Birthday and supernatural matters (1)

Look, I am not throwing myself flowers here but I looked pretty dope tonight. I was wearing the nice tux I bought yesterday in my shopping madness, it was dark blue and a perfect cut, it showcased my newly enhanced figure.

I was still being a narcissist admiring my perfect face and ripped body when I heard my phone ring. I picked up and it was Chloe.

"You didn't send me your new apartment location." she said displeased instead of 'hello'

"Oops, I forgot to, wait I'll send it to you now." I rapidly text her the coordinates feeling sheepish with all the stuff happening recently I am a lot more easily distracted. No that's a lie I am a natural airhead.

"You got it?"

"Yes. I'll be there in 10." then she hung up.

I proceeded to continue my appreciation of myself until I heard someone knocking at the door exactly ten minutes later.

When I went to open the door, Chloe was standing there dressed in a form-fitting black dress showcasing her heavenly proportions, her beautiful black hair was floating freely behind her back and she wore minimal makeup, not that she needed it she was gorgeous. As I was entranced by her appearance I didn't forget to notice her expression when she saw me, she looked a bit dazed and took time to recover before quickly returning to that cold facade of her.

"You're ready?"

"Yeah, let's go." I closed the door and locked it before following her downstair, she came with a chauffeur. So we got into the car and soon were lost in the traffic.

We arrived at the Green Hotel at 9 PM. From the name I had already guessed it was my one of my family's. What I didn't know is whether it was the personal property of one of my uncles or if it belonged to the Green Financial Empire.

We passed the doors into the lobby where we were directed to the last floor where the party was gonna take place. In the elevator, I asked Chloe if there were numerous supernaturals coming.

She answered:

"Yes, except the ones we vampires don't get along with like the Lycans, fae, and angels."

"You mean basically everyone," I said deadpan.

"No not everyone the Mages are coming obviously and others like the Monsters or at least their representative in the city."

Hearing that the mages were coming made me think about my feud with my second uncle and his family. 'Surely they won't be there right?'

"Do you know a Mel Wade and her son Cole?" I asked tentatively

"Yeah I know them, Mel Wade is the only daughter of the Wade Clan one made entirely of mages, they have existed for thousands of years. Cole is the only heir of that clan due to his mother but I heard his father wasn't in the supernatural world, he's just a business mogul. Cole is also the best friend of Luke." she said her face looking displeased.

'Damn! what were the odds, I suppose they are birds of the same feather so it's normal they are friends.' I didn't have a pleasant face either, two of my enemies were BFF.

"Why do you ask about them? do you know them?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah just discovered recently that Cole was my cousin."

"I thought you were an orphan?" she asked surprised.

"I am but, apparently I have this whole big family I reunited with, just yesterday, in short, it's complicated"

She stayed quiet then asked:

"Is it going to be an issue?"

"I hope not," I answered.


The elevator reached our floor and we headed to the reception room, but as we entered we were introduced out loud by a dude wearing a butler outfit which took me by surprise but Chloe whispered in my ear to roll with it and it was part of the protocol while holding my arm.

"Miss Chloe A. Crimson daughter of Kol T. Crimson and her boyfriend Mr. Samsara Yu."

All eyes were fixed on us as we walked into the reception room, If you ever wondered what it was like to be stared at by a bunch of supernatural beings, some older than dirt, it was hard, my newfound senses were overloaded with danger. But I stayed calm and with Chloe on my arm, blended in the crowd while other guests were being announced.

Finding a relatively quiet place I asked

"Your father is not here yet and is he on board with what you are doing?"

"Well not exactly, but I did tell him that I wouldn't marry Luke even if he was the last man on earth."

"So what will be his reaction if he knew about me?" I asked suspiciously

"He would kill you," she said softly

"And you didn't care to mention it?"

"Well, I did tell you that I chose you because you have a record of not staying dead."

"I am starting to think that it was not a good idea to jump on this deal," I muttered.

"I heard that," she said.

"I know I don't care." I pouted.

She looked at my antics and smiled, it was the first genuine smile I've ever seen her make, we looked at each other until a hush came over the room, then there were whispers. We looked at the entrance and saw three people enter it was Luke, a middle-aged man, and a teenage girl.

"It's Luke's father, the head of the magic council in this city, Atticus White, and his step-sister Half demon half mage Stella White she is the one who called me on our first meeting to warn me about her brother coming," she whispered.

I looked at the man in question, he was giving a very powerful vibe, he gave a kind of intimidation to everyone in the room, he emanated a wave of intangible energy. He looked like a thirty years old version of Luke with a short beard.

His step-sister had beautiful blond hair and purple eyes with fair skin, exquisite facial structure, and sexy curves she captivated the room. All in all, they gave the image of a very powerful family.

As I was observing them, Luke's eyes immediately found Chloe in the crowd, he started to smile then seemed to have smelled something unpleasant turning his gaze to me, first, he showed confusion from thinking he had already ended me but right after his eyes started to turn a red.

Atticus sensing the agitation of his son also turned to land his eyes on us, under his gaze a powerful pressure descended on me. I could feel my entire being encased in coldness.

Inwardly I was chanting 'I should never have accepted this gig, I should never have accepted this gig, I should never have accepted this gig, I should never have accepted this gig...' repeatedly.