2 I am a girl?!

As Nie Li sounds out a word a weird voice appeared. Nie Li looks around with a face of disbelief.

"Nie Lan, is there something wrong with my words that you'd like to enlighten us about?' Shen Xiu says with a red face.

Nie Li looks around, 'Huh? Since when did we have a Nie Lan in this class?'

Shen Xiu reiterated, "Nie Lan are you deaf?"

Nie Li thought about somethng looking down.

What Nie Li saw wasn't the toned chest that many youths in martial arts story has but rather lumps of fat.

'...' Nie Li still cound not accept the facts '...THIS CAN'T BE!'

Yes, in fact there was no Nie Lan because Nie Lan was Nie Li!

"Nie Lan! For your blatant disrespect for my authority you can go stand in the bac"

Shen Yue interruped "Teacher maybe we should move on with the lesson" Shen Yue took a glance at the dumb but cute face on Nie Lan that made his unable to resist the tugging of his heart string and a warm feeling near his belly threatening to burn. However this was concealed in seconds and since Nie Li was still comprehending and lost in thought Nie Li did not notice this or else Nie Li would definitely beat him up over the frustration that threatened to blow.

Shen Xiu snorted and continued on.

Meanwhile our poor protagonist had a dumb look on his...I mean her face throughout the rest of the lecture.