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Chapter: Drink?

-1 week passed-

A week have already passed since Shen Tian awaken from the Game, 3 days ago Asuna, Kirito, Yuna, Klein and others of his friends visited him, To check his Health. At first they thought he would be in his weak state because of his long ingame time, so they gifted him some healthy foods but to their shock, Shen Tian welcome them iniside his Mansion by walking on his own feet.

"good morning Young Master. The breakfast is ready" Silvia greets her young master who is still asleep on the bed, she couldn't help but glance at his body remembering some memories but Shen Tian is hidden inside the blanket.

"its morning already?" Shen Tian sit up lazily on his bed as his shoulder lenght hair become messy.

"please.." Silvia lead him to the 1 chair and 1 table in the room. On the table their many kinds of Italian dishes.

Shen Tian become fast sitting on his chair. eating some food "by the way where's Nanami?"

"Nanami is still in her room resting she looked tired. it seems that she overworked herself yesterday.... so i will be serving young master for now" Silvia

"i see... ?" Shen Tian eaten his fill.

"By the way young master, you need to meet someone from- " Silvia.

"stop i don't want to talk anything that involve the businesses of the Dragon Group while im eating..." Shen Tian

"as you command young master" Silvia bows her head.


"its really too troublesome.. to deal with the mortal matters....." Shen Tian tapped the table while in deep thought thinking about something.

"Mortal matters..?" Silvia is a bit confused.

"oh thats right!!" Shen Tian expression brighten, He come up an idea to solve all of his problems that involve the Dragon group. "Silvia do you want to be head of the Dragon group?"

"what do you mean young master?" Silvia become even more confused.

"its decided!, you will be the acting head of the Dragon Group!" Shen Tian nods his head, He put his hands on her shoulder pating it. "When someone from the Dragon Group needs me to handle some matters, they will be handled by you from now on!"

"hah...?" Silvia have a dumbfounded expression on her face now.

"Ill be counting on you Silvia, Bye~ Bye" Shen Tian escape there before Silvia react, He wants to go outside to have some walk.

"wait young master!! you can't do that!!" Silvia shouts as she wants to catch him but Shen Tian is already at the door.

"My orders are absolute, Silvia you can use my name as you want to solve the problems" Shen Tian said before leaving Silvia inside the room as he close the door.

"young master!" Silvia rush up to the door but when she opens it, there's only a emty hallway. "to think that the day will come when i become the acting head of the Dragon Group... *sigh* did young master go crazy after he awaken from that death game..."


"Since young master ordered it. Then i have to do it perfectly" Silvia become calm again, She took her phone under her maid skirt, dailing some numbers.


In this one week after Shen Tian wake up. He didn't just play around, He investigate the Dragon Group History, Even thought they have a long history of being a rich merchant. the Dragon Group family didn't have the power to face a country in the past. It only become like this today is because of his genius Late GrandGrandfather and his Grandfather with their loyal subordinate's.

Shen Tian also know his family situation now in this world, It seems her sister Mei Tian was sent to philippines to protect her because when their father and mother died 5 years ago. The Dragon Group have an iternal conflict. The Shen Tain from before sent her little sister away to protect her and he even made their relationship sourly to make his enemies know that he didn't have weakness.

After knowing this information Shen Tian abandon the thoughts of killing his little sister. four days ago he met his sister to talk with her.

"my little sister... im sending you back to the philippines again" Shen Tian look down at the little girl who have a expressionless face, she is sitting on the ground hugging her knees, her eyes didn't have a light on it as she stare at her front blankly.

"are you gonna abandon me again...?" Mei Tian whispered, she buried her small head on her knee's, she cried silently. "if so... just kill me..."

"my little sister your big brother will never abandon you. remember that" Shen Tian patted her head making her look up her big teary red eyes stare at him.

"Onii-chan..." Mei Tian eyes become even more teary

"i want to punish you from doing that stupid thing, so be a good girl there. Ill visit you sometimes. when i have a free time." Shen Tian smile gently at her.

Mei Tian eyes widen a bit from surprise, She felt something inside of her broke, before she notice it she is already crying loudly "wah!!!! onii-chan im sorry!!! im sorry!! i will never do it again!!!"

Shen Tian made a mess on her hair by patting her even more 'she's still a kid after all'


-Tokyo City in Dicey Cafe-

"Shen your here, i thought Nanami still didn't allow you to go outside"

Agil is alone in his shop wiping some glassess in the bartender counter, there's many kinds of alcohols drinks displayed behind him.

