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Chapter: Error

"did you just say "My Mother...?" Shen Tian widen his eyes in shock then his gaze go between Nanami who is near the door and Silvia that is being pinned by him on the King size Bed, she is breathing a bit rough and her sky blue eyes are glaring at him.

He jumps away from Silvia in panic, Nanami comes to Silvia side checking if something happened between them.

"Mother are you ok?"

Silvia stand up on herself like nothing happen Then tidying her cloths. She have now a calm expression on her face, her breathing become normal but there's still a small blush on her cheeks then bowing her head.

"This lowly Maid greets Young Master...." The bowing Silvia Attention goes to Nanami who is still checking the bed for some evidence. "Nanami why are still not greeting our Young Master?"

When Nanami heard that she copied her mother bowing her head to Shen Tian "Thid Lowly Maid greets Young Master...."

Shen Tian is observing Silvia and Nanami carefully Because the two of them really look alike!. When the two of them together like this the others might recognize them as a twin. well if Arturia is here too and stand with the two they will look like a triplets then.

The only difference is Silvia have a silver hair, Nanami have a Golden, and Silvia have a mature aura around her while Nanami have a charming teen aura.

*cough* Silvia

"Young Master if you don't have anything to order then i need to leave first and inform the doctors.." Silvia left after saying that as if she is in hurry. Shen Tian couldn't help but follow her with his gaze but Nanami blocked his view.

"Young Master.....!"

"What?" Shen Tian pretend to be dumb but that didn't work on Nanami.

"what happened between you and my Mother?" Nanami glare at him but Shen Tian welcome it.

He touch her cheeks with his hands gently sliding it to her chin making her look up to him "its just accident and i have mistaken you from her"

"hmp impossible! your lying... you should know that she's my mother!. There are many time the two of you met after all" Nanami get away from his hands pouting cutely.

"eh?" Shen Tian actions become rigid 'thats a bit troubling... i don't have any memories about the past Shen Tian. When i came to this Sword Art Online World.. i already asked how i can get the memories but Op system said nothing, He didn't reply no matter how manytimes i asked..'

"nevermind that" Shen Tian hugs Nanami, He buried his head on her golden hair " this smell~ . I really miss you Nanami"

Nanami struggle at first because she wants some explaination but she hugged him back in the end.

"Shen-sama. please.... do not try anything to my mother..." Nanami whispered.

Shen Tian panic again for a bit then calming down "i have my Nanami so why would i go after your mother? thats a bit wrong right?!"

"So if you don't have me. you will go after my mother?!" Nanami pinched Shen Tian side making him yelp.

"ouch!" Shen Tian shouted in reflex then he felt Nanami moving her mouth besides his ears breathing on it.

"Shen-sama can't do anything to my mother but in exchange Shen-sama can order me anything he like..." Nanami whisper hotly making Shen Tian gulp, She then get out from his hug, leaving him there too inside the room while smiling at him "ill get something for you to eat first young master"



Shen Tian sat on the bed alone, he already thrown Nanami and Silvia issue on the back of his head, He is currently looking at his status window seriously.



Name: Shen Tian

Bloodline: None

Rank: Origin Realm (Early Stage)

Str: 500 ------> 1 (Crystal Origin)

Vit: 500 ------> 1 (Crystal Origin)

Agt: 500 ------> 1 (Crystal Origin)

Int: 500 -------> 1 (Crystal Origin)

Spt: 500 ------>1 (Crystal Origin)

Skill: Phantom Steps (Rank SSS) ------>

Clouds Steps (World Rank: Lower Teir) : increase user speed by 300% and create 8 phantom after image.

: Demon instinct (Rank SS) ------>

Asura Instict (World Rank: Lower Teir) : User can detect those who have bad intention to him in 300 meter radius around. He can also increase reaction speed by 300% When being attacked and User can make enemies around him feel pressure with fear depending on his strength

: The way of cooking (Rank S): Learning speed about cooking is 10× enchaned other effects can identify all cooking engridients. (Spirit level world)

: Piano Mastery (Rank S): Special experience of Kōsei Arima in piano (activate condition) when a user touched a piano.

