Whatever It Takes (2)

Leena had finally reached the outer rim and now it was only a matter of time before she met up with Nyla and the rest. Her only hope was that Damon had contacted her and informed her about Leena because she wasn't in the mood to be questioned by anyone. The sun was beginning to retire behind the western mountains, she decided to fly for a few more hours before calling it a night with Lucky.

So far these lawless parts of the land indicated that they weren't inhibited. This reminded her of her home world, the deceased countries that were wiped out before Botus became one nation. She snooped around here and there trying to find some wood to burn but it was all already burnt, she produced a few weeds and vines to burn instead. It wasn't cold but she would rather cook the vegetable she had than to eat it raw. She had given Lucky some honey flavored bread that she still possessed from visiting a small town just two days prior.

"I don't know if I'll be able to find Izak or Eric but at least I know Amira is here." She petted Lucky's head, scratched behind his neck until he fell asleep. She walked over to Lucky's side, taking a seat and leaned back to sleep at an angle.


"Hey mom, do you know where my beige shorts are?" I could hear a girl's voice that sounded like it came from me, but I didn't recognize it.

"No sweetie, where do you plan to go tonight?" A middle aged woman with a few gray streaks came walking into the laundry room where I was tossing clothes around looking for beige shorts.

"Carol and I are going to the movies and then we are going to eat some burgers afterwards." I knew I was lying but I was too afraid to look up at my mom and tell her the truth. "Those are my favorite shorts and I can't find them anywhere."

"Oh sweetie.. why don't you just where these jeans? They compliment you well." The mother lifted a pair of skin tight black jeans along with a cute lavender spaghetti strap tank top.

"They're no beige shorts but that does look good. Thanks mom." I took the outfit and walked into the hall on the left making my way to a room. I closed my door and turned to face myself the full body length mirror quickly undressing. The girl in the mirror was fifteen/sixteen years old, she had soft brown eyes and loose black hair with purple at the tips.

The scene shifted and I was watching a movie with a boy, he was cute, dreamy eyes, light brown hair and a dazzling smile. He kept looking over at me and I could feel myself blush, he took my hand into his and my body began to burn from within. I wanted to kiss him so badly but I wasn't sure if I should, he was a senior in high school and I was a sophomore. I really hope I don't get caught.

I was daring, I may have been scared but I grabbed the boy and kissed his as best as I could. The only other boy I had kissed was Johnny in Kindergarten, this was of course better, way better. The boy was beginning to push me back onto my seat taking charge of the kiss when he suddenly stopped.

I opened my eyes to find his gaze clouded becoming distant, I felt liquid pour onto my hands and I looked down to see blood. The boys body collapse on the seat, his body growing colder by the second. I instinctively shook his several times crying out his name, but no one around turned to look. The theater lights were fading and the boy was slipping away from my grasp, the darkness was taking him but I couldn't stop it. The last thing I remember seeing was the girl who wasn't me reach out into the darkness.


Leena woke up to rain falling down her body, she glanced up to find a rain cloud over her head. She reached her hand up and stopped the rain, disappearing the gloomy cloud she sat up. She noticed that she had wet a couple of feathers on Lucky but he remained asleep.

She remember the last time she had a similar dream before going through the Door of Viaje she had an angry reaction where she set a tree on fire. She didn't know what these dreams meant or why she was having them of humans that were from Botus. There was not logical connection or explanation as to why she would be having these dreams, she didn't know these people.

The only thing that she knew for sure was that she had these dreams and her emotions were tied to whoever's perspective she was dreaming from.