Birthday and supernatural matters (4)

The man was 6ft 4 with dark hair cascading his head till the middle of his back, he had good facial features, pale fair skin, and gorgeous black eyes, he was wearing a dark red suit giving him a wicked quality. He was Thorn Crimson 5467 years old vampire host of this party and Chloe's father. As expected of such a powerful being the wave of menace intent and energy he naturally emanated were f**king dreadful. He was like a king of old radiating such majesty that the other guests not as powerful as he could only bow before him. I was protected from that involuntary compulsion by a barrier Stella erected in front of us. I took another look at her taking a measure of her power, under this sexy and alluring package was hiding a powerful being, a demon of unknown grade.

Chloe being an all-around badass didn't need protection, she wasn't the slightest bit cowed by her father's menace intent.

'Why is that all the girls I meet these days are hot and dangerous.' I lamented inwardly.

Releasing the pressure he had exerted on the room he parted the crowd like Moses, only greeting those with the same status as himself.

The room soon returned to normal as the entrance was over. I looked at Chloe and told her

"Your dad is f**king scary, was all that necessary?"

"Well it was a display of power, don't be fooled by the apparent comradery and gentlemanly behavior these sups are showing, they are sharks looking for a slight weakness to zone in. So the vampire code always recommends that the vampire host show his prowess to his guest immediately after his arrival," she answered lightly as if it was obvious.

"There's a vampire code? Boy, the things I'm learning these days!" I exclaimed

I saw White and Crimson greet each other from the corner of my eyes turning my focus on them. They seemed to speak pleasantly for a while before Atticus pointed in our direction and said something to him. I instantly got a bad feeling about this.

I was right because Thorn's expression turned cloudy right after listening to Atticus' words. I knew I was in for a potential third death, I should be used to it by now.

As dark thoughts were floating in my head, Stella and Chloe finally noticed the situation.

Chloe's eyes started to glow crimson as she was looking at her father something seemed to pass between them before she turned to me and said:

"My dad wants to meet you."

"How do you know? you read his mind?" I asked curiously.

"No, we talked telepathically"

"You know how to do that?"

"Yes, almost all race has their own way to communicate unnoticed."

"Stella we have to go to my father, we'll be back in a few," she said looking at Stella

"Yeah go, don't worry about me I'll go to the bar or eat," she said smiling mischievously.

"Alright, don't cause too much mischief"

"You know me, I am a girl scoot," she said with fake seriousness.

I walked out of the reception room with Chloe and took the elevator to a penthouse. Before we could even knock the door opened itself and we entered a beautiful living room.

Surprisingly Thorn was already in seating on a reclining sofa observing our entrance. As we stopped in the middle of the room we faced him.

A silence descended on the room.

He then started observing me, as he did, the room was getting cold and the killing intent I was feeling from him was getting more and more dreadful.

He shifted his focus back to Chloe with a frown between his brows

"What's the meaning of this?" he asked speaking of me dismissively.

This dude was starting to piss me off though, with his kingly demeanor and arrogant attitude. How could such an asshole give birth to....well forget it?

Chloe turned to me as if she knew what I was thinking, I act as nonchalantly as possible. Ignoring my antics she replied calmly to her father

"I don't quite get your meaning father, he's my boyfriend obviously."


His finger let a dent on the small table near his sofa.

"Don't play games, I have told you this over and over. Luke will be your husband, I won't suffer any slight to my honor, I made a promise" He said dignified.

"Exactly! YOU've made a promise not me I have zero obligation marry this sorry excuse of a man." Chloe was starting to get pissed.

Seeing he couldn't speak reason with his daughter, he stood up and disappeared.

A warning just appeared in my senses when a hand ripped through my thorax from behind and grabbed my heart crushing it instantly. He didn't stop at that, he send a pulse of blood energy into my system making me implode in a bloody mist.

Before blowing up I thought to my self 'What efficiency I didn't feel a thing.'


The thing happened so fast Chloe didn't have the time to react and seemed dumbfounded, her heart had missed a beat when she saw her father destroy Sam, even though he was annoying at times, he was fun and he wasn't afraid of her, even if he acted like he was, she could tell, people had been afraid of her all her life except for Stella. Even her father, was terrified of her potential.

She was 22 this year and shouldn't be this powerful normally. Few people knew how or why.

