A Blessed Mystery (4)

Kavira and Clain had been flying for a few hours but an unexpected amount of heat was overwhelming them both. Clain had taken his shirt off and Kavira removed her leather boots. "Do you think we'll reach the entrance of the Blessed Forrest any time soon?"

Kavira was moving her hand in a fan like motion trying to cool herself but nothing worked. "I'm not sure. Hip is getting really thirsty so we'll have to take a break for about thirty minutes." Kavira was holding onto Clain's bare chest, normally she would just grab his waist but she was pressed up against him from fear of falling off since she really couldn't sit put due to the heat. Falling off would be an unwanted circumstance so Clain didn't oppose the way her arms circled around him.

They landed shortly after Clain spoke, Hip immediately curled his feel and legs in and fell asleep. He had become so exhausted due to the heat and the other two just looked at the Griffin with a sad like expression. Their plans to reach Nyla and Linx at the Forrest entrance would have to wait without Hip they couldn't rush, he needed to be taken care of too.

Clain set a bowl of water beside Hip for when he woke up. He then walked over to a tree letting his body fall to the ground around it's shade, time was tight but he was too exhausted to move anymore. Kavira walked over to him and sat up against the tree, falling asleep in the silence of the day.


"We have to go. We can't wait anymore." Nyla could feel the bodies of people moving in towards their location, they were miles away but she was beginning to feel paranoid. These hunters weren't above going into the Forrest and destroying innocent creatures so they both had to move without a trace. They camp fire they had yesterday and today in the morning was completely destroyed and covered with dirty, if anyone tried to track them now it would be based off pure luck.

"We can wait a little longer. If we head in and they come looking for us we'll be running around in an unknown place, like a chicken with their head cut off." Linx had a good reason to be worried and even if they decided to leave a trail for Kavira and Clain to follow others might catch on and find them eventually.

Neither of them had ever entered the Fairy Domain, finding it might take so much longer than they would like so their best bet was to get lost in the Forrest which then would over complicate everything. "I think I can make a mirage and confuse Dalton for a couple of hours but it'll drain a lot of my energy."

Why did things have to become so complicated. They were supposed to be inside the Fairy's Domain yesterday night and now they were fighting an hunter that wanted to use them for their lord's personal gain.

"Okay, but after you do that what will we do?" Linx and Nyla would still be in a dead end if Kavira and Clain don't make it on time but they had to try everything they could to wait for them here.


"Clain wake up!" Kavira shook Clain vigorously, it had been about two hours since they landed, she woke up due to a feeling vibrating through her. "Clain we wasted too much time. I can feel Linx, he's growing distressed for some reason." Clain woke up alarmed. He had forgotten where he was and why they were there.

After they all came to their sense and Hip finished his water they were in the air heading to the Blessed Forrest. The sun was about thirty minutes away from setting on the west, the entrance to the Forrest came into view for the as they flew in closer.

Clain let out a sigh of relief but he presumed good things until he saw a battle being fought in the distance at the entrance. "Something is happening, I need to go down there now." Kavira didn't wait to hear Clain object, she strapped her dao broadswords onto her harness quickly and jumped off of Hip's back.

Kavira soared through the sky rapidly moving with the wind towards Nyla and Linx. It didn't take long for her to see that there were five men surrounding them both and a fawn a little behind watching the scene. The two were being cornered but not before a water barrier was put up between them and the five hunters. This magical energy was Nyla's. Immediately Kavira understood the situation, she came in for the landing taking her weapons on hand and charged at the men attacking the water barrier.

The men quickly changed their target, one by one they attacked Kavira but they all fell to the touch of her blades. Kavira's body was surrounded by her magical aura and she had ended their lives too swiftly for them to even notice what had happened. Five were down and one was left, a red furred fawn with serious yellow eyes stared at the beautiful warrior.

"Who knew that Nyla would have such powerful friends." The faun took a stance with his longsword, hands right over his head this the blade angled diagonally towards the ground. He was so focused on siezing up her opponent that he didn't realize that Kavira wrapped roots and vines around his hooves.

"You will no die today." Kavira put her swords back in her harness and informed Nyla to release her magic. She dropped the barrier collapsing in Linx's arms, Linx carried her to where Kavira stood looking at Dalton with an hateful expression. "How is she?"

"She's exhausted but she's fine." Kavira nodded and watched as Linx placed her on the ground with a leaf pillow on her head that Kavira had created.

Clain and Hip finally reached them and touched down on the floor behind them. "Who are you and why did you come here?" Clain walked past the three and went straight to the fawn. He wasn't willing to waste another second just in case there were more coming after them.

"He won't talk. He's the right hand man of Lord Yoru, the man that controls the hunters." Linx had shared this information, he paced forward to stand shoulder to shoulder with Clain. "His name is Dalton, it would be best if we kill him because he now knows about Kavira."

Dalton remained quiet. He watched as the four interacted with each other, his lord had greatly underestimated Nyla. Not only did she have powerful friends but he had no means to escape as of right now.

"Leave him alive, he will tell us what we need to know." Kavira wasn't irrational, she could be in danger but she was more worried about knowing how far these hunters were willing to go to get their hands on Nyla and the rest of them. "Let's go to the Fairy's domain. I'll deal with him there."