Date and Stella (2)

The « Drunken Moon » was located in a hidden alley. Arriving in front of the club, there was only a full moon neon and what seem to be a bottle as representation. People were queuing waiting for their turn to enter. Stella just took my hand and directed me past the waiting crowd to the front before the bouncers. They were impressive, dressed in dark fabric and wearing sunglasses. Both of them had extremely muscular bodies and looked very menacing. The vibe they were projecting seemed familiar so I immediately guessed their identity 'Werewolves'.

Stella just showed a signal to them and they ushered us inside. No sound was coming out of the club from the outside but as soon as we stepped inside we were immediately greeted with loud music and noise. The lighting of the place was minimal with the occasional flashes of light appearing from the platform where the Dj was. From the entrance, we could see a stairway leading to the dance floor and the bar. People were moving rhythmically to the music giving a sensual vibe to the club. We went downstairs and through the crowd grinding against each other to reach the bar.

Behind the counter was a beautiful-looking male with blond hair and long ear. He turned after serving some people and saw us, he smiled and said to Stella:

''Good evening, Miss White. I trust you've been well, is the boss here with you?''

''Just fine Eric. No, I just me. Came here with one of my friends.'' She responded pointing toward me.

''Nice to meet you, I am Eric.''

''Nice to meet you too, I am Samsara''

''What peculiar name...''

''I get that a lot'' I said with a wry smile.

''He may not look like it behind the bar but he's royalty, a prince of faerie'' she said to me while looking teasingly at Eric.

I didn't get it, a prince was serving as a barman in Chloe's club. My puzzlement must have been obvious because Eric said:

''What prince? I am just an exiled prince, if it were not for Boss graces I wouldn't even be able to feed myself in this mortal world.'' He commented self-deprecatingly.

'Oh I see, why is it all inhabitant of faerie that I encounter have been banished or exiled?' I curiously thought to myself.

''Don't let his kind and gentleman facade fool you, he is a big player, his exile is due to him sleeping with numerous taken women. One of them was the fiancee of a King of faerie, even if his father is also king, he's just the 23rd in the list of succession. Because the Fae are an immortal race he has basically zero chance of ascending the throne. That is, unless his father perish and all his brothers and sisters die in a ridiculous turn of event. Additionally, his father is weaker than the king he offended so our poor Eric here could only be exiled to the mortal realms.'' she explained mischievously.

Eric laughed bitterly, looking embarrassed by his dark history.

''Anyways, what do I serve you, the usual?'' He brushed the subject away with a gracious movement of his hand.

''Yes thank you, we will take one of the VIP rooms.''

''Alright, I'll send one waitress your way as soon as your order is ready.''

Stella took my hand once again and directed me to an elevator. She hit a button and we went down. I was starting to understand the structure of this place it seemed most of the club was built underground. The door of the elevator opened on a dark hallway with led lining both side, as we walked, I could see numerous doors with numbers on them. We stopped before a door with the number '5' on it. Stella took a card from her purse and slit it along a small opening, with a click the door opened showing us the room. It was a small salon with comfy-looking sofa and chairs, a minibar, a small fridge. I noticed a King size bed as soon as we stepped into the room.

I looked at Stella, an unasked question, she followed my eyes to the bed and said calmly:

'' Different types of supers come here to feed or find a partner for the night, like vampires that need to drink blood, so they need a safe and private space. You should know better than others the potency of the vampire bite it's quite natural that they need a bed for the activities to follow. Werewolves also requires such rooms. During each full moon they enter a mating state, this is where they come to satisfy their urges.'' she explained looking at me teasingly.

Even me with my thick skin blushed when she implied what happened with Chloe.

'' *cough* *cough* I see. ''

We sat on the comfy sofas waiting for our order to come through. After 5 min of light chit chat a knock was heard at the door it was our command. I went to open it and a beautiful lady dressed in a black skirt and white shirt came in. She had a pale complexion and perfect facial features indicating her status as a vampire. She left our drinks and snack on the table before bowing and leaving the room. The picture of professionalism. While she was there she didn't take her glance off me though.

''I understand now when Chloe was talking about your blood it seems all vampires view you as the highest delicacy'' Stella said laughing.

''Great that's just what I need be a walking target,'' I said bitterly

''Don't worry most vampires will do nothing to you because of the Chloe's mark. They wouldn't want to cross the blood dragon'' she said pointing toward the tattoo on my neck. There was a tattoo on my neck, it was a blood oriental dragon biting its own tail forming a circle.

This tattoo appeared a few days after the birthday party, I remember having freaked out. It was only when Chloe's explained to me that it was the manifestation of her claim that I calm down, I thought Atticus had put a curse on me or something.

