A Blessed Mystery (3)

"How did you? When did you?" Linx was having a hard time seeing Nyla as a water being but he knew that he couldn't let her believe that she was alone. He quickly became a cloud of mist scaring Nyla half to death. She held onto her chest and her expression was at a loss for words. "This whole time you've been able to do this?"

Nyla was a bit distraught, these past seven months she felt semi-alone because although she knew that she could tell Kavira she never would have thought that Linx would be just like her. They both returned to their human forms together. "I have been able to do this for about five years, I had forgotten about it because I was afraid to be discovered but I shared it with Kavira and it turns out that Clain also has power."

Nyla was even more astonished. "Clain has magic too? I've known you both for so many years, how did I not know?" She felt that this was a well kept secret from them both but it didn't seem fair, she thought there was more trust among them than that. "I wanted to share this with you all as soon as we hit the road but there wasn't a good time and I was really nervous."

Linx understood, when he first appeared as a mist being he wasn't sure how Kavira would react but he trusted that she would help him try to figure this out. She figured opening up about Clain to Linx would help and even though it made things worse they were now on a journey together. "Are you able to see the magical aura around Kavira's pendant?"

In the beginning, he was the only one who could see said aura, just as they were leaving Dark City he learned that Clain could see it now, too. "There's an aura around the pendant? No.. I've never seen it." Linx nodded, there must be some sort of explanation but he didn't have one, the pendant itself was too much of a mystery.

He handed Nyla some berries and fed Jacko the mushrooms he had picked up. "We don't have much time. Dalton is looking for me and he'll find me. We have to get inside the Fairy domain in order for us to be safe."

Nyla had been stupid enough to believe that she was valuable once she used her new found powers to save the little bird. Lord Yoru had witnessed her using them and extorted her to reign terror on innocent people for a few months. After she wanted to escape, she told Lord Yoru that she wasn't interested in following him but the cane he had in his possession was a lot more powerful that she was. It wasn't until he become heavily intoxicated one night that she was able to escape and follow the rumors of where a Dark City Warrior had last been seen.

Dalton was the right hand man of Lord Yoru, a fearless fawn with combat abilities comparable to Clain's. She was no match for him, if she would have been then she would have never been captured to be a pawn for the hunters but she failed to defeat him. Even with the ability to manipulate water, she had no practice and the fawn was able to render her unconscious in battle.

"So this Lord Yoru is looking for you because he wants your power?" Linx and the others were afraid of showing their magic because they wouldn't be able to live in peace if they did but now that he knows that his sister is being hunted, he had to let the others know. Using their powers may be the only way out of this.

"Yes... Well that and he was interested in me as a woman." Nyla was half expecting Linx to laugh but his serious expression remained unhinged.

"We will wait for Clain and Kavira until the dusk. If they don't get here by then we'll head into the Forrest to try and find the Fairy Domain." Linx knew that Clain and Kavira may had faced more trouble than they did but if they didn't move soon they would be capture or worse, killed.