The Door of Viaje (7)

"These secret documents must be worth something to them if it was locked in this vault. It can help us gain leverage if I choose to destroy the almighty House of Vadesh." Leena took make documents that were stored in a desk of someone who seemed they were important. "I really hope Eric found my sister. I get the feeling that we should leave now"

They left the house after hearing a few steps. Running through the woods the continuously looked over their shoulders checking to see if they were followed. Izak didn't the girl and listened as she spoke of her plans for getting rid of the houses one day. They were almost at their meeting place a pair of voices could be heard. Not loud but Leena and Izak decided to investigate who they were and what they wanted. "When are you going to tell Leena?" Eric grabbed onto Amira's arm and turned her to face him. They were pack on together like a ham sandwich.

"I don't know how to tell her, she's been like a little sister to me. I don't know how she will take all of this." Amira could feel Eric's breath slowing down connecting their eyes desperately. Leena watched as they dangerously came close to kissing before Eric turned away. It shocked Leena, this was what he's always wanted so why wasn't he trying to kiss her anymore?

Izak noticed the relief in Leena's expression that brought a darkness to his face. He had proposed to her and she didn't reject him but she didn't accept either maybe she was just holding out for being young or because she was waiting for Eric. Him being five years older did give him a creepy vibe but so was Eric and she didn't to mind.

After Eric pushed away he sensed there were two people looking at him from behind a tree. "Took you long enough."

He turned to see two soldiers run in to attack him. His slow reflexes didn't grab ahold of his sword on time. Boom! The soldier in front froze in a position where his sword would have sliced Eric's neck. "We have been spotted. We have to go. Now!" Leena's words filled the night sky.

Leena jumped out having frozen both Vadesh soldiers in place, she could sense the soldiers closing in on them which was another reason why she stayed back when she heard them speak. They sprinted west as fast as they could, it felt like an eternity before Leena And the group stopped to catch a break.

"I need to know everything Amira." Leena wasn't willing to waste another day without knowing what was going on. The conversation that she heard early between Eric and Amira made her feel even more uneasy. For years she asked Amira to tell her about their parents and for years she refused. Now was not the time to keep secrets.

Amira nodded and took a seat where she stood. Leena took a seat opposite of her, Izak on the right and Eric to her left. "First, I want to say that I tried to keep this secret to protect you." Amira's sad emotional eyes looked deep into Leena's but she immediately continued when she saw no change in Leena's hardened eyes, hardened expression.

"I am not your sister. I am your cousin, my father and your mother were siblings. I was a little over a year old when my father, mother and twin brother died. Your mother found me and took me in, after she adopted me and had adventures with me she met your father. Everything was fine until one day, Ferwin, your father, didn't come back. He would often go out to hunt for food and finger fresh fruit. Your mother was worried and went out looking for him. She gave me the responsibility of looking out for you until she returned but she never did me.

Over a week had passed and she nor Ferwin returned home. That was when Master Feng showed up. He told me how your mom and dad died, he came in her request to take care of both of us." Amira's tears flowed down her face, these memories were too hard to bear. "He had a silent funeral for both of them. He then told me how I would be able to keep us both safe if you didn't know anything and pretend to be powerless workers."

Leena stood on her feet. "Why did they die?" Her expression was harder, unchanged. "How?"

Amira looked up with tears in her eyes. "Because your mom was a Fiena and you dad was from the House of Certa. The Certa house was trying to protect their image so they hunted them both. No one knew about you except for me. I don't know how the house of Vadesh found out about you exi--"

"I'll take the first watch." Leena cut her off and was stepped ahead.

"Wait Leena." Amira stood up behind her. "The Door of Viaje. Your mom always talked about how if she found it and took us with her all their problems would be solved. I've spent so much time looking for it and I think I found a clue."

Leena nodded. "I'll help you find it but for now we need to rest. Izak, can I borrow your sword?"

He shook his head. "I'll keep watch with you."


"Where are they Kreighton?" The Master Vadesh awoke to the terrible news of one girl being taken and the other not being found. "You told me you could handle this. Why is it that you can never do anything right?"

Kreighton's anger was beginning to boil within. His efforts were always overlooked and no matter what it was always him to blame. "I'll bring them back father. They will both serve you, the house of Vadesh." The Master's face relaxed, he was sure his son was worthy will not fail him on this quest a second time. The Fiena must be found to surpass the power of the other houses and bring a monarchy to this forsaken capital.

"The House of Garge is growing stronger. We need that Fiena to defeat them and the rest of the houses once and for all." Master Vadesh went over to his desk. "I have documents missing.. Inform my assistant to come in here. You may go."

Kreighton bowed out and informed the assistant about his fathers needs. He exited the giant house to find his general and troops lurking waiting for his orders. "Head into the woods, they will move most likely be far out into west. When you find the girl that escaped bring her back alive."

Kreighton was sure that last night, the presence he felt was one of an Irrang. She must've been snuck out with that person, but the Irrang were predominantely from the House of Ilba. Were they trying to get ahold of the Fiena as well? It took my father many years of investigating to find the Fiena had a daughter, did they do some sort of investigation themselves?

He journey with a hand full of troops about twenty-five miles north in his luxurious car to meet the House of Ilba's soldiers in front of the gated mansion. "Good morning gentleman, I've come to see Miss Clarine."

One soldier went in to fetch permission to let the Young Master of Vadesh in. Minutes later a beautiful Blonde appeared in front of the glass door with her silver cat like eyes looking to devour him. "Kreighton, long time no see. What have you been up to my dear friend?"

They greeted each other and headed into a more private room inside the house. There relationship wasn't a mere professional one so when Kreighton closed the door to the empty room Clarine placed her hands on his chest and brought her body close to his. "Mmm.. I always did like the way you carry that sword on your hip." Her fingers fell from his chest onto his belt, she was on the thrill today.

"I didn't come for that today, Clarine." Kreighton moved her hand away. "I want to know what your soldiers were doing last night in my home."

Clarine's nonchalant body language made him feel he was missing something but she always acted this way, so carefree. The precious gem of the Ilba family. "If it was a Irrang, it probably wasn't my family. Years ago many Irrang escaped, everyone knew about this. Due to my house being so merciless those that were found were killed. Now.." Without hesitation she lifted her light brown dress turning to face her back towards him. "Give me what I want."