A Long Odyssey (5)

The staff was glowing, Kavira stepped away from Clain after feeling the incredible aura form behind her. She pulled it out from the harness, it's jade eyes were beaming as well but how was this possible? "What just happened?"

Kavira was shocked, she had spent so much time training with other weapons, learning to master them and when time came for the staff it was dull. This power radiating from it was immense but why now of all times? Clain was just as surprised as she was, he could finally see the white aura surrounding the staff and her pendant. More and more people were walking through the street as they stood their. "Maybe we should get off the street and go somewhere more private." Kavira nodded, holding onto Clain's hand that led her into a back alley somewhere she didn't know.

"I don't understand." The staffs power was slowly dying down and carved symbols appeared as though they had never vanished. "How is this possible?"

Kavira was more confused than ever asking more questions now than she ever had before, if she went to the ancient library she might be able to find something but all these symbols... "You should go meet the dragon elder. They'll probably be able to tell you more of what you're looking at." Clain was certain that if she found the elder they may have the answers to this staffs secret.

"How do I find the dragon elder? Where could the elder be?" Clain wasn't entirely sure, stories of its existence traveled but no one in this life time has ever seen the dragons, at least not humans. Kavira looked at Clain with hopeful eyes and he couldn't help but let all the past wrongs just pass by, this was his friend, his life saver, he would not let petty things come in the way of him protecting her anymore so he took a deep breath and responded.

"First we will go to Cindy in the Blessed Forrest, the ancient books in the library will give us a better read as to where we should look for the dragons. We might be able to ask Cindy but its best to keep the staffs powers hidden since we don't know what it can do." Clain was determined to travel with her as soon as possible, he took a hold of her hand again to hurry to the Generals house but Kavira wouldn't budge from where she stood.

"Clain, we have to bring Linx with us." Clain froze on the spot, unwilling to face Kavira again. "He has powers, like you, like me, we can't just leave him here."

Clain furrowed his eyebrows and turned to look at Kavira's emerald eyes. "What do you mean he has powers? Like mine?"

"No. His magic is different. He can turn into a cloud of mist, like disappear and reappear at will as long as he focuses on what his magic." Kavira had hoped to say these words the day Clain left but he was gone before she could even speak with him. She wasn't too sure how he would react but she wanted to tell him that she didn't betray him, that the only reason she had told Linx was because he was like us.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Clain's question was a bit offsetting. Kavira rolled her eyes, are you kidding me?

"I did try to tell you, you ran off, left and disappeared for five months. How was I going to tell you if you never wanted to speak to me?" Kavira was on the verge of raising her voice to such accusation of not telling him. She tried, for crying out loud.

"I'm sorry. What I did was wrong and if bringing Linx is what's best then he'll come with us. We should leave as soon as possible." Clain walked ahead of Kavira no longer holding her hand but she still followed. They entered the Generals house and decided on speaking to the General together. To their surprise Linx was already in the study with the General.

"Linx." Clain wasn't all too happy to see him but it was best to have him here with such a discussion. "It's a good thing you're here. We have much to discuss."

Kavira pulled out the weapon from her harness once again and placed it on the Generals desk. Linx and General Tross were stunned at the sight of the new symbols carved into the silvery stick. "How did this happen?" The General was more fascinated than ever, magical weapons like these were thought to not exist anymore.

"Clain and I were, " Kavira turned to the side to face Clain, what were they doing? They were facing each other, extremely close and that was when the staff began to change. Not much of it made sense but it was best to be honest. "We were standing face to face when the staff began to radiator heat, I pulled it out from my harness and that's when the symbols began to glow. Once the aura disappeared these symbols were engraved into the staff."

Linx was a little worried as to why they were face to face but he knew that Kavira would be honest with him no matter what. The General took the staff in his hands, twirling it around to get a good view of all of it. Clain was had no patience. "I've suggested Kavira to go to the Ancient Library to find out clues as to where the Dragon Elder may be. The Elder Dragon would be the only creature alive that can tell us what these symbols mean."