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Chapter: Phone

-Sword Art Online World, Inside the Dragon Group Main House-

Inside the mansion a beautiful young girl in maid outfit is walking on the long hallway she have an hourglass figure and her golden hair that is tide into pony tail swayed a bit as she move. if Shen Tian was here he would instantly recognise her.

The young maid stops at the end of the hallway, she gaze at the big door standing there and she see two maid who is silently guarding the door at the corner staring at her silently, she nods her head a bit at their direction.

The two maid opens the big door at each side as they bows their head "Please.."

The young maid walk inside normaly.

"what are you doing here Nanami" A calm and mature voice.

"Mother... I just want to see young master. " The golden haired girl look at the woman in maid outfit who have the same facial feature as her but have a silver hair and mature aura.

"i see. Did you discover something about the one. Who trapped our young master Shen inside the game?"

Nanami is staring at the handsome young man on the King size bed in the middle of the room then turning her attention on her Mother who is sitting on a chair beside's the bed.

"Yes we discover the other party have a connection with ours"

"You mean?" Silvia frowned, she stare at her daughter seriously.

"The other party knows a lot about us and with some evidence. we concluded that they have connection with the Dragon Group." Nanami

"Be careful with the investigation young master life is in their hands after all and that Electronics Manufacturer Lect Company Dares to join their scheme... after this event eredicate them" Silvia said in cold voice thinking about The Lect Company.


-A Month ago in Sword Art Online world. when Shen Tian is still in the Tokyo Raven World.-

Agil and Kirito who discover the picture sended it to Nanami informing her that Shen Tian might be inside the Alfiem Online game, The Dragon Group discover it as well and they stood into action immediately immobalizing all their power in Japan but when their about to do it.

The Dragon group recieve a letter in their doors step. a random maid deliver it to Silvia the head maid of Dragon Group she have some authoroties if its inside the main house because she was personal maid of the late deceased head of the Dragon Group before.


If you want your young master to live.

You'ed better stop what your planning now.

Or else.... you know what will happen next right? :)


Silvia stare at the three sentence on the letter after reading it her heart turn cold.

"i need to report this" Silvia quickly leave her room calling the ones who hold some power in the Dragon Group.


-Back to the present-

"and the girl named Yuuki Asuna who have been visiting young master with her friends when young master Shen is still in the hospital she's from The Yuuki Family right?"

Nanami looks down a bit when she heard that because Lect Company are from Yuuki family, she trusted Asuna doesn't have envolvement in it. They already investigated it The Lect company is being controlled by Sugou Yubuyuki an adopted son of the Yuuki family and behind him is the mastermind that they still haven't figure out.

"do not trust her" Silvia

Nanami nods her head. young master life is on the line after all.

"Mother we already gathered Tens of thousands of players in Alfhiem online and where attacking The World Tree Tonight" Nanami sits on a chair at the other side of the bed staring at Shen Tian peaceful face.

"The mastermind warned us when where about to attack them in reality but now, when where about to make move on virtual world their not showing any sign of making a threat, Be careful Nanami i think their prepared." Silvia silver brows frown a bit.

"well you need to do this even if the other side use cheats inside the game because the higher ups decided to take risk and attack them with force if you failed.." Silvia seriously said to her word by word.

Nanami have a firm look on her face. "i will..."

*ring ring!!!*

A phone ringed interrupting their conversation. Nanami took out her phone inside her cleavage.


"Nanami thats a bit..." Silvia gaze weirdly at her daughter.

"it can't be helped this made outfit doesn't have a pocket!" Nanami become embarresed.

Silvia faceplam and showed Nanami her long legs by pulling her skirt a bit, On her long white legs that can make the models into shame have a garter belt on it. a phone is attached at the side of the garter belt. Nanami stare at it in daze.

"thats how you do it, sigh... nevermind just answer your phone call" Silvia

"o-ok" Nanami see Kirito is the one calling her she pulled the phone besides her ear "Hello"

"Ruri-san big news!! go inside the game now!!" Kirito shouting voice with some excitment came from the phone.

"what...? didn't i alreadt tell you my real name is Nana-"

"We don't have time for that!! ah! listen carefuly when where discussing and readying about the plan after you leave here in the game, Yui appear suddenly saying that Shen Tian is in danger!"

"Yui....? you mean that Yui?! ok wait for me there." Nanami hanged up the phone in hurried manner. "Mother i need to go now!"

"wait who's Yui?!" Silvia stood up from her sit to stop Nanami.

Nanami moves fast leaving Silvia behind inside the room to go to her own room