There's are wooden tables and chairs inside the cafe and some small lights giving off a good athmospere with a light background music.

"i wanted to taste some alcohol drink so i escaped hehe" Shen Tian sit on the chair near the counter "1 moscow mule"

"where dead then if Nanami found you here.. and my small shop might be demolished" Agil said jokingly as he start to mix drinks putting it on a copper mug with some slice of wedge lime he slide the mug to Shen Tian.

"not bad, its sweeter than i thought" Shen Tian.

"You really like sweet alcoholic drinks. It bring back memories in Sword art online, i still remember you always drink a wine when we are gathering or having some kind of event " Agil smile.

"yeh" Shen Tian become silent as he drink.

After 10 minutes of drinking, the door on the bar opens. A red haired Man standing there he is wearing a red bandaba on his head with his work office cloths.

"Yo Shen your really here haha" Klein sat the chair near him.

"oh Klein?" Shen Tian is surprise when he see him here.

"I called him haha. i said your here. drinking alone in my shop" Agil.

" well my working place is near here so when i recieve the message. I skipped my work and i couldn't miss drinking with the richest man in earth haha! Agil one Bourbon on the rock for me" Klein said jokingly

"i see... Agil give me another one" Shen Tian

"here" Agil slide their drinks infront of their table.

"is your body really ok now?" Klein said when he see him order some more again.

"well the most high-tech equipments from the hospital give me a perfect healthy mark" Shen Tian finish the last bit of his drinks, His cheeks redden because of the alcohol. " Agil 1 more"

"aren't you drinking too fast?" Agil slide some drinks to him again.

"i miss this feeling" Shen Tian smiled

After 1 hour while the three of them are having a chat about something, the door opened again. Kirito Asuna, Lizebeth and Silica in their school uniform. There's a girl following them from behind, she have bobcut girlish hairstyle and her black eyes have a curious light in it, She is wearing a different uniform than the other four,

"yo Shen, Klein long time no see" Kirito walks towards them sitting on the left side of Shen Tian.

"we bought some street food!" Silica showed them a bag full of barbecue and some others food.

"Oh!! good job Silica!" Klein give her a thumbs up.

Asuna smile "Shen your not with Nanami?"

"why are you guys here too?" Shen Tian is in daze when he see them coming in.

"im the one who called them. surprise right?! haha" Klein rubs the back of his head while laughing.

"But they all have school in this hours, so how could they come here- " Shen Tian

"We skipped it!" Lizbeth happily report their bad deeds.

"its Liz idea!!!!" Silica shouted feeling that she have been caught red handed.

"Liz reasoned that your more important than the classess so we skipped it." Kirito laugh.

Shen Tian felt like facepalming but he endured it then he see the girl behind them.


"this is Kirigaya Suguha Kirito sister! you can call her Sugu hehe" Liz happily introduce the girl while pulling her shoulder.

"so your kirito sister" Shen Tian observe her from top to bottom.

"um hello!" Suguha said shyly feeling Shen Tian stare.

"oya Shen why are looking at her like that? didn't you already have Nanami?" Klein teasingly said.

"yeh right? he even have Asuna and.. " Liz look playfully at Asuna and Silica.

"what are you saying Liz!!" Asuna blushingly shouts at her

"why are you also looking at me Liz-san!?!?!" Silica cheeks become red.

"hahaha its good to be young!" Agil.

"Shen your not thinking of..." Kirito stare at Shen Tian seriously.

Shen Tian sweat drop hearing them, he goes back to his drinking while pointing at the bag that is being carried by Silica." im just curious thats all. anyway can i have some? "

"of course" Silica placed it on a large plate on the table that is given to her by Agil.

Shen Tian held one stick of barbecue, taking a bite on it. he become silent. he remember his days when he was still on Earth, There's a time when he eaten a street food with his Old friends happily. like today he also eating it with his friends.

The others notice that Shen Tian become silent after he took a one bite. He is staring there with a blank look.

"Shen is it that bad? i shouldn-" Silica ask worriedly seeing him not responding.

"it was delicious Silica... thank you" Shen Tian suddenly said smiling at her, "give me more."

"is it your first time eating a street food?" Klein

"you could say that" Shen Tian

"first time eating a street food.. as expected of the richest man on earth" Kirito said jokingly. Asuna Agil and the others laughed.

