The Arrival (3)

16 Years Ago. The Lost Realm.

Amira spent the night looking around and scouting the area. There was nothing to the left or to the right, it was like a clan decided to move to the middle of no where. No worries, Amira knew now what she had to do. Dawn was just about here by the time she made it back to her room.

Amira strolled down the lodge's main hall to the front desk. There was an elderly lady who looked like a warm teddy bear, she had silvery white hair and a contagious smile. "Hello there sweetheart. Up so early?"

"I am the new chef, I was told to be up by dawn." Amira no longer cared about what she had to do for money, her goal was to leave this dump as soon as possible.

2 Months Later.

"Hello. I would like to take a room here." The man was handsome, his electric purple eyes were incredibly dreamy. Mrs. Don was excited to see such a gentleman, she had been trying to pair Amira with a man in the town but she never seemed interest. Mrs. Don went ahead and showed him to his room inviting him to dinner that would be served in a few hours.

"Amira! I have found the perfect man! He is incredibly young and handsome.. He will be coming for dinner." This was the seventh man that Mrs. Don has tried to set her up with. Every other man she had tried to pair Amira with has has fallen short in some aspect. With Amira's abilities she had to be careful with people, many men became curious so she had to cover her mark.

Her Minsho mark appeared on her right arm after entering this world. A mist cloud, she was confused at first, in Botus you needed to take a blood test in order for people to know whether you had magic or not. In the Lost Realm it was just a matter of whether you were born with a mark, Amira quickly learned that magic wielders were extinct for thousands of years. Even though Mr. And Mrs. Don had already seen her mark they didn't know what it meant, she just started covering it up and they didn't take a second look.

It was dinner time and a few people showed up but no one worth boasting about. Ever since Amira saw Izak body under someone else's control, she had been trying to forget him. But every night she has erotic dreams of his lips, his touch, his body hovering over hers and his seductive smirk. She missed him so much it was intoxicating.

"Oh Amira, he's over there. He just walked in." Amira wasn't expecting to be as dazzled as Mrs. Don she would be but when she turned to look over it was incredible. His smile wasn't devious, it was smooth and courteous. His sexy black hair was slightly to his left side and his purple eyes, the most captivating eyes, looked right into her soul.

He walked over to where Amira and Mrs. Don stood serving the food. "Good evening. What's for dinner today?"

He was no Izak but Amira could admire such a man with a built body just like him. His eyes did throw Amira off, it wasn't like normal people in this world had them. "Beef stew, would you like some dinner rolls with that?" Mrs. Don was serving the man since Amira was busy making endless eye contact with him.

The man nodded and waited to be served before taking him plate and having a seat at a table by himself. Mrs. Don encouraged Amira to take a seat with the man and enjoy her own delicious food, at first Amira wanted to fight it but she couldn't deny that this man peaked her interest.

"Do you mind?" The man shook his head and smiled with a closed smile, he had just taken a bite to eat. "I am Amira by the way."

The man waited for his food to completely clear from his mouth before speaking. "I am Kurt."

"What brings you around these parts, Kurt?" The highland region wasn't a very desirable place to visit which was why most days this lodge was empty. His purple eyes dug in deep within hers, as though he was trying to read something he couldn't understand.

"Let's just say that I'm traveling to meet a beautiful woman, to export her back home." Kurt was enjoying being mysterious, as much as Amira wanted to play it wasn't really convenient for her. If this man can sweep her off her feet and take her somewhere else, she was willing to go.

"And where is home?" Amira was in full seduction, her lips were full, eyes were piercing and her body was radiating with lust. She didn't care about being pure anymore, now was her chance, Izak had his chance and he left her for a child. Now it was time for Amira to make her own name in this land.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Kurt was teasing her and she enjoyed it. She didn't waste anytime and quickly followed him to his room after dinner.