1 I reincarnated...

Glory City academy

"Mmn...where am I?"

Nie Li tries to open his eyes as tears blur his vision.

'Hmmm? What is this desk...wait this can't be!' Nie Li looks around 'Yeah! This looks like the academy!'

In the past, Glory City was destroyed due to the beast horde that practically ran the city to the ground.

'I'm definitely not going to let that happen in this life!' Nie Li swears silently.

As Nie Li looks around he sees his beloved Ye Ziyun's back, looking fondly over to her with his obsessive eyes Ye Ziyun feels something and looks back only to be stared right in the eyes. She quickly turns her gaze back to the front.

Nie Li smiles but at that moment Shen Yue, the proliferate son of the Sacred Family looks and smiles.at Nie Li. 'That's weird' Nie Li with a raised eyebrow.

The door opens and here came the teacher.

Shen Xiu takes a quick precursory glance while casting a look of disdain.

"Okay class, before we start I would like to tell you something" Shen Xiu with a condescending tone.

"This may be an institute for all youths but the truth is life will not be easy for you. Commoners will stay commoners and you should acknowledge that."

Nie Li couldn't take anymore of her condescension with the many dejected faces on the students.

Nie Li opened his mouth to say something but got stuck right as the first word came out.