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Chapter: I can feel it.

-Alfhiem Online, Vast Plain -

The Vast Plain is near the world Tree and its surrounded by mountains with some rivers and water fall and some floating island. On the topest island are the territory of a powerful flying monsters but its currently cleared by a groups of people from different race's. so the monsters won't respawn there for a month.

There's a large table in the middle island being accupied by the leaders of thier own groups and race's. Seven people on the table are currently discussing their plan about how to attack the World Tree.

"We salamander race will be on the front line to tank the damage's? thats a bit..." A man with a mature feature's on his face stroke his chin in deep thought his red hair shine with some flame buff with his armor indicating he is a high level player in Alfiem online. He is the Chief of salamander race, His user name in game is Mordred.

"we don't have choice here salamanders have more players than the other race's, 25% of our combined army in this expedition are from the salamaders after all" A woman with long silky black hair that riches her bottom, She is wearing a green ancient kimono with some simple hairband, Her in game name is Sakuya, Chief of the Sylph race.

"Don't worry Mordred-san we have Undine in our troops you won't die quick hehe" a young girl with a brown hair in twin tail braided style smile playfuly, She is wearing a leather suit, She have a cat tail attached to her bottom backside its swaying from left to right cutely, Her in game name is Lu Chief of the Cait Sith Race.

"There's nothing free in this world right Ms. Ruri?" A middle age man with a blue short hair in two side smile like a businessman, He is wearing a white robe with a long stuff besides him, His in game name is Simple Yen, He is the Cheif of Undine Race.

"Of course Dragon Group will give compensation in real world to those who die in this expedition with the reward from our agreement" Nanami looks is still the same like in real world but she is wearing a white armor breast plate, underneath it is blue one peice leather dress with some gloves because of her get up, she gave off a heroic aura making the other look at her with some admiration in their eyes.

The face's of the six leader brighten up when they heard it. Even those two players that have spriggan and imp race are in good mood. They didn't give their opinion before because their racial characteristic aren't for battle. their like assisting type like the undine that have healing ability.

The groups discuss after a while then a shadow flash on the sky because of its speed arriving on the island 4 person came with their blue fairy shining on their back glancing at everyone inside.

"All of the 70,000+ players already moved near the World Tree their ready to attack anytime" A beautiful girl with expressionless face, She have a long blue hair and blue eyes speaking calmly to them, she have a rapier sword attached on her hips.

The 7 people on the table look at each other before nodding their head, Nanami take the lead by opening her green fairy wing flying on the sky followed by the others their direction is the world Tree.

One of the undine who came to report goes to Nanami side

"Asuna... how are the other SAO player? " Nanami glance at the undine knight who have a determined expression on her face as if she is a warrior ready to die anytime.

Asuna smiled a bit at Nanami "there 2500+ players from SAO that wants to participate in thie expedition."

Nanami look at Asuna worriedly because a month ago after she discovered Shen Tian is inside the Alfheim Online game, she started to investigated about the Yuuki family but they suddenly vanish except for Asuna Father Yuuki Shouzou.

Yuuki Shouzou start to help the Mastermind that trapped Shen Tian inside the game after that he passed the Lect Ceo position to Nobuyuki Sugou. that day Nanami discovered Asuna and her mother is being hold as hostage

"its been hard on you i think you should not participat-"

"what are you saying i want to see the one who made my Family suffered.." Asuna have a calm expression on her face but the fury in her eyes are burning deep.


-A Month ago when Asuna discovered about Shen Tian being Trapped inside the Alfheim online-

Asuna marched to her father's office that day to get an explaination when she came inside the office. She see her father there sitting with a calm expression on his face, he looked like middle aged man his Name is Yuuki Shouzou Ceo of Lect


"oh what is it Asuna?" Shouzou smiled a bit when he see his daughter.

"father we owned the company that is managing the game called Alfheim Online right?!" Asuna said feeling a bit nervious and her face have a worried look.

"Yes.. why? is there a problem?" Shouzou felt a bit unease seeing his daughter like this.

"Father look.." Asuna handed placed a picture's on his table office. On the picture there's Shen Tian who is sitting on a throne inside the golden cage. One of the picture is zoomed in making revealing his handsome face.

"this is..." Shouzou

"His name is Shen Tian sole heir of The Dragon Group, He is trapped in the Death game like me but he still haven't wake up from the nerve gear even thought the game are already cleared by him" Asuna

"What?! the Dragon Group heir is also trapped inside that death game?! unbelievable..... why is there no news about it.. wait.. they might have covered it up. yes this seems plausible" Shouzou frowned stroking his chin in deep though.

"Father this picture is taken inside the Alfhiem Online game! The reason why Shen Tian is still in slumber is..." Asuna dropped the bomb because she is in hurry.

