The Dragon Elder (4)

Leena inserted the token into the door that appeared at the end of the cave. She reached for the token that she placed in her personal pouch, the door read Alone. "I don't suppose any of you will be able to enter with me." Leena turn around, the tip of her lips facing upwards. "Don't worry. I can do this."

She was stopped from walking away by Clain who turned her around to come face to face with his bare chest. The shirt he had been wearing was cut a little longer on the front than most of his other shirts, Leena could feel her face growing red. Clain was a very handsome man after all, how could she not be nervous about being so close to him.

"Were you about to leave without giving me a kiss?" Leena wasn't sure if she wanted to slap him or punch him. Kavira wasn't even around and he still wanted to play these games. Leena removed herself from Clain's grasp and stepped back.

"Don't test me Clain. Next time I will hurt you." Leena marched to the door and inserted the token without taking a second look back at the rest, not even Lucky. Lucky wanted to follow after her but Brenda had to hold the golden cockatrice back.

Dalton stepped close to Clain making sure that Brenda couldn't hear them. "What was that about man?" Clain had felt himself made some bold actions but he was never one to do something like this.

"I don't know, but whatever it is I don't hate it too much." Clain was sure that there were other things at stake here but ridding himself of Kavira's connection was best for him and Leena seems to be the key to her not being able to read his mind.


Leena stepped into a festive room. There was music, a typical set up for a buffet and a well decorated room. Leena twirled a full three-sixty circle, making sure she was completely alone.

Alone, what the door said. "But you're not alone." Leena turned around to the sound of a familiar voice, her mouth opened up in shock as she stared at the man she missed so much. He had a scar over the left side of his face but she knew who it was instantly.

"Izak?" Leena stepped back, she couldn't believe that the man she once knew would be in here. Everything felt wrong but looking at him, she couldn't help but want to touch him, feel him.

Leena stepped closer but Izak closed the distance with his long strides quicker than she could move. He was just as handsome as she remembered, Linx may look like him but their personalities were quite different. Izak was more of a bull, like Clain, while Linx was more of a wolf. Izak's scar didn't change his aura, he still gave Leena such a warm feeling in her heart.

"I've missed you. Everyday for the past sixteen years." Izak spoke but Leena was deaf. She just wanted to touch him, she reached out placing her hand on his cheek. He was real... But how was this possible. "You don't believe that it's me?"

"How? I was sure that Amira had done something to you."

Izak nodded. "She did. She killed me in order to open the portal. I'm just a spirit with a soul, the only reason I still have one is because your pendant locked me away in it."

Leena shed a tear, no matter how much she wanted to hold back, it didn't matter. "How do I save you?" If she knew the consequences of opening the Door of Viaje, she would have never taken the risk to lose Izak.

"You can't. But I am always with you, trust me." Leena wanted to but he proposed to her, he told her that he would always protect her no matter what. She was all grown up now and she couldn't even be with him.

His sacrifice was in vain. If her mom knew what this world was really like, she would have never told Amira to bring them here.

Izak stepped back. Removing himself from Leena's touch, his beautiful deep blue eyes turned cold and a wound in his chest appeared. It was bleeding mountain loads where his heart should be, Leena couldn't help but scream. She dove down trying to produce any magic that would help close his would but she was powerless.

"Please... Please Izak.... Don't leave me... Not again." The overwhelming amount of tears was blurring her vision but she couldn't stop. He had become such an important part of her life, her heart and her mind.

"Izak, please. Don't leave."