Return to Botus (3)

"Just follow me. They won't ask you for anything." They strolled past the front gates of the capital, Leena remembered passing these very same gates with Amira many times. Even after they were on a run there weren't so many guards posted out in front. Humans weren't ever targets. They had their own system and own rules, they only paid taxes to the houses for their armies.

The four noble houses were at a ten mile proximity from one another. Everything inside that proximity was the capital which was surrounded by a giant wall. The Shawe House, the noble Fiena's houses which was destroyed, designed it that was to keep humans away from the affairs of the magic wielders.

The two ladies followed behind Eric and they didn't stop until they were far into the city. "What is all this stuff?" Kavira had seen markets but these shops carried weird objects she had never seen before. "Your friends seems a little lost."

Leena still hadn't had a chance to tell Eric about Kavira. "Maybe we should eat in a secluded place so that we may speak privately."

Eric nodded and continued to walk forward. "Kavira, just act like this is normal. I'll try to explain everything in a moment."


"So you're saying that the world you came from doesn't have our technology and there are actually magical objects there? Wow.. Those things were only talked about in legends. It was said that when the four houses wiped out the House of Shawe they didn't find anything. They believed that the Fiena had some but they were wrong."

"This is such an interesting world. You have magic wielders but they destroyed the very people that can bring balance. How are they able to remain at peace?" Kavira didn't understand most of the problems in this world but as a Fiena she felt the heart and soul of everyone else's power.

"They use passive aggressiveness for disagreements. That and they still follow the laws that the Fiena's set out for them." Eric had never had any loyalty to any house. He was just a voice of reason inside this chaotic world of magical politics.

"Here we have a bacon avocado burger, side of fries and a bbq bacon burger." The waitress set down the food and made her way to a different table.

"Are there any good?" Kavira had never seen such food before, she was accustomed to vegetables only. These were potatoes but they looked different.

"They're delicious. It's fried potato, you'll like it."

Fried? Kavira only ever have cooked vegetables with seasoning. She wasn't sure what fried anything was but she took the fry and ate it. "Wow.. They are good."

"So your friend here is a Fiena too?" Eric was curious, there was something oddly familiar about her but they had never met, he was sure of it.

"It's more complicated than that." Leena wasn't sure she wanted to give a long explanation of who they were.

"I'm actually a part of Leena's soul." Kavira had just finished her fries. "The person who's body I am in died at the age of two. When Leena passed through the Door of Viaje her soul split into two, some guy named Dracon put half of her soul in this body. Which is me, Kavira."

"Apparently, the other part of my soul developed into it's own being. So we are from the same soul but entirely different people." Leena wasn't sure Eric would understand what was going on, if she didn't hear it from the Dragon Elder she wouldn't have believed it herself.

"So you're both Leena, except that this part of your soul." He pointed in Kavira's direction. "Found a way to become independent."

"Yes." So he did understand after all. "Now. I need to go see the fortune teller. Do you think it'll be possible to see Kreighton?"

"Sure, I've already informed him that you're here. We'll meet him in a hotel not too far here."