The door suddenly opens again and Griselda walks Inside. like in the game she have a brown hair and she is wearing office coat, office short skirt and a black knee socks. "Am i late?"

"no at all griselda-san where just getting Started! haha" Klein

"excuse me kirito can i sit there?" Griselda ask him kindly.

"eh of course" Kirito leave his sit that is beside's Shen Tian, He just took a sit at one of the wooden chairs. Griselda sits besides Shen Tian leaning her body on him.

"your here Griselda..." Shen Tian drinks, He felt a bit tipsy but it felt good.

"Griselda-san thats unfair!!" Silica protested.

"Griselda what do you think your doing?" Asuna mouth twitched

Klein who is at the side feeling excited to watch a girl fight was pulled by Liz. to the other table with kirito.

"lets leave them for now"

"Does who drinks are the only ones allowed to sit in the bartender counter" Griselda coughed when she see Asuna is about to sit at the right side of Shen Tian, Silica watch this bitterly as she retreated to kirito's table, alchol drinks are still banned for her after all.

"hmp" Silica

"who said that i will not drink?" Asuna stop her movements but she continue to sit there a bit forced

"alright... order your drink then" Griselda frowned but she smirk at Asuna while leaning her body on Shen Tian.

"hmp you first!" Asuna glare at her, she held Shen Tian but only his cloths, unlike Griselda who is already glue'd on him.

Shen Tian just ignore the two bickering, he already know this girls feeling for him but he couldn't just accept both of them right? because they might not agree sharing each other so he just let them be. even thought Griselda become even more proactive when she visted his house a week ago.

"I order s** on the beach then" Griselda whisper to Shen Tian ears but it was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear it. this made all does who didn't know about alcohol blush in shame.

"what kind order is that!?!?! you indecent!!" Asuna blushed.

Agil and Klein Laughed loudly even Liz laugh with them making the other confused

"hahaha Asuna... (S** on the beach) is-" Liz whisper to Asuna ears the truth while laughing " so its just a mixed alcohol drinks"

"i... i... i order s** on the beach too then" Asuna said in shame.

Agil slide drink to the two woman who is sitting besides Shen Tian.

"Shen cheers."Griselda held her glass to Shen Tian so he clicked his glass with her, She drink a bit to taste it, she glance at Asuna who is still staring at the glass infront of her.

Agil smile at the hesitating Asuna because the one he gave her is just mixed pure juice while the one on Griselda is the real deal.

"don't worry thats just a mixed fruit juice" Shen Tian said to Asuna while patting her head.

Asuna sigh in relief then she took a sip to taste it "hn delicious!"

Griselda cheeks have a red hue on it because of the alcohol.

When all of them are drinking the door open's for the fourth time making Shen Tian look there. A beautiful brown haired girl appears there with Nanami who is staring at him sharply.

"Big brother Shen i miss you! wah!!" Yuna rush to Shen Tian hugging him from the back.

"Yuna and Nanami welcome!" Liz

"Yuna your house is far away from here right?"Shen Tian.

"yep but i just move here in this city. because from now on i will be going to the special SAO school where the others are studying now! my father allowed it hehe" Yuna let go of Shen Tian after being satisfied.

"thats good Yuna we will be together from now on!!" Silica said excitedly.

"Young Master your really here and your even enjoying yourself hehe"Nanami grabbed Shen Tian shoulder she glare at the two girls, those are sitting besides him.

Shen Tian smile bitterly when he felt her strong grip on his shoulder.

"Nanami your here?!" Asuna and Griselda have been bickering since a while ago. so they just notice her.

"Of course im here! hmp! you two want to make a move on young master?! dream on!" Nanami shouts. making Asuna and Griselda glare at her.

"the heck, this will become bloody! haha" Klein

"onii-chan your friend is really popular..." Suguha

"yeh if i was a girl i would fell for him too haha" Kirito said jokingly but Liz heard it.

"what did you say kirito?!?!" Liz shouts at her boyfriend feelling a crisis in her heart.


Shen Tian goes back to his drinking silently, He watch Nanami,Asuna and Griselda bickering, Agil and Klein talking about vrmmo, Kirito, Silica, Yuna, Liz and Suguho are talking about their future daily life excitedly...

'hmm this feeling when watching them chatting happily is really...'

"not bad.." Shen Tian
