Birthday and supernatural matters (3)

From where we were sitting I could see the entire room. The guests were talking between themselves, but most of them were gathered in one direction.

Luke and Atticus were at the center of their attention, after all, Atticus was the head of the magic council of this city. He wielded immense power in the supernatural community of Nebula city.

It was also due to the fact that all the guests present at this party knew about the recent rumor that shook the city, there was a union agreement between Thorn Crimson head of the Crimson Vampire Clan, one of the oldest vampires in the world, and host of this party and Atticus himself.

There was under this veneer of praises and adulation a sort of nervous anticipation, if the rumor was confirmed it meant a massive shift in power that had a good chance of affecting the entire city. Atticus himself didn't deny the rumor when asked, increasing the nervousness of all present. As I was observing the situation, Chloe and Stella were catching up with each other.

'' So are you really with him? '' Stella asked curiously.

'' No, I just asked him to be my fake boyfriend, I was hoping that dumb brother of yours would finally leave me alone but it seems I was too optimistic '' she answered frustrated.

'' I could have told you that it wouldn't work, knowing my brother he would become more obsessed with you.'' She said snorting. She seemed to have thought about something and spoke again

'' What did he mean about having already got rid of him once ?''

'' Do you remember when you called me to warn me about the fact that luke was looking for me, well he found me. ''

'' Yeah that day he stormed out of the house because he wanted to see you, I knew how you hated his pestering and called you, what happened then? I didn't ask you ''

'' I was with Samsara, when he arrived we were relatively close as I was interrogating him about his nature, causing Luke to be mistaken and enter a state of extreme bloodlust. He then proceeded to thoroughly separate him from his head, killing him. ''

''huh ?'' she was dumbfounded

''What do you mean killed him, is he not here presently? Or are you saying that he is an undead ?'' Stella asked confused. Then got close to my neck and started sniffing, making me uncomfortable, her huge chest was in close contact with my arm, the fragrance of her was starting to drive me insane.

''No he is not one, he doesn't smell human either, it's more than that, What a unique scent '' she looked at me her eyes bright.

'' You've noticed it too, even his blood smelled special, the first time we met it was not that alluring but now it's overpowering, if he was not with me all the vampires in this room would take him for themselves.'' She agreed with Stella before pointing such a frightening fact, her bloody eyes looking into mine with intensity.

Feeling awkward I looked around. Now that she mentioned it I noticed it, most of them were dressed in dark suits for the men and black dresses'' for the women, emanating a powerful sense of danger. All their eyes were attracted to me. The red glow and stillness of their stare were freaking me out.

''Hahaha, let's not change the subject, Stella was wondering how I was still alive.'' I laughed nervously redirecting the subject on the rail.

The red glow disappeared in her eyes and she turned to Stella answering :

'' I am not sure myself, I think it's a characteristic of his race but I don't know which race is able to come back from beheading except the demons, angels, or gods. As I can't feel a vibe similar to yours from him I can exclude demons.''

'' Humm, your right he's not a demon or even half-blood, you can also cross angels, I've never seen those winged assholes but I would know if one were in front of me….. I think….. it's in my DNA.'' Stella added thoughtfully.

'' As for gods I can't say, but it seems a ridiculous thought to entertain, as no one saw them in the last 2000 years.''

'' I think so too. Anyway, now I see why you would choose him despite his lack of strength, he can't die even if your father, Atticus, or Luke tried to kill him.''

Hearing them talking made me once again realize the absurdity of the situation. Shaking those thoughts I asked them :

'' So how did both of you meet? as expected it was thanks to your parents ?''

They were both silents. Chloe looked at Stella for a moment in silent communication giving her the choice to share the story or not. Before long Stella sighed and answered :

'' As you know I am both a demon and a mage thanks to my parents. The source of my mage DNA is Atticus and my demon DNA is from my mother. They met when he made a trip to hell. The story of the exact circumstances of their meeting isn't known to me or even the reason Atticus went to hell. All I know is I was born from that encounter. It seems for Atticus it was only a one-night-stand so he wasn't aware of my conception.

My earliest memories were in the dirty alleys of this city. I guessed my mom left me on this plane because of my half-blood.

How did she manage to cross the veil? I can't even manage a guess. I mean, the veil restricts beings such as demons and angels.

So I grew up as a street kid stealing left and right to survive, but as I was hitting the prepubescent age my demon blood and my magic started to awaken simultaneously. It was in that period that I met Chloe, we were both eleven, I even tried to steal from her but she managed to catch me.

She immediately knew of my otherness, for the first time in my life I felt like I met someone who was like me. She took me with her and we lived together for 6 years. We became close like sisters.

But those days didn't last. Atticus came one day to talk with Chloe's father and he sensed the blood connection between us, he wasn't pleased with my existence but still took me with him.

It couldn't be known to the supernatural community that the great Atticus had offspring with a demon. You should know that most of the supernaturals dislike demons well except the vampires. I won't go into the details but they're not appreciated.

I've stayed with them till now. He never claimed me as his offspring publicly, most of the time they don't even acknowledge my existence, so Chloe is my only friend."

Her past made me remember the last two years without my parents and the struggle I had to face, I couldn't imagine living in the streets as a kid.

"Anyway it was all good since I got to meet Chloe," she said smiling sweetly recovering from the sad memories.

Chloe smiled gently at her.

Now I knew why their bond seemed so strong despite the dislike of Chloe for her family.

A commotion was raised and we looked up to see an extremely handsome 30 years old looking man enter with his entourage.