Date and Stella (3)

When I came to, the room was covered in darkness which made it difficult for me to know what time it was exactly. I looked around and found a beautiful naked figure on the other side of the bed. All of the events of last night came back to me and I could feel myself harden again.

'Damn, she didn't spare me last night!'

Stella was sleeping peacefully, it seemed that yesterday took a lot out of her too. Maybe in a different manner. I stood up and was stunned to find myself steady, the earlier feeling of intense exhaustion had completely disappeared, on the contrary, I could feel a powerful strength coursing through my body. Startled I decided to check.


Name: Samsara Yu

Age: 17 years old

Race: ??

Unique ability: Death with benefits

Life span: 20000 years

Willpower: manifestation

'Wow so when I passed out from exhaustion earlier, I died. I just thought I fell unconscious. When I think about it Stella told me that I was the only one who she could ask that favor. I just thought that she was flattering me but it seems that another person wouldn't survive her awakening!!' I deduced surprised, of course, I was also enchanted with the boost in power.

Sensing carefully I felt the appearance of a new power inside. As I wondered about its effect I sharpened my focus and:

Willpower: The strength of an individual will. For normal beings, this power would only improve when they are subject to the tribulations of existence and get through them. Still, in general, it is very difficult to improve. Nevertheless 'death with benefits' improve the user holistically, naturally, willpower is affected too. Now, it had merely reached the level suitable for manifestation.

I was astonished by this information, affecting reality with my will? that's the stuff of legends.

This means I could expect a lot of pleasant surprises in the future. It also meant that I gained in versatility.

With a spring in my step, I went to take a shower. As the water fell all over my muscular physique, I thought about the evolution of my relationship with those two girls. As I was lost in thoughts, I didn't notice a little devil entering the bathroom, it wasn't until slender arms wrapped around my neck and a mass of softness pressed against my back that I snapped out of my daze.

''Did you wake up long ago?'' the sweet voice of Stella echoed near my ears, her soft breath blowing on the nape of my neck.

''Nah just a few minutes before you, you just looked so peaceful, I couldn't bring me to wake you up'' I said shivering as I felt her hand take my manhood and stimulate it.

''Last night was really great, I awakened my succubus power totally, becoming tenfold more powerful than before,'' she said informatively as she stroked my rod faster and faster. My body was getting tenser and tenser.

''And for the first time in ever, I felt stuffed with lust'' she said her voice excited.

'I created a monster' i thought

Finally, I couldn't take her stimulating hands so I turned around, carried her, and pushed her against the wall. She immediately wrapped her legs around my waist.

Shortly, I was into her and she let out a moan of pure pleasure. Grabbing her full gracious behind, I moved my waist and slammed into her repeatedly. She started moving her waist in rhythm with me and soon my grunts and her moans were resonating in the bathroom.

Both of us had inhuman endurance so we went at it for 3 hours. During which we tried all the positions Stella's newly liberated libido could think up. I finally satiated her hunger, this time without killing myself, I think with my continuously improving physique, I didn't need to risk death each time we had sex.

We spent another one hour washing, hugging and caring for each other, a stimulating and sensual experience that brought another bout of sex. We finally got out of the bathroom and wore the new clothes that Stella seemed to have asked Eric to buy for us when I was in the bathroom.

Soon enough we were out of the VIP room. The bustling scene of yesterday was nowhere to be seen, only Eric was supervising other employees as they were moving crates and preparing the club for tonight. He saw us and came toward us with a suggestive smile on his face and wiggling eyebrows directed at Stella.

It seems that because Stella always teased him about his romanticism( the reason he was exiled), he found it appropriate to get back at her right now.

''Hello, love birds I trust you spend a splendid evening?''

''Why, thank you Eric for your concern. we indeed enjoyed ourselves.'' Although she was red all over she feigned indifference.

I had to admire her efforts to thicken her face.

''Is that so. I bet it was good, every sups last night felt massive waves of power sweep the entire club, frightening them into thinking doomsday was here,'' he said with a cat eating the canary smile.

Stella looked more and more embarrassed.

''It's not all, that wave of power made all the sups started humping each other, let just say that lots of room were used last night,'' he said and couldn't hold his laugh anymore.

''Fine! I'll stop mentioning your embarrassing exile in exchange for no mention of last night ever again! are we clear?'' she said begrudgingly releasing waves of power, her eyes glowing purple. if Eric Knew what was good for him the only answer would be 'yes'.

''Limpid of course, nothing happened,'' he said with fake solemnity.

Stella finally calmed down and we got out of the club after saying goodbye to him. It was already 4:30 in the afternoon. We took my car and I drove Stella back home.

On the road, I asked her if Atticus will cause her trouble over the fact that she didn't come back last night. She answered:

''Nope not really, sometimes I go with Chloe for days on end before he force me to come home,'' she said lightly.

As we arrived in front of those big iron gates, Stella and I got out of the car. She came to me and gave me a hug, then standing on the tip of her toes gave me a fiery kiss, to which I responded with the same passion. This girl knew how to ignite my desire in seconds. We separated after a heavy making-out session. I looked at her and was amazed by her beauty, her hair floating in the wind, her flushing face, and her enticing expression was irresistible. She smiled at this and kissed me one more time on the cheek.

''Thank you for the beautiful date, when I can get out of here, let's do it again,'' she said then turned around, the barrier protecting the manor parted to let her in before closing again. She disappeared behind the heavy gates.

I stayed there for a bit until I couldn't see her anymore. I started my car and rode home.