She was born with extreme power. As she grew up, her power continued to phenomenally rise. Even without her actively drinking the blood of powerful creatures. As the years passed she became more and more estranged from her father. Until one day he called her to tell her that she had a fiancee.

Vampires politics. Even more dreadful than normal politics.

Though gratitude was the supposed reason for this union. Chloe wasn't a fool she knew that it was also a check mechanism. A way to bound her and to consolidate his power base.

As she was lost in her thoughts, her father spoke to her with a consoling tone:

"He wasn't powerful enough to stand by your side, he was just trash, don't worry you'll be much happier with Luke." He went to her and tried putting a hand on her shoulder but before he could reach her, a noise startled him. he turned to find energy rapidly accumulating in the blood pool that was left of Samsara.

Only 10 minutes later a shadow seemed to appear from the blood that was left on the ground, in a few seconds it already took the shape of a human. Then the body was completed, a naked youth stood in front of the shocked eyes of the father and daughter pair. Even though Chloe knew he was going to resurrect she couldn't help but be nervous and anxious until now, but seeing him without blemished made her let a sigh of relief.


The first thing I felt was a gentle breeze brushing my naked skin.

'WHAT DO YOU MEAN NAKED SKIN!!' I opened my eyes immediately and inspected my newly reconstructed body noticing that I was naked.

'Damn!! Could this get any worse?' I cursed inwardly.

Observing my surrounding I was still in the living room with Chloe and Thorn. Speaking of the latter he was looking at me like I was a ghost.

"What are you?" he asked regaining his composure, after all even if he was badly shocked he was still thousands of years old.

"I am Samsara why do you people always kill and ask questions later?" I said complaining.

"You see dad even you couldn't kill him, so you can't tell me that he can't stand by my side." she looked at her dad dangerously.

"Even so, it's still impossible for you to be together, You know it too that's why you didn't claim him with the mark," he said coldly


Chloe seemed to hesitate after hearing her father, but she resolved herself and turn to me.

I gulped loudly because her eyes were crimson and she let her teeth out.

I somewhat guessed what the mark was. Before she could talk me into it, I said:

"No Nope Nu-uh we never agreed to this."

"It'll be painless plus other vampires will know that you are MINE!" a wave of power was rising from her body, before I could speak she zoomed to me and hugged me. Taken by surprise, I was motionless as she bit my neck.

A fire rose within my body threatening to consume me, my guy down here was starting to wake up. The desire that exploded within me was too hard to contain before I could control it my hands were already all over her body tracing her beautiful curves. She let out a moan of pleasure, it seemed she too had lost control.

She was continuing to drink my blood heavily until I got her off my neck. I kissed her bloody lips passionately. The desire crank up a level and we were already on the ground tongue kissing and rubbing against each other with our intimate parts. I imagine we gave quite the show, especially me who was naked. The experience, the sensation, and the situation all contributed to my heightened arousal.

Maybe because he was pissed at watching his daughter lose control with a boy, Thorn sent a pulse of blood energy. We pulled away from each other. The powerful desire that had swept over us, was pacified forcefully.

I was now ten meters away from Chloe regaining my breath. I looked up and saw that something was still weird with Chloe a pulse of red was emanating from all her body glowing like a red star in the middle of the room, I could feel her power signature rising and rising fast.

Even Thorn was shocked he tried to approach her but he was sent flying away by the chaotic energy stunning me in the process. All the chairs, couches, and tables were floating in a concentric circle around here.

The weird phenomenon lasted for 20 minutes before stopping. Chloe had appeared before us, she felt much more powerful than before by a large margin even.

Her father still ruffled got to his feet and looked at Chloe as if she was an abomination. His look didn't escape Chloe herself who had regained control. She looked at him sadly before ignoring him and taking me to another suite to find clothes as I couldn't return to the party like that. We found a dark suit characteristic of a vampire in one of the rooms and luckily they were a fit. I went to the bathroom to wash and get dressed.

Looking in the mirror I saw that this third death improvement was no joke. I looked inhumanly beautiful every inch of me was perfect as if I was created from a plastic model. My blue and green eyes were vibrant. I opened my stats and saw:

Name: Samsara Yu

Age: 17 years old

Race: ??

Unique ability: Death with benefits

Life span: 10000 years