A Long Odyssey (4)

Clain left the Generals house early, giving a brief report to General Tross before heading out to Master Fei to give him a report as well. Clain was at the foyer of the Fei house when he heard someone call his name out. Damon, the eldest of Master Fei's children, he always spent much time away from home because he was busy preparing for the role of being the head of the city but he was very much like an older brother to Clain.

"How are you? It's been sometime." Clain was three years younger than Damon, who wasn't a warrior but he spoke to Clain a lot while he trained here and told him about the ancient library which is why he decided to follow Cindy often to read there for a few days and come back.

"I've been great. Hey, listen, thanks for bringing my sister back. It means a lot to me." Damon was a genuine soul to everyone that knew him, their conversation went on for a while longer until Linx made his way downstairs interrupting them both.

Clain excused himself, making his way to the study where he found Master Fei behind his desk. "Master Fei." Clain took a slight bow after closing the door. "I've come to make my report. I spent a couple of days traveling the area where you last said she had gone missing. Two months scouting and listening in on rumors in that area, there were a couple of outlaws that spoke about a beautiful blonde woman joining the caravan of some hunters to go up north. I hadn't found anything on Nyla so I decided to head north myself. I scouted the areas north, the playsil region, right around the road for some time and headed west after into the highlands. I was told that a hunters caravan would be on it's way to Keero. I found her somewhere off the road in a little town called, Desrt."

Interesting, Master Fei had no idea why his daughter would defy him and go off the radar to join a hunters caravan when she was much stronger than them, she must've had her reasons. Nonetheless it was important for him to research everything in case these people try to come and cause trouble in Dark City.

"Thank you Clain. You always do great work. Please take this time as a vacation for your troubles." Master Fei handed Clain a rather Large pouch with shells in them, Clain took the money, bowed and let himself out.

Linx was waiting by the front door of his house for Clain to pass through. He was hoping to talk to him, Kavira cared about him and he didn't want to cause some really bad understanding where there didn't have to be one. He heard footsteps approach the front door, Clain walked out with a angered expression from catching a glimpse of Linx.

"Clain, we need to talk." Linx had never had any ill intentions towards Clain, still doesn't but he wasn't going to continue in this childish awkwardness. Clain wouldn't look at him but he was willing to hear Linx out. "You can be upset with me all you want, but don't do this to Kavira. She really missed you and she was very worried about you."

"She didn't seem all that worried to me." Clain had seen Kavira smile, hand in hand with Linx and accepting a kiss on her forehead from him.

"One scene doesn't describe an entire story, Clain. If you're really going to push her away because you feel hurt that seems ridiculous." Linx didn't want to be in Clain's bad side because he knew it wouldn't lead to anything good yet he felt that Clain was unwilling to view things rationally.

"Listen, I don't care what you and Kavira do, nor am I interested in being her friend or yours." Clain walked off ignoring Linx as he called out his name. They no longer had anything to do with him, she was just a sleeping memory to him now, at least that's what he wanted to believe.

"Clain?" Kavira was walking to the Fei house when she saw Clain walking in the street. She called out for him multiple times and when he didn't answer she followed him. It was early morning so not many people were around, she called out to him even louder and this time he stopped in place. "Clain, please. Talk to me."

Clain turned around, in a split second he moved his body so close to Kavira that she could feel his heat, his breath, his eyes laser into her body. All time seemed to have stopped, Kavira was lost in this moment unable to move away or think about anything but this.

Mere seconds went by but to Kavira it felt like an eternity, she was about to say something when a radiating heat began to irritate her from behind, the staff.