Series of Unfortunate Events (8)

It was at this very moment that Dracon wished he had his Fiena magic instead of just being a Grocan. "Excuse me, have you seen my sisters?" He had been spotted by a child that he quickly recognized as his father. The small Kizuato clearly thought he was a worker in the castle.

"I haven't seen them little man, do you want me to help you find them?" Dracon was smiling and bent over to interact sincerely with his kid father.

"No. That's okay. I just haven't seen them in a while. Bye mister!" Little Kizuato skipped on with a smile on his face.

Interesting, he thought. His father wasn't always the mad man he was now, this version of his father was very warm. But he knew that there was no way to reverse everything he had already done. Dracon watched as Little Kizuato disappeared into the corridors, he wasn't familiar with the architecture of the castle. As a little boy he was always hunted by his aunt Petina, who was the queen, so he never had the opportunity to see this place.

Dracon was lurking around, Queen Gina saw the man looking suspicious and decided to question him. "What're you doing?"

Dracon jumped up and quickly backed away. "I am sorry. I was just looking for Prince Kizuato, he told me to play hiding seek with him." Dracon may not have liked his 'now' father but he did remember him saying that he loved to play hiding seek as a child.

"I see." The queen looked Dracon up and down. He was very handsome, King Jax was never around so this attractive man in front of her seemed irresistible. "Leave him for a moment. Want to play with me?"

Her voice shifted from curious to seductive. Dracon wasn't interested, this woman was beautiful but she was also his grandmother. He recognized her from a painted his father always kept with him. Hard to believe that his grandmother was this thirsty. "No thank you, your majesty. I will just be going now."

Dracon was about to turn around when Queen Gina stepped closer to him placing her hands on his chest. "Just one game. Please?"

She fluttered her eyes, if it weren't for the fact that they were family this would have worked completely but at this point Dracon was just grossed out. "Maybe some other time." He pushed her hands away, marching down the corridor in the direction Kizuato had gone.

"What were you doing with my mommy?" Kizuato opened a portal right next to Dracon and for the second time today his heart skipped a beat.

"Oh that? She just wanted to find you to play with you."

"Lies, I don't like liars." Little Kizuato's white/gray eyes turned murderous. "Why was my mommy touching you?"

Dracon escaped from his father at a very young age, but he had never seen him look this scary. "She was just asking me to hug her because she was sad, she missed your dad."

Little Kizuato narrowed his eyes, debating on whether he believed the strange man or not. "What're you doing here? You don't look like a worker here."

"I just started today." Dracon was quick but this kid father of his was no joke.

"Come. Help me find my sisters." Little Kizuato opened a portal he waited for Dracon to step into it before following right behind him.

"You really think I'm dumb?" The little boy said from behind him, he placed a hand out in front creating an invisible barrier where Dracon was standing.

Dracon was shocked, he started punching the invisible wall, kicking it. "Please... I really didn't do anything with your mom."

"You think you're the first one? My mom is disgraceful, always sleeping with other men. But I take care of them and smile... So that everyone else smiles." Little Kizuato knew what his mom was really about, the first time he caught her in the act it broke his heart.

He kept the secret and told lies, but in the end he decided it was the best way to keep the family together. "I won't hurt you. I just want you to stay here until I'm done being angry." Little Kizuato stepped out of the other dimension leaving Dracon by himself.

His only thoughts were that this would have been much easier to explain if he had his old body, his old features that resembled his fathers. As simple as that would have been explaining this, it wouldn't have explained what he was doing there.

So he sat still and waiting for his kid fathers return.