Class A Betrayal

"They're gone." Dracon left the rest of the group and entered a single room within the castle. "What have you done father..."

He was nervous. The group believed that the reason they couldn't feel the girls presence was because they both entered the Fiena trials but Dracon knew better. They disappeared. All of this was set up to be a trap, but why?

The only person who could do something like this was the Dragon Elder. She must've been bribed by Kizuato, there is no way she would harm the Fiena's. It was her own blood line.

"When are you going to realize, I am the one true King." A replay of his memories passed through Dracon's mind. His father has always been selfish but this was more than he could understand. He had no idea where they had gone, Leena and Kavira were on their own. There was no knowing if they will be able to make it back.

Knock. Knock. "Come in."

Linx opened the door, he walking into the room and closed the door behind him. "What do you want?" Dracon wasn't in the mood to deal with a jealous man. Leena left them both without saying much to either of them. "I want what you want, to find out where they both went."

Dracon's eyes opened wide. "You know?"

"I do." Linx wasn't fooled by the simple answer of, their presence disappeared because they went into the trials. "So where are they?"

"I don't know. The only person who is capable of the is the Dragon Elder and she has gone into hiding."

"Why would the Dragon Elder want to do this to them?" The Dragon Elder was a very wise and calm woman, why would she risk losing her descendants like this.

"If I knew I would have left you all here by now kid." Dracon wanted to pace and let out his anger but he couldn't. The only way now was to find his father. "We need to find Kizuato, he might have an answer."

"Why would the person who wants to harm Leena help us?"

"Because he needs her."


"I've come to speak with Leena... Am I too late?" The blue dragon that Brenda remembered suddenly walked into the grand hall where the rest of the group stayed waiting. Brenda was happy to see the dragon she couldn't forget. "What're you doing here?"

"I've come to give Leena a warning but I fear I am too late." The blue dragon was still mesmerized by Pixie as though it was the first time he saw her.

"You are too late. What have you come to deliver?" Dracon and Linx appeared coming down the stairs together.

"I am here to deliver a message from the Dragon Elder." Dracon walked until her was a foot away from the blue dragon. "Rhea is in a coma. She went into hibernation, she didn't tell me how long she would be asleep for but she gave me a note to give to Leena."

"Leena isn't here." Dracon was annoyed. This woman sends Leena to who know where and does a cowardly thing like sleep.

"Then I am late." The dragon passed the message over to Dracon. "Open it then. It is best that you all know what is about to happen."

Dracon opened the letter and decided to read it out loud.

"Dear Leena, I'm sorry I didn't have the heart to take you to the trials. I know that Dracon would be a good companion for you. When you enter the trials you will find yourself in another world, Botus. I know this is where you come from but in this world you must find the key, it is the only way of locking up Kizuato. The key is a beautiful white gold that was crafted by the first Fiena, you will know it when you see it. She has been frozen in time since she dispelled her brother from the land. He is immortal, a god, just like Dracon. Be sure to take your entire group with you, no one is safe here. If and when you return to this world come to me with the compass. Good luck my child."

Dracon closed the note. That is why she was sent to Botus. "Everyone grab your things, we are leaving." Dracon made his way to the west wing where the cliff was.

"Is this safe?" Nyla was hoping for a better alternative than to jump but it wasn't likely. No one responded her but Lucas squeezed her hand for some comfort.

"We have to get this note to Leena." Dracon had already made up his mind, he was going to follow her and go back to the world he wanted to escape.

"How will we get back?" Clain wasn't too sure about this whole situation but he was hopefully that he would at least be with Kavira.

"We'll just have to wait and see."