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Chapter: Seal


Battle Reported:

The War in Okinawa, Year 2092

Authorization: SSS-Class

Classified Information.

As of 17 hours time. The war turns into our favor because of some unidentified magician using an unknown AOE spell innihalating all of the Enemy backup Naval fleets that is stationed 500km away fron Okinawa island. Approximately 56 minutes after The unidentified magician used his spell. Agent Ooguru Ryuuya uses 'Material Burst' obliterating the remaining Enemy fleets near the Okinawa Island ending the war.



-3 years have passed, after the war at Okinawa-

"time flies really fast..." A handsome young man with a red haired whispers while looking at the huge building structure infront of him.

He is wearing a high school uniform for the National Magic University Affiliated First High School. this school is the most prestigious Magic Highschool in Japan.

"bro Shen where late now! what are you standing there for?" A red haired beautiful girl with the same uniform as him grabs Shen Tian hand dragging him inside.


"Erika... aren't you too excited for this?" Shen Tian still felt sleepy because this sister of his awaken him from his beautiful dream this morning.

"hah! bro! where already a highschooler can you change your habit of waking up late in the morning!!" Erika antics is attracting some other students around them.

"Hey look isn't that girl a weed?" A random girl student

"What is she being excited for, she just a reserv-"

"Shhhh look at the handsome boy badge besides her, he's a bloo- ek! what is this cold feeling? lets leave here now....." The random girl felt something cold sweat on her back so she left with her friends.

Some of the students whispered as they discussed about them.

"tsk this is why i said train in your magic more Erika" Shen Tian said while staring sharply at the back of the leaving girls who just badmouthed his sister.

"hmp bro!. if its in real combat they wouldn't last to me in 2 sec" Erika crossed her arms under her chest feeling a bit proud.

"True.." Shen Tian unconciously patted his sister head.

"im not a kid.." Erika protests in whisper when she felt his hand but she didn't resist it.


-Inside the School Auditoriom Building-

A large amount of students are going inside for the entrance ceremony of the Freshmans. The chairs are arranged into 2 groups. Course 1 students on the front sits then Course 2 students to the back.

"Hey bro how about sit with me on the Course 2 section?" Erika

"Nope i don't want to stand out... lets meet after this" Shen Tian decided to sit at the nearest Course 1 chair.

"So heartless!" Erika grumply walked to the course 2 student sits. on the way she bumped on a beautiful girl with a glasses that have a bobcut hairstyle.

"owh sorry!" The girl apologized to Erika after stabilising her balance.

"no its my fault!" Erika


Shen Tian is observing Erika talk with the other girl from his sit, He nodded his head when he saw that Erika and the girl started to talk at each other like a friend.

"I don't remember her name but i know that she's one of the main characters.... " Shen Tian whispered to himself.

*Now we will begin the magic highschool attached to the National Magic University's entrance ceremony*

*yawn* "i still really felt sleepy...."

"pffft haha" Two girls who is sitting beside Shen Tian giggle at him. When they heard his self monologue.

This made Shen Tian turn his attention to them giving them a sharp look with his sleepy eyes.

"what?" one of the girl that have a grey hair said to him bluntly, she stares back at Shen Tian with her expressionless face, She look like a.....

"Cat...?" Shen Tian whispered but it was heard by the two girls again making the Expressionless girl eyes twitched.

"pffft haha" The other brown haired girl giggled again.

"nevermind" Shen Tian turn his head to the other side, laying the side of his head so he can have some quick nap.

The expressionless girl wanted to do something to Shen Tian but she is stopped by the Brown haired girl.

"stop Shizuku hehe"

*yawn* Shen Tian just ignored them and start to think about something but his vision start to black out when he heard the ceremony speech.


-Inside the Auditorium after one and half hour-

"hey bro! wake up!"

"Chiba-san your brother is really funny"

"This preson is your brother?"

"his really rude"

"hey bro wake up! where the only ones left here. the others already left"

Shen Tian felt someone is slapping his cheek to wake him up so he opened his eyes lazily. He see his Little sister with a familiar looking guy and 3 other girls.


"you guys are..." Shen Tian get up from his sit but of course he return the slaps he recieve from his sister with a hard flicker on her forehead.

"ouch! what are you doing bro!" Erika

"nice to meet you guys my name is Chiba Shen. I apologize for my little sister inconvenience" Shen Tian bowed a bit to the other 4 people, showing them his politeness.

"pfft hehe" The girl with glass

The two girls before who are sitting besides him a while ago looked at him with amuse expression on their face.

"the rude boy disappeared" The expressionless girl

"how am i a inconvenience?!" Erika protested while holding her forehead to easy the pain but she is ignored at the side.

"my Name is Shibata Mizuki nice to meet you" The girl with glasses said.

"so your from the chiba clan... um my name is Mitsui Honoka" The brown haired girl said while bowing his head a bit.

