Rhea decided to maintain the information she knew until both of the girls were done with their training. She directed them each to enter a separate room and follow the crystal, that was all she said. Kavira walked into her room expecting to see a talking crystal similar to the one in Keero but it was an actual crystal with magic.
It's green color surrounded it in an aura and an overwhelming amount of power could be felt from it. 'Come forth, what is your name trainee?' The crystal spoke in her head, her voice was assertive. It was a pleasant change from all the men voices that entered her mind.
"My name is Kavira."
'Speak with your mind, try to connect with me. It is a magic that all wielders posses, the ability to communicate telepathically but only what you wish to share. Try it.'
Kavira took in a deep breath and focused on the crystal. 'My name is Kavira.'
There was no response. Kavira took in another deep breath and relaxed her entire body but this time she closed her eyes. 'My name is Kavira.'
'Very good, now you just have to learn to do that without relinquishing all of your body muscles to relaxation. ' Kavira knew what she meant. You won't be able to always have the opportunity to relax and speak your mind into someone else's mind.
'Now. You must attack me with all you've got. Don't hold back or I will destroy you before you even finish this training. Ever wonder why Fiena are only women? You're about to find out.'
Three months later.
'Again!' The crystals beam enveloped the entire room and Leena produced a beam that combined all her powers into one. It was like a tornado of magic.
Her body was sweating ready to collapse but she kept pushing forward. She refused to die here, to lose here. The crystal had been her solo companion for the three months she had been locked away in this room. The wait was finally over, after today she would finally complete her training. The crystal told her a few things about the man in the red mask, Kizuato, and Dracon, his son.
Leena had been surprised by the story herself but she blew her thoughts away and continued to attack. "I would rather eat than be eaten." Leena planted her feet a little firmer and exalted an enormous amount of power cracking the crystal.
'That is all!' The crystals power diminished and its once beautiful green aura disappeared leaving a faded gray crystal.
"So that was it huh... Not even a goodbye?" There was no reply. Leena thought they had developed a precious relationship with her teacher, but in the end it was just a crystal.
Leena grabbed her personal belongings and made her way out of the room, at the same time Kavira was leaving her room as well. "Hey there."
Kavira's usual calm expression was filled with a very serious one. "It's been three months and all you can say is hey there?"
Leena was surprised to receive a hug from Kavira. They weren't particularly close but she supposed it was better to play it safe when you don't really know someone. She hugged her in return, Kavira started talking to her about her experience and what a wonderful time she had.
"I must've had the short end of the stick, my crystal was strict and never let me have fun." They laughed together but it was true. The group was in the cave room waiting for the two girls, three months had gone by and the only thing that changes was how much Leena missed the outside world.
"Looks like both of you made it on time. We have to go." Clain was happy to see both ladies but he wasn't about to waste time talking about it. "The Dragon Elder left over a day ago, she said it wasn't safe to be here. Kizuato is coming, we have to leave. Now."
Everyone was packed and ready to go. They started moving towards the exit but Leena stood her ground and Clain noticed.
"Leena, come one." Lucky hadn't moved either, he didn't want to be without Leena.
"I'm not going anywhere. I trained for months just to have the power to kill this guy. I'm not going to run. He owes me an explanation and a long awaited fight."
"The Dragon Elder took all her dragons and fled, I don't think you even realize how dangerous this man is." Clain was really worried about Leena, Kavira had tried to make peace with the fact that Clain may be interested in Leena but it still hurt her heart a little.
"Leave. I will do this myself."