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Chapter: Tingling

-In The School Hallway-

"Bro! im telling you! don't suddenly leave me behind again like yesterday alright?!" Erika is walking with Shen Tian on the Hallway.

"Hey are you lis- ouch!!" Erika held her forhead in pain.

"Okay okay~ you have already said it to me in 33 times since this morning" Shen Tian

"its because bro isn't replying to me!!" Erika expression turn into pout the She glared at Shen Tian, she even stopped in her steps to show her bro how dissatisfied she is!

*yawn* Shen Tian continue to walk by turning to the left because they have already reached the end of the hallway. The course 1 student and course 2 student have a saperate classroom. So the two of them have to go on their own way now.

"bro where still not done in our talk yet!!"

*Ding Dong Dung!!!* Signal for the beggining of the students class.

Erika couldn't help but felt annoyed at the School, she need to seperate with her bro now because the First High Magic School rules are strict after all, she didn't want to do something bad in the first day of the class.

"Tsk! Bro we will meet again later!!" Erika.

'How naive Erika. If its before 3 years ago. When your still small. Your acting cute might have worked on me but now its useless i have becom- wait... why am i thinking of this?' Shen Tian.

"it must be because of my lack of sleep..."



-Inside The Classroom of 1st year Course 1-

Even thought the class bell already rang. There's still no teacher inside the classroom, so the students start to talk at each other to form their own group of friends.

"Goodmorning Shizuku and Honoka" Miyuki greets the two girls sitting near her.

"Goodmorning...." Shizuku replied with her expressionless face.

"Goodmorning!" Honoka smiled as she greets back.

"goodmorning too Shen" Miyuki smiles when she see Shen Tian standing behind Honoka and Shizuku because he have just arrive.


"Goodmorning.. "Shen Tian said to the trio as he slumped on his sit.

"rude guy" Shizuku eyes become sharp while staring at Shen Tian.

"oh your here Shen-san! why did you suddenly left yesterday.." Honoka

"im gonna take a quick nap don't disturb me" Shen Tian said lazily as he close his eyes.

"really.. rude.." Shizuku.

The Trio wanted to speak more but The Teacher came inside making all of the student to straighten on their sit well except for Shen Tian.

"Ok students no need for all of you to sit like that. Im just your temporary teacher for today's morning, so no need to be formal. We will just have a self introduction anyway." Teacher


-Lunch Time in The school-

"Hey want to eat with us?"

Honoka, Shizuku and Miyuki invited Shen Tian to eat with them in the cafeteria but he declined them politely.

Shen Tian is now wondering around the school, to find some spot where he can eat his bento peacefuly.

"Shen long time no see!" a woman with a short bob-cut hairstyle calls out to him.

"What are you doing here Watanabe-san" Shen Tian said in alert manner while hiding his bento behind him. To think that he will met an Evil Foodie here.

Watanabe Mari is Shen Tian Sister-in-law, she is currently engaged to one of his big brother. well that doesn't really matter. The only problem here is that. when this girl visited their dojo 3 years ago. She happened to eat a food that is made by Shen Tian.

Starting to that day Mari almost visited their dojo every day so she can request some food to Shen Tian but for some reason, she stopped visiting them 7 months ago.

"eh? didn't i said. you can call me onee-san?" Mari

"sorry but i need to go now Watanabe-san" Shen Tian left without a hesitation. he really needed to escape there or else his bento will be gone.

"wait wait! Shen what is that thing in your hand? *gulp* is that a bento....?"In Mari eyes Shen Tian suddenly disappeared in his position.

Mari looks around her surroundings seeing there's no sign of Shen Tian, She left in disappointment.

"as always he's really good at escaping but now that he have enrolled in this school his bento won't be able to escape from my grasps.... hehehe"


-School Rooftop-

Shen Tian is eating his obento alone while staring at the vast clear sky as His red hair, waves along the wind.

"Show yourself..." Shen Tian whispered even thought he said it in low voice the sound echoed around.

"How..." The shadow of a big structure on the rooftop start to move. a beautiful mature woman in her long sleeve jacket with a lab coat appear there.

Shen Tian tapped the floor besides him. "How about sit here with me? i happen to need a Lady companion right now."

The mature woman hesitate's again... before biting her lips "you have to tell me first. How did you discovered me...."

"Then leave now. If you don't want to accompany me" Shen Tian

The mature woman hesitate's again but in the end she couldn't stop her curiousity, so she sat on the floor 1 meter away from Shen Tian.

"whats your name?" Shen Tian remember this mature woman appearance in anime but he didn't know her name.

"seriously? im one of your class teachers and i give your class a lesson this morning.... ah right! you where the one who slept from the beggining of my class until the end " The mature woman couldn't help but gave Shen Tian a hard glance before saying her name. "my name is Ono Haruka..."

"so its Haruka-Sensei.... your one of Yakumo student right? " Shen Tian remembered this woman too in anime as being Yakumo desciple.


"Im Yakumo friend actually" Shen Tian met him 3 years ago. When Erika dragged him around aimlessly . They happen to sneak in Yakumo Temple that day. Erika accidentally broke one of the buddha statue and a fight broke out. Of course Shen Tian emerge victorious even Kokonoe Yakumo was beaten to the ground with the other monks. After that the two of them become acquaintance.

Haruka glance at Shen Tian with a hard look as if saying that she's not believing him at all.

"if you don't believe me then you can mention my Name to him hehe" Shen Tian

*Ding dong dung!!!!* The class bell rang signaling that classes are about to start.

"ill have to go now sensei..." Shen Tian

"ok... im going to- !!"

Infornt of Haruka. Shen Tian start to disappear like a smoke in his sit making her stand up in defence stance then She glance around to see his figure shadow. She even took out her CAD for safety measurements

"Shen-kun are you still there?" Haruka suddenly felt someone touch her back slowly going upwards towards her neck making her blush "You!"

"i don't really like it when someone is secretly spying my daily life..." Shen Tian who is now standing behind her.

Haruka wanted to move away from his hands but her instinct is telling her that if she move even for a bit she would be dead.

"not bad... you know what to do hehe... this is my warning sensei..."


"Ah.." Haruka yelp in pain as she felt a tingling sensation traveled from her butt. When she realized what just happened. Her face becomes red in shame, she turn to look behind her angrily, She really want to beat up Shen Tian this time but there's no one there. so she can only stamped her feet on the ground to release her anger. After a while she start to calm down.

"To think that he have that kind of skills... is this why the goverment made me his observer? He's really dangerous... " Haruka said seriously but her cheeks start to redden again. When she felt the pain sensation on her butt "He even took advantage of me..."


-Afternoon near The School Gate-

There are many groups of student leaving the school but the most eye catching one is Shen Tian and his friends.

"My name is Saijou Leonhard nice to meet you, You can call me Leo if you like" A man with a bit bigger built than Tatsuya extend his right hand towards Shen Tian.

"So your Leo... my name is Chiba Shen nice to meet you too." Shen Tian

"have we met before?" Leo


"bro! ignore that block head im asking you a question!why didn't you show up in the cafeteria earlier?" Erika

"im busy studying at that time." Shen Tian

"what did you say?! Who are you calling block head?!" Leo

"who else?" Erika smile smugly at Leo making him annoyed but he really couldn't do anything there.

"Erika don't bully Leo too much" Mizuki

"rude guy your studying? Lie's you've always been sleeping in our classes" Shizuku said with a expressionless face.

"You should stop doing that Shen" Honoka

"Yeah Shen you really need to pay attention to our class or else. you will regret it later" Miyuki warned him.

"hmm ok ill try" Shen Tian answered casually making the others eyes twitch.
