Birthday and supernatural matters (2)

Even Stella White felt something weird with her brother and father, she followed their gazes until she found Chloe and me. Her eyes had a flicker of worry but she quickly schooled her expression in cold disregard.

It seemed Luke couldn't take seeing us this close and started heading toward us, his father and sister followed. The crowd parted for this imposing family. Seeing the situation I could tell confrontation was inevitable.

In a few steps, they were already beside us. I could feel the gaze of the other guests looking our way but it seemed they knew better than to involve themselves in this situation, they put a facade of ignorance.

Luke's body was vibrating, he was having a hard time controlling his fury. His father, on the other hand, was much calmer. His gaze was still putting me under enormous pressure. Stella was exchanging a gaze full of meaning with Chloe.

'It seems these two get along well.' I thought observing their interaction with each other.

"Hello Chloe, how are you doing on this wonderful evening?" Atticus asked simply

"I am doing fine thank you, Uncle Atticus," she answered with her usual cold facade.

Luke, because he had no manners or couldn't take it anymore asked enraged:

"Chloe what are you doing with this vermin ?! I thought I had already gotten rid of him" wild energy fluctuations were rising from his body.

But Atticus simply raised his brow hearing his son and snapped his finger, it was like we were isolated from the rest of the room. It didn't even seem as we were in the same space anymore. He spoke calmly:

"This way we won't disturb the rest of the guests."

'You mean they won't interrupt us' i thought in awe of his prowess,

'An ancient and powerful mage indeed.'

"Chloe answer me!!" Luke was getting impatient.

With cold eyes Chloe looked at Luke calmly, she answered as if it was obvious

"He is my boyfriend, Samsara, I think you met him earlier and was very rude."

'This girl is the queen of an understatement. He ripped my head off.' I thought amused.

Luke was speechless and became even more livid. His red eyes were glowing more and more powerfully.

Atticus just narrowed his eyes and looked at the two of us, before focusing his gaze on me. It felt like facing a very dangerous predator.

"Is that so? Boy, which clan are you from?" he asked with a smile that sent shivers down my spine.

"I have no clan," I answered with fake composure.

"I see, then what type of supernatural are you? I've never seen your type before." he peered at me as if he wanted to see through me.

"I don't know either, I thought I was just a normal human a few days ago." I didn't lie, just in case he could detect it, it was true after all my race was new without any name.

He stayed silent just staring at me creepily.

"Hello nice to meet you, I am Stella White a friend of Chloe." Stella introduced herself with a smile.

"Chloe you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend, such a handsome one at that," she said teasing Chloe, but her eyes didn't show any surprise which made me suspect she was in, on the deception.

"We just met recently," she answered expressionlessly.

Recovering from the speechlessness Chloe answer put him into, Luke stared fiercely at me and asked:

"You!! Chloe is my fiancee, how dare you come between us!!" I looked at him and thought.

'This guy, he had already been rejected countless times and she even told him that I was her boyfriend, still that dumbass act as if I was the home wrecker here.' He was hopeless.

'I don't know how Chloe intends to act if he insisted on his delusion, his father doesn't seem to be a pushover.' I was still wary of him, without even acting, he gave me the feeling I could die anytime.

"I don't know by what sorcery you still exist on this planet but this time I'll make sure to send you to hell."

Then Luke immediately pounce on me. I wanted to dodge but before I could, Chloe's hand on my arm stopped me, she raised her palm and slapped forward blocking effectively Luke's attack, making him take a few steps back.

I was surprised, I didn't know she was this strong, I couldn't move from just a light squeeze of her fingers. Plus I didn't know why, but I always thought Luke was stronger than her that's why she needed my help but it seems I was dead wrong. It was just that she was wary of his father.

Finally stopping his momentum he was shocked and had a betrayed expression on his face.

"Chloe how can you defend him? he is trying to put himself between us."

"You are delusional I am just defending my boyfriend from a threat, I don't see what's wrong with that," she said calmly drawing me closer to her. I could feel her curves and smell her alluring scent from this distance making me distracted.

Luke's expression was turning more and more ugly. He pointed toward me

"Are you even a man, how can you hide behind a woman."

He was starting to irk me the little prick. But I wasn't stupid enough to be provoked in a one-on-one fight with him, even if I wasn't afraid to die anymore, it still hurt to die plus I didn't know what they would do to my body before I resurrected.

Even though I was durable and far more powerful than before, facing me was a half-vampire half-mage monster, which meant he didn't have the same weak body as other mages like Cole.

"What's wrong with letting my woman defend my honor!" I responded shamelessly rendering them speechless.

Luke was infuriated by my attitude and tried to attack me again but his dad stopped him with a pat on his shoulder.

"Is your father aware of him?" Atticus asked always composed.

"Not yet but I intended to introduce him to my father that's why I brought him today with me," Chloe answered.

He looked at her for a while before saying:

"Well, we have other guests to see, you'll have to excuse us."

"But father..." he wanted to say something but was stopped by a look of his father, then obediently followed him but he turned giving me a last deadly stare before disappearing in the crowd.

"You don't need to follow them?" Chloe asked Stella who didn't leave with them.

"Not really, you know, most of the time they act like I don't exist," she answered her eyes flickering with sadness.

But she immediately smiled and jump into the arms of the shocked Chloe.

"hahaha, Chloe I missed you so much, that house is so cold!!" she said acting like a kid. The dangerous and sexy vibe she was giving in presence of her father and brother had disappeared completely. The change left me stunned.

"I am sorry I've been busy with a lot of things," she said petting her head with an indulgent expression. I didn't know they were so close.

Anyways we head to the bar, Stella and I took a glass of wine but Chloe was served a darker liquid with a copper scent. I guessed it was blood.

"They give blood at the bar?" I asked curiously.

"What did you think the vampires were going to drink? the can't get drunk with normal alcohol," responded Stella amused.

After we found a deserted table and engaged in idle talk.