:Sword Intent Mastery (Rank SS) ----->

Sword Concept (World Rank: Lower teir) : User damage and speed increase by 350% when using sword as a weapon, User have comprended Sword Concept Small stage

:Spirit physical form (Rank SSS): User can use his spirit to from a physical body like the spirit race that will looked like a human, and live like a human The others will not know that your a spirit unless their (Origin Realm) or higher.

: New skill! Spiritual Sense (World Rank: Lower teir): If activated User can sense anything 500 meters radius around him.

Equipment or item:

Lesser potion: ×2 Can heal anything in (Mortal level world)

Random Bloodline: ×1

Jar of Spirit Sealing: ???

Wooden Spirit Sword: Can change its size and weight by injecting energy into it

Lottery Ticket: ×13


"Even thought i already fuse back with my body. I don't feel anything different but all of my combat related skills have upgraded...? and there's also new skill.. looks like i need to find some place where i can test my power"

After seeing his status Shen Tian focus his concious inside his innermind because inside the Alfheim Online He couldn't contact Arturia, Hàte, Shiro and Sora.

In the middle of the Vast space there's a beautiful crystal floating. There's a Violet colored energy that is shaped into sphere orbiting around the crystal it gave of a dangerous feeling and at the side a Mountain size being sleeping there as it gave of a strong aura shocking Shen Tian. He float on the air to make a good look on it, He saw it have two big Dragon head with black and white color respectively

"don't tell me... Sora and shiro?!?! how did they become like this?!?!"

[Op system: Host your second personality and the dragon familiar are breaking their limits... of course your other familair as well]

"my other familiar..? right! Arturia! where is she?!"

[Op system: Host She is Cultivating inside your Core Crystal]

"inside my Core Crystal..?" Shen Tian inspects his glowing crystal by carefully looking at it. then he see Arturia inside, She had the same facial feature as Nanami and Silvia with her blonde hair and Her eyes are closed as if she is sleeping. The Legendary Sword Excalibur is being hugged by her while curling herself, making her look cute.


"why is she inside..?" Shen Tian frowned.

[Op system: Host. Your Origin Crystal unconsciously cultivate with familiar's of yours and it also connected with your other personality inside your inner concious. so all of them benifited when you brokethrough the origin realm but they will be sleeping in a long time because they need to consume the Orgin Crystal energy your providing them.]

"hah? wouldn't that effect me in a bad way?" Shen Tian.

[Op system: Host will not be affected much but Host will benifit more because of it. your energy capacity will become bigger and you will get some of their traits. Thats one of the effects of your Cultivation Arts The Heavenly Devouring Evils Sutra]


Heavenly Devouring Evils Sutra stages:

1st stage: Create a light core inside your soul

2nd stage: Devour a 1 Evil Spirit to take its ability

3rd stage: ?????

4th stage: ?????

5th stage: ?????

6th stage: ?????


"my cultivation arts is really powerful... but sadly i have only use it to absorb spirit energy to breakthrough origin realm.. *sigh* i still haven't reach the second layer"

"Anyway im in mortal world now so i need to relax. ill just find Evil spirit to absorb when im in another world.."

[Op System: By the way Host you need to leave this world after 3 months..."

"and why is that!?"

[Op system: Because if Sword Art Online World conscious notice your powerful existance. it will upgrade its own world level to much yours... althought it will take a lot of time. All living things here will start to evolve with Ghosts and other supernatural things that will appear around the world.]

[Op system: and after this world upgraded to higher level, Some powerful beings of Omni Earth Verse that are near your location will notice this abnormality. it will become disastrous for you Host. If they found you. they will capture you for experiment or something like that because Normaly when a living being go to the other world. They will be rejected by that world, treating them like an error in their system that needed to be erased. unlike Host]

"i see..." Shen Tian stare at the bed ceiling feeling a bit down. He reachs his hands towards it "ill leave here again in 3 months ha...."

[Op system: Host if you don't want to leave here, then just cultivate until you reach *****. then you will be able to hide your presence from a world concious]

"my level is too low to know it? Damn.. ah! nevermind ill just sleep" Shen Tian closed his eyes.
