King Adonis (3)

"So, Brenda, if you don't mind me asking. Why were you banned from the Fairy Domain?" Nyla isn't anything like Linx, her curiosity needed to be put to rest. Yes, this pixie might not want to harm her but they knew nothing about her and what better way to get to know her than to find out why she had her wings clipped off.

"It's a very long story." Brenda was hesitant to share her experience. Not many people would understand and these two felt like children to her, maybe they could grasp her story or maybe they'll just laugh.

"We'll aren't we lucky that we still have a little over an hour until we reach Keero." Nyla wasn't about to back down. This pixie decided to follow them, now it was her time to spill the beans.

Brenda wasn't all to willing but if she put herself in their shoes, she would be asking the same question so she decided to talk. "A couple of years ago I met some humans on my journey through the highlands. Among them was a beautiful woman that I fell in love with and in case you didn't know it is forbidden for a fairy to marry outside of their kind. Don't even get me started on the how taboo it is to want to be with someone of the same sex." The two siblings paid attention, not trying to interrupt Brenda's story. "My sister found out about my relationship with the human woman and reported it to the High Elder. That was how I was banned."

The tears began to fall from Brenda's eyes as she remember those memories very vividly, she kept the story brief. It hurts her soul to have been thrown out from her own home because she loved someone she wasn't supposed to but even then what hurt her the most was the betrayal. "Once I was banned, I looked for my love. She glared at me with such disgust and told me that I should have never been caught. She then went on to marry another."

Nyla didn't have to look at the girl's face to know that her expression was incredible distraught. "I'm sorry to hear that." Linx spoke up, he knew that many creatures in this realm held those same rules but he had never traveled enough to hear stories like this.

Brenda wiped the tears off her face and smiled. "It's okay. Things happen for a reason."


"Oh no. I missed a call." Kavira had been too busy with the injured man and forgot to answer her flower when it turned purple, it wasn't until now that she remembered that someone tried to contact her. The flower was now red, but unfortunately for her she didn't know who had called.

"Is that a messaging flower?" Lucas had never seen one before, he's heard stories from tourist but many people keep it hidden because if they bring it out in the open they're very likely to be stolen by looters.

"Yes." Kavira wasn't untrustworthy of Lucas but she also wasn't sure if he was trustworthy.

"I've never seen one before. I half expected it to be a pink flower since most fairies like to be in pink but it's white, interesting." Lucas didn't seem to be aware that Kavira had her guard up and was ready to reach for her dagger if he tried to do something funny. "By the way, you seem pretty young to be traveling alone. What's brings you here to Keero?"

"The city, it's beauty, I've heard many wonderful things about this place." Kavira was only half lying, the other half actually happened. "I'm just hoping to get a job and be a part of the community."

Lucas didn't ask anymore questions, he felt that Kavira wasn't interested in having casual conversation but he didn't completely give up. He was taking her to the castle after all, maybe she'll try to invite him for a drink or something. He didn't deny that she was beautiful, but he was suspicious of her. Her face reminded him of someone he once knew.

They reached the front of the castle, an awkward silence came over them both and Kavira decided to just walk forward. Lucas was watching Kavira, she didn't face him but said thank you and goodbye. She was just about out of view when Lucas caught sight of her brand on her right arm, his eyes widened and a petrified state came over him. "It can't be."