First Supernatural Conflict (1)

I didn't wake up until late in the afternoon. I looked at my smartphone and saw that it was 4 PM. I went to the bathroom and took a fast shower. Sitting on my bed with my towel around my waist and water still dripping out of my overly long hair, I started thinking about the event of last night.

There were good things like the kissing with Chloe and meeting Stella, but there were even more unpleasant things like Luke, his father Atticus, Chloe's father Thorn Crimson, and my third death at his hand. The particular way he chose to dispose of me made me sick each time I thought about it. Even though it seemed each upgrade fortified my will, the way I had killed these thugs the other day was proof, I still had the trauma of this violent death.

All this made me realize a sad fact, I still wasn't strong enough to contend with the strength of this city. Even Chloe and Stella were freakishly powerful, let's not talk about their old as dirt fathers. With each upgrade I was getting stronger though, soon I should become powerful enough to clash against them. But I noticed yesterday that even with my current strength I could at least put a fight, it's just that despite all the raw strength I possessed I didn't have a systematic combat system allowing me to put those muscles to use.

Having come to a conclusion, I decided to find a martial art dojo in the city. I put on black sport trousers, a simple white shirt, my green hoodie, and sneakers, I took my keys and went out.

As I was walking in the crowded city, I was thinking :

'I should get myself a car, it's bothersome to always walk to places or take public transportation.'

After half an hour I reached a sports center situated in the Cultural District. Walking through the doors I went to the reception and ask for information about the different martial arts here.

These days I had always hung out with supernaturals with generally beautiful and handsome members so I forgot about my own appearance effect on normal people, my charm had reached an inhuman level after all. The receptionist was dazed and blushed, she was fumbling on words to answer. It was clear she was greatly affected by me. I couldn't blame her though after my last round of improvement I had surpassed the standard of a supermodel in human society and reached the inhumane beauty quality that the most beautiful of the supernaturals, the vampires, possessed.

Acting as if I didn't notice her fumbling I patiently listened to her list to me the different martial arts.

There was Karate, kickboxing, classic boxing, kendo, and a lot more. I was surprised by their numbers. For the time being, I decided on Karate, kickboxing, and kendo. So I subscribed for these and paid the fee for 1 month. I immediately started, I thought it would take me a lot of time to learn but it seemed I had underestimated my own prowess.

After two weeks of going there every day from morning to evening, I had reached a proficient level in karate, kickboxing, and kendo shocking everyone in the sports center, it was to the point where they knew me as the martial art freak. After 1 month I could go toe to toe with a black belt karate master, kickboxing expert, and kendo master. Earning the admiration of all the instructors. Everyday I was getting hit on by different girls frequenting the sport center, my appearance plus my martial arts made them crazy for me, I had to dodge their advances.

I had reached a level where I could use every single part of my body with maximum efficiency. I sorta became a human weapon and now I was ready to face my enemies.


The dummy was sent flying in a poor state. I had used the martial arts and mixed them together to create a tailored combat system for myself allowing me to use my fitness to the greatest extent.

As I was wiping my sweaty face with my towel, my phone rang. I picked it up and it was Stella, this last month since the party me, Chloe and Stella had spent a lot of time together, eating dinner together, going to clubs and such. We had truly formed a weird crew rarely seen in the supernatural world, A vampire, a half Demon and mage, and an unknown creature(me).

''Sup ''

''Cool and you ?''

''I am bored, what are you doing?''

''Still at the training center''

You couldn't blame her for being bored apart when it was with Chloe she wasn't allowed to get out from that house thanks to that bastard Atticus. And actually, Chloe was out of the city, on a visit to one of their clan branch in another state.

''Ah yes I was calling to tell you to be careful''

I frowned and said a single name.

''Luke? ''

''Yes, I don't know exactly what he is planning but it seem nefarious, he's been getting hectic these days, ever since he learned about your continued existence and your 'relationship' with Chloe.''

I stayed silent in reflection, I wasn't afraid though, not only he couldn't kill me for good, but now I could fight back.

''Thanks for the heads up''

''Anytime'' her sweet laugh echoed on the other side of the line.

'' Are you free two days from now?'' she asked suddenly

''Yeah, why?''

''Let's go on a date!''

''Huh?'' I answered surprised.

''It's date then!'' she said profiting from me being distracted before hanging up.

''This girl'' I said looking at my phone.

With a sigh, I got back to my workout, it wasn't anything new getting pushed around by these girls.

After 2 hours I got out of the building, it was 12PM, and went to the parking lot. I headed home in my car. Ah yes, I had bought the car this month only two days after having to commute every day to get to the Sports Center. It costed me about 600.000$, when I bought it Stella and Chloe mocked me saying I was like a nouveau rich burning through his money. They had learned about my family. They were shocked to learn that I was one of the heirs of the Green Family. Especially Chloe, the contrast dazed her as she knew of my living conditions before.

As I neared the apartment on a deserted street, shadows appeared before my car, making me swerve to the right and stop abruptly. I had almost crashed the car into a wall. Getting out of the car I went to check and saw that there wasn't any scratch on it.

I was relieved to see my baby didn't get damaged. But I was supremely infuriated before I could turn and give pieces of my mind to the offenders, a 'BANG' resonated in the deserted street.

A dude had just crashed on the hood of my car crushing it.

My heart broke at the state of my vehicle. The assholes not noticing my state approached me from all sides. They had an animalistic characteristic about them, it was the way they moved, silently like predators. They close in on me. Not thinking twice about my lack of reaction, one of them pounced towards me his fingers turning into sharp claws his face deformed in a ferocious expression and his eyes were glowing yellow. Before he could reach me I moved, one second I was there, the next I disappeared. In a flash I was already behind him, I whipped my leg and hit his head from behind, a sick 'crunch' was heard, then he fell and didn't get up again.

I looked at the others with a cold face.

'' Who's next? ''