood in the middle with dumbfounded expression as a wooden sword pointed at her heart.

"Beauty Surrender now hehe" Shen Tian said with a cooky expression while looking at her masterpiece face, but it returned to his lazy expression with a bit sadness in his eyes again in a second. ' right... she's not nanami....' he thought.

Arturia recovered from her stupor with some blush on her face when she heard him. Then she see his expression, she suddenly kneeled on the ground.


"Good lets leave now before its too late" Shen Tian said while looking at the destroyed surrounings, hearing the serene sound below. He started walking in the deep forest as Arturia follow him silently.


-Back to the present-

Arturia become even more irritated looking at Shen Tian face while remembering her lose.

"eh he's sleeping?"

Shen Tian who is lying on the ground fell asleep, Arturia stared at her master sleeping expression then her gaze stopped on his lips.., a blush appeared on her cheek.

"master wake up you have something... like class.. right..?" Arturia sitted near him while poking his cheeks... gently but Shen Tian didn't even budge a little, seeing that she stopped poking him then just stared at his face.

"hmmm ill just protect him then... " Arturia said while touching some of his hair.


-4 hours passed-

Shen Tian is still sleeping on the roof top floor as the wind blow his hair, Arturia is already standing besides him while observing the surroundings because she already touched him to her heart content!

Shen Tian open his eyes seeing the sunset glow he looked at his side.

"Arturia did Natsume came here?"

" No Master "

"Eh really? this is weird the class is already over a while ago it means Natsume should have come here like always, and wake me up by shouting at me." Shen Tian

"Master your waiting here to be shouted are you an M?"

"oya? Arturia when did you know that M word?"

"ha- hah!?!? its because of the little memory that i ha- what are you making me say!?!?" Arturia shouted in embarresment as she become silent.

"Nevermind we need to go back now" Shen Tian said with a smile on his face.