"i am Kitayama Shizuku nice to meet you rude boy" The expressionless girl said while bowing her head a bit.

When the familiar looking boy is about to introduce himself, Shen Tian raised his hand to stop him.

"i already Know your name Shiba Tatsuya-san..." Shen Tian said that after staring at the familiar looking boy face and body built.

Tatsuya frowned a little bit as he stare back at Shen Tian. The other girls didn't notice it but of course it didn't escape Shen Tian eyes.

"how could i not know the one who perfected. The writing exam in the entrance assessment of this school?" Shen Tian said casually.

"what did you say bro?! He perfect the writing exam?! then why is he a course 2 student!" Erika said in

"Tatsuya perfected the Entrance writing exam...?" Honoka have amazed expression on her face.

"im Casting speed is a bit..." Tatsuya expression become a bit akward.

All of them look at Tatsuya with understanding expression on thier face except for Shen Tian. well He is just going with the flow.


-Main School Hallway-

Shen Tian, Erika, Honoka, Shizuku, Mizuki and Tatsuya are seen walking side by side attracting some attention from the other student because of their weird combination. three course 1 student and three course 2 student are talking happily at each other. Some Course 1 students frowned at the sight while some course 2 student felt a bit loss.

"Your waiting for someone here Tatsuya?" Erika

"Yeh, im waiting for my little Sister" Tatsuya

"little sister? don't tell me She's a freshmen like us" Honoka

"A twin?" Shizuku

"No where like just like Shen and Erika but unlike them me and my sister are blood related" Tatsuya said calmly.

"don't compare us with you and your little sister. Tatsuya hmmp! even if where not related by bloo- ouch!" Erika hold her forehead in pain.

"don't say something stupid.." Shen Tian blow an air on his smoking finger.

"Shiba..? hmm As i thought Tatsuka-kun. you have a connection with our Freshmen representative Shiba Miyuki" Mizuki said while udjusting her glasses upward.

Suddenly A Beautiful girl approached the wierd group under the eyes of many student there's two people following behind her that looked like a 3rd year students.

"Onii-sama! sorry for making you wait.." The beautiful girl with a long hair style bows her head a bit to Shiba Tatsuya.

Shen Tian is staring at the newcomer with his scanning like gaze. "She's really pretty....."

"owah! Bro! what are you staring at Tatsuya little sister?!" Erika said teasingly while hitting Shen Tian with her elbow.

"really a rude guy" Shizuku.

"hello my Name is Shiba Miyuki. thanks for taking care of my onii-sama" Miyuki bows elegantly then glancing At Shen Tian because she felt his stare.

The others began to inroduce their self again to Miyuki.

'but she's not pretty as my Nanami' Shen Tian turn his view to the side to look at the sky, He start to miss them again.....

"By the way Miyuki are you already done with your business in the student council?" Tatsuya asked her when he see two Student Council members standing behind her.

"its Fine" A mature looking girl from the student council replied to Tatsuya. "i just want to introduce myself to her today..."

"hey Erika im going to restroom first" Shen Tian start to walk away from them not waiting for a reply. His bangs are covering his eyes.

"bro can i follow you?" Erika said waiting for some reotort from her brother but He just silently left there.

"rude guy..." Shizuku

"what happened to Shen-san?" Honoka said to Erika.

"i dunno... sometimes bro is like that... saying he need some time alone..." Erika.

"onii-sama your friend..." Miyuki

Tatsuya silenly look at Shen Tian back with a curious light in his eyes. Even the Mature woman who is talking to Tatsuya and Miyuki glance curiously.


-On The School Grounds-

Shen Tian is sitting alone on a random bench while he is staring at his front absentmindedly.

"right... why am i wasting my time in this academy again..?" After saying that a game like screen appear on his front

[Quest: Attend the First High Magic Academy for 2 years.

Completition reward: 100 lottery ticket

Failure Penalty: Host will lose half of his Origin life span.]

*sigh* Im really regretting doing that shit in the SAO world...

'Human emotions are really uncontronable power. so bear with it ...' A cold voice echod inside Shen Tian head.

"Hàte...?" Shen Tian is a bit surprise because its been a long time since he talked with this clone of his.

"Yes original?. I really need to thank you now because i broke through my limit because of your Origin core help" Hàte cold voice resound again.

"you've broken through the Origin Realm?"

"Yes and No, my cultivation pathways are different from yours but i have the strength above the Origin Realm" Hàte

"what your power level is above the Origin Realm?!?!" Shen Tian start to think about his own power when he is only at Origin realm... but now Hate power level is already above that... the heck! too Op...

"you should know that the two of us are one. So when you used the rennigan again. you will feel its huge power up" Hàte said in a cold voice but it sounded smug and happy to Shen Tian ears.

"From now on i should seal all of my rennigan abilities @-@" Shen Tian