"what did you say...?" Shouzou become dumbfounded then various scenarios came inside his mind thinking 'Sugou wouldn't have a guts to trap Dragon group heir inside the game... then he have a powerful partner... there's no one who have the guts to be their enemy in bussines world... even in other fields don't tell me internal struggle in the Dragon group..?' his heart turn cold. "this is disaster to the yuuki family..."

"Asuna stay with your mom for now i will go and confront Sugou about it, do not leave your mom side until i came back ok?" Shouzou said patting Asuna head

"Father..." Asuna widen her eyes.

"Asuna promise me!" Shouzou stood up from his sit.


Shouzou accompanied Asuna first who is still shock in sudden developement to Yuuki Kyouko his wife who is a mature woman with a bobcut hairstyle, she is wearing office suit and skirt. The husband and wife talked for a bit inside a room then they both walked out with a serious expression. Asuna Father left after that.

Asuna was taken again by her mother into one of their secret house that have some stock of foods inside the fridge. The house looks Ok but they don't have internet making her disappointed.

"Asuna we will be staying in this house for a while" Kyouko said sternly.

"w-whats happening mother..?" Asuna become confused.

"Asuna eat your food and go to bed its already 8:00pm" Kyouko avoided her questions and left her there.

Asuna thought her father will come back tommorow but after 5 days passed her father still haven't came back, they already lost contact of him, she wanted to ask her Mother about it but she was given silent treatment so she used her cellphone to call her friends but she was seen by her mother. her mother took her phone and hiding it somewhere.

"Mother why? why are you doing this?! what happened to father?!" Asuna


"Asuna do you trust your father?" Kyouko

"of course... but-"

"im banning you from contacting the outside for now!" Kyouko shouted at her.

Asuna glare at her but Kyouko hugs her suddenly. "listen to me for now.."

Asuna can wanted to fight back but she felt her mothers hands that is hugging her is trembling.

"mother..." Asuna hugs her back 'my mother is afraid... to whom...?'

2 weeks passed after that but her Father still haven't came back, Asuna already didn't know what to do her mother came to her, she looked stressed.

"Asuna.." Kyouko called out because she see her daughter eyes dimmed.

"mother..?" Asuna

"i just wanted to talk with you we have been staying inside this house in 2 weeks alone after all without going outside we should talk about something" Kyouko

"mother can you tell me about whats happening in our family?"

"i can't tell you that or else we will be in danger" Kyouko smiled bitterly.

Asuna stare at her mother "then we should ask for help to someone"

"The one who is threatening our family is powerful than you think...were banned from contacting outside and thats the only thing i can tell you" Kyouko thought 'their too powerful that even the japan country can't do anything to them'

Asuna bit her lips when she heard her.

"is Father still alive...?" trembling voice.

"i do not know but i think he is still alive where still here after all" Kyouko smiled a bit then become depressed again.


-1 month passed after Asuna father left-

Mother and daughter Duo waited in their house but after a month passed Asuna father still haven't came back but they know he is still alive because a week ago. After they run out of their food stock someone is delivering a food in their doorsteps every morning. it creeped them out at first but they got used to it but today someone knocked on their door in the morning.

Kyouko have a metal frying pan while Asuna is holding a wooden pole goes 5 meter away from the door.

"Asuna are you inside?!"

*knock knock*

"that voice..." Asuna run towards the door throwing her wooden pole aside she opens it and see a blonde hair girl in maid outfit.

"Asuna wait!!!" Kyouko

"Nanami its really you!!" Asuna cried she hugs Nanami tightly.

"sorry Asuna i only appear now after 1 month passed" Nanami look apologetic patting the crying girl on her bosom. Then she see Kyouko who is still holding a frying pan " You must be Asuna Mother Nice to meet you Ms. Yuuki im Nanami Braidfeild a maid from Dragon group"

Kyouko still alert looking at her, Dragon group are the one who made them into this situation after all.

"Do not worry Ms. Yuuki im in your side i will explain the situation first inside" Nanami gesturing that they should go inside their house.

Kyouko hesitated at first but she complied "ok"


-Back to the Present-

"i see." Nanami

"kirito and the others are waiting there in too" Asuna

"By the way Hows Yui there?" Nanami is a bit preplex when she spoke Yui Name, she already met Yui before the final meeting start, she was shocked at first with her friends. When they talked with Yui discovering that she is an AI and Shen Tian send Yui to them informing her friends that he is waiting at the Top of the world Tree.

"Yui is ok talking with the others Happily" Asuna smiles thinking about the AI that have human emotions then she suddenly looked up and see The large Tree that is towering on the clouds. "Will we really be able to meet Shen there....? "

Nanami moves her gaze to staring at the world Tree with some excitment in it. She place her right hand on her chest "i don't know... but i can feel it"
