First Supernatural Conflict (3)

I sat against the wall next to the wreck my precious racing car had been reduced to, yes it still hurt a lot especially when I thought about its price. An amount that would have been a dream to spend before.

I was sitting there lamenting about my fate and surrounded by wolves corpses when my ears picked up a noise coming from the distance, it only took a few minutes for a black van to appear coming in this direction.

Stopping in front of me, the front door opened and a man dressed in a black jumpsuit came through it. He walked toward me before stopping. He was massive, he was at least 2m tall with wide shoulders and powerful muscles. His bronze skin was covered with unique runic markings looking like tattoos. The most astonishing sight was the 30cm tall humanoid with wings sitting on his bald head. It looked like a beautiful woman wearing a short purple robe.

The first person to speak wasn't the humanoid as I assumed but the giant:

'' Hello dear client we've been informed by an acquaintance of yours, Miss White that you required our assistance so here we are,'' he said in a monotone voice.

I finally snapped out of my observation of them and stood up greeting them properly. Even though I grew to an astonishing 189cm thanks to the upgrades I still felt dwarfed by the man standing in front of me.

''Yes, I need to dispose of those,'' I said pointing to the four corpses that seemed to have reverted to a human appearance when I wasn't looking.

She flew off the head of the man and came in front of me

'' My name is Clarice a pixie of the faerie realm and this is..'' she said pointing toward the giant ''..Shawn he's my protector a bear shifter.''

After the introductions, she flew toward the corpses and cast a spell, a purple bubble appeared out of nowhere. It covered the corpses, then it became as small as purple bead and came back toward the pixie. She carefully put it in a miniature porcelain bottle before making it disappear.

She observed the blood marks, cracks on the walls, and the state of my car for a while before incanting loudly in an unknown but ancient-sounding language, as she finished a golden glow enveloped us in a radius of 100 meters.

After the golden glow had disappeared it was as if there had never been a battle here. The street had returned to its original state even my car was as good as new. She tiredly flew back and sat back on Shawn's bald head.

''Dear client we have completed our task, the corpses will be given back to their families if you have no objection'' still in that monotone voice.

''Yes, of course not, thanks for your assistance.''

I thought they would go but they stood in place and the pixy made a calculator appear out of thin air and started punching numbers in it fast.

After that she gave the calculator to Shawn who then said to me:

''Dear client after having made an account of this event, we calculated that you owe us 70.000$'' deadpan.

I was dumbfounded by the price, I thought I didn't hear it right so I asked for confirmation:

''70.000$'' the giant was adamant.


''There's no mistake dear client, to be honest your car account from more than 3/4 of the fee.'' The pixie explained kindly.

''*Sigh* fine since my car is the reason for this amount I can only pay'' I said bitterly. I knew I was rich but still, it was difficult for me to separate myself from my money because I still had trauma about the years in poverty.

I quickly did the necessary operations via my mobile banking app.


She received the notification on the smartphone and said:

''Thank you for having called Pixie and associates we hope our performance was satisfying.'' smiling sweetly. Seeing that Shawn was silent she gave him a hit with her small foot.

''Yes thanks'' he was as deadpan as ever but I got used to it.

Soon the engine of their van could be heard disappearing in the circulation.

I got to my newly repaired car, I was still curious about what magic she used to restore everything in the street but I guessed it was something beyond me so I left it a that. I revived the engine and sped up straight toward home, hopefully without another ambush.

I knew not if there were gods looking after me but I managed to avoid getting attacked again. It seemed my luck was looking up.

'It's sad, not getting attacked twice a day is now a blessing' i thought morosely.

I took a bath as soon as I managed to get to my apartment. It was quite thrilling having to avoid people's sight for fear of them noticing I was covered in blood.

After an hour-long bath that left me extremely relaxed, I walked into my living room toward my personal computer.

This past month had been a busy one for me, apart from spending quality time with the girls and training, I had also mastered coding and hacking but since I was rich now, didn't use those skills except for one particular project. I spent two weeks working on a game, it was almost completed. I had talked about it with my first uncle and he said that if the game I created was good I could actually release it with the gaming company affiliate of the family group. It wasn't for the money, of course, I was merely trying to apply my newly learned skills.

Speaking of family I hadn't spent much time with my cousins (Cole non included), so we decided to go on vacation together, they actually had it planned with their rich friends. It was on an island somewhere south, that's all I knew.

Since I'd been busy, I was only now catching up on all the online novels' chapters I missed during this period. Of course, despite the fact that all the things happening to me seemed like a novel, I didn't lose my passion as an otaku.

A matter of pride.

I did an all-nighter and slept through the next day.