First Supernatural Conflict (2)

The others paused from surprise, it seemed they didn't think I was capable of such retaliation. But it didn't last long, the biggest of them let out a growl loudly, that snapped them from their daze and allowed their eyes to focus on me with much more ferocity.

This time they circled around me patiently trying to find an opening. Realizing they weren't coming, I said:

''If you don't attack, don't blame me if I do!'' right before jumping on one of them.

I had long since realized the origin of my attackers,

'they should be lycans.'

But what puzzled me is that Chloe told me that they were extremely strong physically, about the same as vampires. This made me confused because the ones in front of me were a lot weaker, I could only deduce that they weren't lycans but were somewhat related to them.

I arrived right in front of him before he could react, my knee had already found his stomach sending him flying and crashing into a wall. I didn't pause and directly went for the next, I had downed two of them but there were still a lot of them, about 8 more. I was starting to wonder who hated my guts this much, few names came to mind reminding me that i had offended a lot of people.

'Well, I shouldn't think about it now.'

With a powerful palm strike, one more fell and didn't get up. As he saw his men get REKT, the 'man?' I assumed to be the chief couldn't take it anymore he shouted in a loud voice.


The voice vibrated at a peculiar frequency spreading like waves. When those waves reached the others, cracking sounds resounded through their body due to the snapping and movements of their bones.

Their faces were distorted in an expression of pain, it was like numerous undercurrents were surging under their skin. After a few minutes, the men were nowhere to be seen, only bigger than normal wolves were left in their place. Their pelt was grey, their furs were bristling and they were releasing growls toward me. At the front of the pack of wolves stood a wolf reaching 160cm of height towering upon the other wolves. He was the one that gave them the order to shift.

He stepped forward and howled commanding the charge, the wolves pounced toward me with renewed frenzy. They had become significantly faster than before, their animal form gave them unrivaled agility compared to bipedal beings like me.

Like wolves in the wild, they came at me in a hunting formation. In a few minutes, they had already left several claws and bite marks all over my body. Of course with my higher than average healing speed, the blood had already stopped dripping and the wounds were already closing.

But it didn't help as they were relentless in their pursuit. I was principally clashing with the alpha of the pack, I was physically stronger than him despite his transformation but as I was using my fist, palm, knees, foot I couldn't deal enough damage to get past his tough hide. The alpha though was able to wound me thanks to his razor-sharp claws and fangs. During my fight with him, the others would take shots at me when I left a gap in my defense, attacking from every angle.

The fight was especially savage given the parties involved in it, me, a man who wasn't afraid of dying and those wolves gifted with inherent ferociousness.

After half an hour of this stalemate, I had gotten used to the rhythm of the battle and to their formation. Although I had mastered all those martial disciplines I didn't get to really use those skills in a life or death battle so they were a little rough around the edges. But with this battle I completely digested them and learned to use them in real life, converting them from theoretical knowledge to practical knowledge.

I also learned the movements pattern of those wolves and with my inhuman perception, I was capable of anticipating their next moves, relieving the burden of their sneak attacks.

Finally tired of these games, I purposely left an opening in my back, baiting a wolf to initiate an attack. He fell for it but just when his claws were centimeters near my skin, I made a ghostly turn and crushed his snout into a bloody paste. Profiting from the vacuum left by it I managed to get out of their deadly formation.

The alpha howled bloody murder seeing the state of its subordinate but I wasn't intimidated.

I had the time to breathe and I started wondering why no human had come here despite the noise caused by the battle.

'Truly puzzling, even if they didn't hear the noise, it's an often-used street, one should have already chanced upon the battle.' I thought.

Observing the surroundings more thoroughly allowed me to discover the probable causes. They were stones placed in a square surrounding the zone we were fighting in. They shimmered with a magic glow and were distorting the surroundings view hinting at their role in the camouflage of this ambush.

This breather allowed me to return to my top shape. I then looked at the remaining 6 wolves. I blurted forward this time using my full power, catching a wolf by the throat I thrust him toward another crushing them together before the alpha could react leaving only four wolves including the leader.

The alpha seemed to realize the gravity of the situation and called for a retreat, the others heed his orders and took the wounded wolves with them and left the dead ones. The alpha looked at me with immense hatred that could only come from having one kins killed before rushing with the others in the night.

Just as they left the stone interfering with the outside cracked and turned to ash dissipating the barrier. I looked at the state of the place after the battle, there was blood everywhere and 4 wolves corpses of the original 10 that ambushed me. My clothes were ripped and bloody but I didn't have a single wound or even a scar.

'Fuck I should have asked them who sent them?' i thought blaming myself for letting them go.

I went to the wreck that was my car, opened it and saw that my phone wasn't damaged with the car. I dialed Stella's number and she immediately picked up.

''hey dear''

''hey'' I was used to her antics by now

''I was just ambushed by what seemed to be men capable of shifting into wolves,'' I stated calmly as if it was an everyday occurrence.

''For real?'' she asked shocked

After I finished describing the events that took place. she said:

''You are lucky, a Lycanthrope wasn't among them, you see werewolves are the result you get when a lycanthrope bites a normal human or when werewolves themselves bite another human. Of course, should the werewolf live long enough it's possible for him to purify his blood more and more and evolve into the legendary lycanthrope, a being comparable to True blood vampires like Thorn Crimson''

''So you mean that they're just a downgraded version of Lycans?''

''You could say that.''

''You just said True blood Vampire what is that.''

''Chloe didn't explain?''


''Well allow me, a True Blood vampire is a vampire with the purest vampire blood. Compared to the ordinary vampires that were turned from humans, they are generally born that way. Of course same as the werewolves, the normal vampires have a chance to ascend to a True Blood but that is after purifying their bloodline enough. ''

'I see'

''Speaking of it you said Chloe's father was one, so she is one too right?'' I asked curiously.

''That…'' she hesitated but continued

''It's… she's different even for True Blood vampires, the rate at which she grows in power is hundred times a normal True Blood, that's why she provoke terror in every vampire and she is even viewed as an abomination,'' she said sadly.

' It's why she's always putting that cold facade, despite being a really emotional person.' i realized.

''Anyway let's not talk about those assholes anymore, I'm sending you a cleaning team''

''Cleaning team?'' I asked puzzled by the new term.

''Yes, cleaning team, they erase traces of supernatural events''

'Damn there's a lot I don't know


''De nada dear, later'' she said sweetly and hang up.