King Adonis (6)

"Your highness, there are six who have come through your city in the search of your Dragon Elder compass." The talking crystal ball was on a small round table with a beautiful tan woven cloth covering it's surface.

"Are any of them worthy?" King Adonis wasn't known for being a good and noble King but he was just and firm on his beliefs. At a young age he learned from his father that one day a worthy person will come looking for the compass, that person could be the downfall of Keero if treated unfairly.

"There is one, a young maiden whom your son Prince Adam has set his eyes on. I advise you to not try and wed them, she is destined for far too much." The crystal was wise and although he could see a great deal of many things, he was also aware that other things must not be said. "Bring her to me, I must speak to her, than you can give her the compass."

"How would I know what she looks like?" This was the first time the King had ever heard such a request from the crystal, without the crystals help he wouldn't have established such a prosperous tourist city so he was willing to do this favor for the crystal.

"She is the one with green eyes, light auburn hair and the dragon mark on her right forearm." The King took his leave, if he was correct a great deal of women have light auburn hair these days but he brushed that off and immediately informed his soldiers to search the entire city for the girl. He needs to bring her under his care before something bad happens to her or else they're doomed.


"I can't really talk right now Linx." Kavira saw the messaging flower turn purple, she hid herself inside the kitchens huge cupboards and answered the call. She missed him but she was busy making dinner, when Sean saw her he didn't believe that such a looker like her couldn't find work elsewhere but she insisted on working here so he gave her work in the kitchen.

"You must've gotten work in the castle already." Linx wasn't all too happy only hearing her faint voice telling him she couldn't talk, she was responsible for the staff and he was responsible for her. "Tomorrow morning Clain will be at the front of the castle. Can you make it?"

Kavira was trying to a think of anything that would impede her to go but there was nothing. "I should be able to make it. I'll talk to you then." She put the flower back into her pouch and resumed her kitchen duties.

It was becoming quite late, Sean had come into the kitchen around eight in the evening to inform the head chef that dinner is to be served. All the chefs carried a dish out including Kavira, she had been told where to place the plate but in case she forgot Mary told her to follow her lead.

Mary was an elderly woman that reminded Kavira very much of Ms. Folly. They walked towards a room at the back of the castle, a simple square room with a fine dinning set. Kavira noticed Clain as soon as she walked in. He was standing over the Prince whom she had met earlier, must be the work he was given.

Prince Adam stood up delighted when he was the beautiful woman he had seen earlier, he was expecting to have to look long and hard to find her but she appeared right before his eyes. He walked over to Kavira, taking her dish and placing it on the table. He reached for her hand and planted a kiss close to her wrist. "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon."

"Adam! What is the meaning of this?" The King had walked into the room and witnessed his eldest son kissing the hand of the help. It disturbed him, he had brought every woman in this city with a high background and good education. Why was he stooping so low as to try and court a mere servant.