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Chapter: I REJEC-

-Day 4 Lunch Break in the Student Council Room-

Shiba Miyuki have a curious expression on her face, she is currently standing infront of the Student Council room with Shen Tian because they were called by the President through the school announcement during. The second period in their class.

*sigh* Shen Tian really didn't want to go here because its troublesome... he already have some idea's why both of them are being called.

*Knock Knock* Miyuki knocked the door twice.

"Come in~" A reply voice came from the inside so Miyuki opens the door gently.

Shen Tian see Four girls inside sitting on a chair. that are gathered around a long square table. Watanabe Mari is one of the girls there. She is waving at him with a mischievous smile on her face

"Welcome! don't be shy and come in~" The mature woman who is sitting on the head chair invited them inside with a smile on her face.

"excuse us..." Miyuki bows before going inside. Shen Tian followed behind silently until both of them sitted on a chair with the others.

The mature woman stare at Shen Tian. " Oh right even thought we already introduce ourself in the entrance ceremony. Just in case... Im the student council president. My name is Saegusa Mayumi"

Mayumi gaze move to The Blue haired girl near here. "The one sitting next to me is our treasurer Suzune Ichihara, A.K.A Rin-chan!"

"Your the only one who calls me Rin... President" The Blue haired girl that have a tanned skin replied to Mayumi with a calm face.

"The one who's sitting next to her is Watanabe Mari Chairman of The Deciplinary Committee." Mayumi

Mari have a smug smile on her face while staring intently at Shen Tian as if saying 'Your sister in Law is Amazing right? right!?' This made His eyes twitch a little.

Mayumi pointed at the Last person "and thats our secretary Nakajo Azusa, A.K.A A-chan"

The Last girl have an orange hair in a short braided hair style pouted when she heard How Mayumi introduced her.

"President... i beg you don't call me A-chan infront of the underclassmen. I have a reputation to maintain too, you know!!." Azusa

Mayumi smiled playfuly when she heard Azusa protest while ignoring her making Azusa pout more.

"And along with Hanzo, Our Vice president, Were the Main members of Student Council this semester." Mayumi.

Shen Tian is in deep thought thinking about why he's the one who's invited here because even though, He don't remember all the plots in the Irregular High School anime, He still know this early scene part in anime. The president should have called miyuki and her brother Tatsuya here to discuss about joining the student council and The deciplinary commettee.

"Ototo you must be wondering why your here right?" Mari

"Eh Shen you know Watanabe-senpai?" Miyuki have a surprised expression on her face even Mayumi and the others.

"an aquaintance" Shen Tian.

"how cruel Ototo... im your Sister-in-Law. With our relationship i can even be considered as your big Sister" Mari put a sad face on while she talk, but she smiled teasingly at Shen Tian in the end.

Rin raised her eye brows after hearing what Mari said, and she opens her High Tech Hologram Tablet to search Chiba Shen informations.

Mayumi smiled getting up from her sit to get some trays of food at the back that are already been prapared before Shen Tian and Miyuki came. She served it to the others "Anyway how about we eat something first?"

The others seems to like the idea.


After all of them eaten their fill. Mayumi and Miyuki and the others start to talk about their bussiness while Shen Tian is silent. He felt someone is looking at him in disappointment but He just ignore it.

Mari is the one who is staring at him 'He didn't prepared his bento this morning?! *sigh* what a pity..'

"Miyuki-san we would like you to join The Student Council..." Mayumi stare at Miyuki after saying all the rule's of the Student Council. " Will you accept our invitation...?"

Miyuki bows her head a bit "im sorry but can i discuss it first with my brother...?"

"Oh our apologize for rushing you its ok if you don't reply now. You can talk it out with your family First" Mayumi

"Thank you president... but i have some questions" Miyuki

"go ahead" Mayumi

"If i happen to Accept joining into your ranks can my brother join as well...?" Miyuki

"unfortunately that can't happen. I heard your brother perfected his writing Test but his practical Test is below average, so he become a course two student.. in The school regulations, course 1 are the only one's who can join the Student council. If we want to change this regulations. We need the half votes of all the Student Council Faculty members. " Rin mouth opened lika a machine gun with a calm look on her face she stared at Miyuki.

Miyuki seems a bit absent minded after hearing her, she bows her head a bit. "im sorry for my rudeness"

"Its alright" Rin gave her a small smile while thinking how polite this Kohai of her.

Mayumi nodded her head in thier exchange then she turn her Attention to the red haired guy who have a Lazy expression on his face.

"Chiba-san the reason why we called you here is to invite you to Deciplinary Commettee-" Mayumi


[New Quest!!!: Join the Deciplinary Commettee

Reward: 10 Lottery Ticket

Punishment: Unknown]

"*cough* i mean its honor for me to join the Deciplinary Commettee" Shen Tian Lazy expression become serious making everyone in the room felt weird.

'Didn't you want to reject it just now?!' They thought.

"Really?!" Mari felt a bit excited because even thought she recommend Shen Tian to Join the Commettee, She didn't really expect for him to join, she's just trying her luck.

"yes?" Shen Tian

"Ototo you can't go back in your word! Rin register him now. before he change his mind" Mari pulled Rin on her side making the other sweat drop.

"Alright...." Rin did as what her told she start taping on her keyboard in extreme speed.

"Thank you for accepting our offer Chiba-san" Mayumi smile warmly at him


Shen Tian and Miyuki left after the recuitment because they still need to meet with the others in the cafeteria.

"Mari.. you seems pretty excited when your little brother joined the Commettee?" Mayumi said curiously making Rin and Azusa look at Mari as well.

"hehe with my ototo in the commettee. I can let go of my worries, on finding who i can pass my position. when i graduate here." Mari relaxed on her sit.

"Chiba Shen. Ranking in course 1, 5th From last

Writing Test: Average score.

Practical Test: Average score.

hmm the only reason he passed course 1 is because of his specialize Magic" Rin suddenly start to read the information on her tablet.

"with that average score... I think the position of Chairman commette isn't suited for him" Azusa pokes her own cheek in thought.

"do not look at that records... because you will just be misleaded by it." Mari said in a mysterious tone. "what im about to tell you guys is an off record alright?"

Mayumi, Rin and Azusa seems surprise. They leans closer to Mari with a curious glint in their eyes.

"I met Chiba Shen in one and a half Year ago. Inside the Chiba Family dojo. He came to Dojo to sleep, eat and play games on a tablet!. He is really Lazy to the bone! but strangely enough nobody stopped him from doing those things" Maria lays her cheeks on her hand to relax. "I become curious so i asked my Fiancé, whats the problem with his Little brother. did you know what he replyed at that time?"

Mayumi, Rin and Azusa leaned even more closer.

"He said -My little brother doesn't need to train anymore... because He already mastered almost all of the sword arts in the world at the age of 12 years old....-

"What?!?!" Mayumi, Rin and Azusa