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Chapter: waaah!!

"Shen Ani'ue look at that!"

Erika is looking at the vast ocean with fasinated face through the window. Its her first time riding an Airplane so she more hyper than before.

"beautiful..." Erika muttered as she see a tiny island that is shaped like a heart, she plastered her face on the window so she can see the view outside more clearly.

Shen Tian smiled seeing her act like that. He really want to pat her head. So he reach out his hands but something made him stop his actions. He felt a killing intent from far away on the ocean.

*Emergency Passengers!! We have just recieve a message from the main HQ that Okinawa island have just become a war zone! So our Airplane course will change to the Tokyo airline pls understand!!*

After hearing the emergency message everyone inside the plane started to panic but of course except for Shen Tian.

"which country alliance attacked us this time?!?"

"Okinawa become a warzone?!" a man infront of the chiba siblings sits. discussed the news with his friend.

Erika is panicking too. she is just not showing it on her face but her hand is gripping at Shen Tian shirt tightly.

Shen Tian smile a bit. He just silently pat Erika head to calm her down.

"Shen Ani'ue..." Erika worries disappeared when she felt the warm hand on her head.


-Inside The cockpit of the Airplane-

There are Three man operating the ship inside. their sitting on a turnable chair while pushing some buttons from the cockpits walls.

"Sir we detected an unknown warship fleet's from 25 degree to **km distance!!" a man nervously said when he saw a 100+ of red dot on the radar.

"Avoid it!!."

"Turn off our detection and communication system so we can't be detected by the other side!!!" The man with a beard that looked like a captain said without hesitation

"sir!! some of the unknown warships changed its course and its going towards our direction!!!"

"what?!?! damnn where too late! turn the direction opposite from them fast!!! also rise our altitude so their attack range can't reach us!" The Captain shouted at the man at his side then he grabbed the other man shoulder while pointing at him. "and You! i heard someone from the Chiba clans boarded our Airplane this time. call them now!!"


-Inside the Airplanes passenger sits-

While Shen Tian is comforting Erika, he see a man from the cockpit room walking towards them in a fast pace.

The man stops near them and suddenly said.

"Sir and miss are you the one's from the Chiba Family?"

"Yes its us" Shen Tian replied while patting his sister head.

"plss follow me to the cockpit room our Captain is calling the two of you urgently." After saying that the man pointed the way to the cockpit room.

"alright" Shen Tian stand up from his sit to go to the cockpit because he already had the idea why the captain calling him in the name of Chiba clan but Before he go he turn his attention to Erika. "Erika im leaving for a bit so stay here for now ok?"

"Shen Ani'ue isn't the captain calling us both there..? ill go too! " Erika tried to stand up but she was forced to sit down again by Shen Tian.

"no im going there alone... your still too young for this.." Shen Tain said seriously at Erika.

Erika wanted to retort to Shen Tian that their age is the same but she stopped seeing her brother serious face.

"hmp ok" Erika lookdown at the ground while pouting.

"good.." Shen Tian smiled patting Erika head before going to the cockpit.


-Inside the Cockpit room-

"turn on the detection system and communication system so we can report the situation to the HQ since where already being chased anyway"


*click* a sound of the electric door opening.

The captain glance at the two people going inside the room. He become disappointed because he see Shen Tian following his subordinate inside the room.

"a kid...? sigh... looks like i need to write my will now..." The Captain

"sir the member of the chiba clan is here" the man that just came in with Shen Tian said.

"no need make him go back to the passenger sit" The Captain.

Shen Tian frowned a bit when he heard him but his expression is calm because he know his age and appearance is a bit unreliable.

"S-sir one of the warship started to release some jets..." One of the captain subordinate said in despair.

"dammit!!!" The captain smashed his hand on the cockpit table in anger.

"whats the HQ reply from our report?!"

"i can stop them." Shen Tian suddenly said in a calm tone making the people inside the cockpit stare on him in silence.

"this isn't the time to joke here ki-!!" The captain wanted to scold Shen Tian but his eyes widen in shock because he see Shen Tian starts floating around on the air.

"flying magic?!?!" One of the captain subordinate said in shock.

"isn't flying magic only a theory?!?!"

"you just need to open the door for me then i will obliterate them" Shen Tian said after landing on his feet.

*gulp* The captain calmed his nerve's because its his first time seeing a flying spell and the one using it. is only a kid 'the Chiba clan have a kid like this? anything that is related to the Clans really can't be underestimated....'

"I apologise for my rudeness earlier because your young appearance but i need to ask you seriously now. can you really do it?" The Captain face become serious.

"Just let me go outside then ill do the rest but i have one condition."

"what is it..?"

"protect my sister-..."

"sir!! the Jets are approaching our Airplane in fast speed!!! i estimate that there's only 10 seconds left before we go in their range of attack."

"Plss stand at the center of the room! where going to send you outside now!" The captain haistly said to Shen Tian.

When Shen Tian is already standing at the center He saw one of the captain subordinate using his Cad. it start to release some shining numerical numbers while erecting a barrier around them and the room.

After doing that He gave a military saluted to Shen Tian with the other two people in the cockpitroom.

Seeing them acting like that Shen Tian glance upward. "don't tell me..."

a hole suddenly appear on the cockpit roof sucking Shen Tian to the outside.

