Lord Yoru

The group was escorted back to their chambers by the King and as he promised he handed the Dragon Elder compass to the one worthy. Kavira took the compass and stored it into her personal pouch, everyone including Lucas piled into the girls room for a group chat.

Lucas was at a loss for words, his broken down expression made Kavira's heart ache just by the sight. She had been ecstatic herself when he told her that she was his sister, she didn't even think that maybe just maybe her soul was different. "Lucas..." She wanted to reach for him, hold him, hug him, tell him everything was going to be okay but she didn't know how to say it to him without reminded him that she wore his dead sister's face.

It took a while for anyone to say anything after, Brenda was sure that the silence will soon consume them if they didn't say anything in the next few seconds. "So the prophecy was pretty intense. Even though it spoke about their being a war, we first have to visit the Dragon Elder to learn more don't we? I haven't heard of the dead army for years."

Kavira nodded and reached for her weapon bag and pulled out the dragon staff. "The dead army is rising but our priority is getting to the Dragon Elder. This weapon is the real reason we are seeking out the Dragon Elder. Up until a few weeks ago, this staff just had a dragon head with jade eyes and one day the symbols appeared, we need to find out what kind of mysteries the symbols can uncover."

Lucas narrowed his eyes onto the staff. "Where did you get this?"

"I bought it off a merchant in Dark City, he said it had little to no value but I immediately recognized its power." Kavira gave a brief story, she was wondering if Lucas's question meant that he knew something.

"This weapon is called the Yùlóng. I don't know anything about it except that no one has seen it's true power in over three thousand years. My mother passed down notes to me that were given to her by her ancestor's, they don't have a lot of information but there's enough to know some things here and there." Kavira was a little hurt to hear Lucas say 'my mother' instead of their's but she understood. She wasn't the sister he was hoping to meet after all.

"Do you mind if I take a look at those notes?" Kavira asked, she didn't know if Lucas would still want to stick by them but she was confident that he would be reasonable towards their cause, she did trust him very much.

"Of course, yeah." Lucas stood up and before walking out of the room to head for his rented apartment he turned back to look at Kavira's face. "In my eyes you are still my sister. I would like to travel with you, if that's okay with you."

Kavira nodded. "I would like that."

"I'll grab the notes and a few other things. I'll be back."


"So he's in the castle.." Lord Yuro was a bit impressed, that brat had managed to get a place to sleep in the castle. King Adonis wasn't known for being friendly towards half bread creatures, why would he be so generous to a faun?

"Where you able to hear anything about where he was headed?" The tiny speck of flame squeaked words that only Lord Yoru could decipher. "So they're going to be traveling to the Dragon Elder... Looks like I'll get to kill Nyla, her friends and bestow my revenge on Dalton for his betrayal and also get a free passage to the legendary Dragon Elder. Boy am I lucky."

Lord Yoru summoned Bort to his dark tent that was set up earlier that day on the west side of the city. "Follow Nyla and her friends until she is out of the city, I suspect Dalton will be with them. Make sure to send the little bird to me as soon as you see them leave. Once they are far enough away kill everyone except Dalton, bring him to me alive. He is mine."

"Yes, my Lord." The dwarf bowed before taking his leave and executing his orders.