''Is it because of the blood dragon tattoo you called her blood dragon?'' I asked while sipping my drink. It had a fruity taste belying the concentration of alcohol in it.

''It's her emblem and her nickname, some times ago she took punitive expeditions on behalf of her father. The bloodbath resulting is the source of the 'blood' in the nickname, as for the 'dragon' this is due to her monstrous growing rate, 100 times that of even a pureblood like i told you before. Hence she got the title 'Blood Dragon'. ''

''Wow, badass'' I said admiringly

''Yup that's my sister'' she said fondly with a reminiscing look. She must be thinking about their childhood together.

After an hour we were both pretty hammered, of course, we could get sober immediately with a spell of Stella but we didn't. I finally asked her:

''So what's your request''

She blushed a little but answered:

''Can you be my sex friend?''


I spat the drink in my mouth as the question shocked me.

'' Don't misunderstand! AS you know I am a succubus, I need to feed on lust, before just feeding on other people lust during their passionate moments was enough but now I can feel more and more of my succubus blood boiling, I hunger for the real thing. But as I've grown up in the human world I have the sensibilities of a human girl making it impossible to just randomly choose a partner to deal with it. As I was struggling with it, I met you and learned to know and understand you, I thought to myself that I wouldn't mind if it was you. I talked about it with Chloe and she agreed with me.''

''WHAT? Chloe agreed?!''

''Don't be so shocked, I know what is happening between the two of you, she told me about it when we talked. I asked her if she minded sharing and she said 'how could she? I claimed him he's mine and you're my sister even if we' re not blood-related, I don't mind him being yours too'. Plus you'll understand the longer you stay in the supernatural world that most of us rarely go for strictly monogamous relationships.'' she answered simply.

'These girls are frightening they already decided about it without my knowledge!'

'If I don't go to hell who will?'

''Well if I must sacrifice my body to the cause, I will of course'' I answered with fake righteousness.

Making Stella release a full belly laugh. She made a sigh of relief before looking at me sweetly.

''That's why it could only be you'' she murmured softly but I still heard her.

It made me feel warm.

Her eyes started to glow purple and an ambiguous aura spread around the room. I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter, I guessed that she was stoking my lust. She slowly stood up and walk toward me like a cheetah eying prey. As she stopped before me, the feeling intensified. She then straddled me making our chests press against one another. She put her arms around my neck in a hug. I could feel her warmth and exhaled a hot breath. Her fragrance was making me dizzy.

I couldn't take the stimulation anymore and took her mouth forcefully, sliding my tongue in it. As I gave her a deep kiss she let out moans of pleasure, grinding her lower parts on mine. In our position, the grinding of those parts together was a lethal combination. My rod was already hard in my pants almost bursting out of its constraint. My hand moved and I was holding the mass of goodness that was her butt. I started to massage, eliciting a few more moans of her. She licked my neck with her tongue making me shiver. We messed around for a few more minutes on the sofa leaving her panting. I stood up holding her by her thighs which were wrapped around my waist and took her to the bed. I undressed her myself. Soon we were both naked, looking at each other.

I finally had a good view of her breasts, they were perfect and huge, I couldn't stop myself from licking her nipples. Her breath got rougher as I massaged them. I then went lower and lower down until I was in front of her dripping lower parts, she tried to close her legs out of shyness but I held them open. I proceeded to thoroughly pleasure her with my tongue. Her moans were getting louder and louder until in a big release she came. She was still having spasms as I took my rod and slowly penetrated her.

''You can go faster, we succubi are different from humans don't restrain yourself lay it all on me'' she said in a breathy sexy voice once she came down from her orgasm.

''Ok.'' I answered simply.

Without further ado, I pushed it completely inside, making her cry out. Her face was flushed and her skin glowed softly with a purple sheen, as numerous runic demonic tattoos appeared on her body. Her purple glowing pupils narrowed into slits. Her blond hair started to grow and turn platinum. 3 meters long white bat-like wings spread from her back and a similarly colored tail appeared behind her. She became wild, pushed me on my back, and started riding me violently. The lust became overpowering, I could feel my dick trembling as she accelerated her waist motion. Soon enough I found release in her, but my member didn't falter and she didn't stop, instead she continued with renewed vigor. I could feel her life signature getting more and more potent.

Our lovemaking lasted all night, it was only the morning that we finished our passionate affair. I didn't know the number of times we came during that night. Stella fell asleep after coming one last time and regained her normal appearance. She was glowing with health. But for me, I felt like I've had the soul sucked out of me. I was so tired I couldn't move. My eyelids were getting heavier, finally, I couldn't take it anymore and fell into a deep sleep too.

That's how my first time with Stella ended.